articles and reviews: Chemical
Toxicology: 1980-1989
[1960-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-2009] [2010-]
Contact Ms. Marcia Ross for reprints or preprints: mross@mit.edu.
M.C. Archer, T.J. Hansen and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980. Compounds
formed by treatment of corn (zea mays) with nitrous acid.
Proc. of the Sixth Meeting on Analysis and Formation of N-Nitroso
Compounds, Budapest, IARC Scientific Publication No. 31,
I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 305-318.
Y-K. Kim, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.S. Wishnok. 1980. Nitrosation
of dialkylamines in the presence of bile acid conjugates.
Proc. of the Sixth Meeting on Analysis and Formation of N-Nitroso
Compounds, Budapest, IARC Scientific Publication No. 31,
I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 207-214.
P.L. Kraft, P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980. In vivo
metabolism and whole-blood clearance of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine
in the rat. Cancer Res. 40, 2740-2742.
P.L. Kraft and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980. Distribution of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine
evaluated by whole body radioautography and densitometry.
Cancer Res. 40, 1921-1927.
M.W. Obiedzinski, J.S. Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980.
N-Nitroso compounds from reactions of nitrite with methylamine.
Food and Cosmet. Toxicol. 18, 585-589.
P.L. Skipper, S.R. Tannenbaum, W.G. Thilly, E.E. Furth and
W.W. Bishop. 1980. Mutagenicity of hydroxamic acids and the
probable involvement of arbamoylation. Cancer Res. 40, 4704-4708.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980. Ins and outs of nitrites. The Sciences
(January), pp. 7-9.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1980. A model for estimation of human exposure
to endogenous N-nitrosodimethylamine. Oncology 37, 232-235.
S.R. Tannenbaum, L.C. Green, K.R. deLuzuriaga, G. Gordillo,
L. Ullman and V.R. Young. 1980. Endogenous carcinogenesis:
nitrate, nitrite and N-nitroso compounds. In: Carcinogenesis:
Fundamental Mechanisms and Environmental Effects, B. Pullman,
P.O.P. Ts'o, H. Gelboin (eds.), D. Reidel Pub. Co.: Dordrecht,
pp. 287-296.
S.R. Tannenbaum and W. Mergens. 1980. Reaction of nitrite
with vitamins C and E. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences
355, 267-277.
S.R. Tannenbaum and V.R. Young. 1980. Endogenous nitrite
formation in man. J. Environ. Pathol. and Toxicol. 3, 357-368.
S.R. Tannenbaum, V.R. Young, L. Green and K. Ruiz de Luzuriaga.
1980. Intestinal formation of nitrite and N-nitroso compounds.
Proc. of the Sixth Meeting on Analysis and Formation of N-Nitroso
Compounds, Budapest, IARC Scientific Publication No. 31,
I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 281-289.
P. Correa and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1981. The Microecology of
gastric cancer. In: N-Nitroso Compounds, R.A. Scanlan and
S.R. Tannenbaum (eds.), Advances in Chemistry Symposium Series
No. 174, 22, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, pp.
L.C. Green, K. Ruiz de Luzuriaga, D.A. Wagner, W. Rand,
N. Istfan, V.R. Young and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1981. Nitrate
biosynthesis in man. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 78, 7764-7768.
L. Green, S.R. Tannenbaum and P. Goldman. 1981. Nitrate
synthesis in the germfree and conventional rat. Science
212, 56-58.
T.J. Hansen, S.R. Tannenbaum and M.C. Archer. 1981. Identification
of a nonenylnitrolic acid in corn treated with nitrous acid.
J. Agr. Food Chem. 29, 1008-1011.
P.L. Kraft, P.L. Skipper, G. Charnley and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1981. Urinary excretion of dimethylnitrosamine: A quantitative
relationship between dose and urinary excretion. Carcinogenesis
2, 609-612.
D. Ralt, R. Gomez and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1981. Conversion
of acetohydroxamate and hydroxylamine to nitrite by
intestinal microorganisms. Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotech.
12, 226-230.
D. Ralt and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1981. The role of bacteria
in nitrosamine formation. In: N-Nitroso Compounds, R.A. Scanlan
and S.R. Tannenbaum (eds.), Advances in Chemistry Series
No. 174, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, pp. 157-164.
D.E.G. Shuker, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.S. Wishnok. 1981. N-Nitroso
bile acid conjugates. 1. Synthesis, chemical reactivity,
and mutagenic activity. J. Org. Chem. 46, 2092-2096.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1981. Endogenous formation of N-nitroso
compounds. In: Gastrointestinal Cancer: Endogenous Factors,
Banbury Report No. 7, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: New
York, pp. 269-273.
S.R. Tannenbaum and L.C. Green. 1981. Metabolism of nitrate.
In: Gastrointestinal Cancer: Endogenous Factors, Banbury
Report No. 7, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: New York, pp.
S.R. Tannenbaum and D. Moran. 1981. Epidemiological studies
of nitrate, nitrite and gastric cancer. In: Safety Evaluation
of Nitrosatable Drugs & Chemicals, G.G. Gibson and C.
Ioannides (eds.), Taylor & Francis Ltd.: London, pp.
S.R. Tannenbaum, D. Moran, K.R. Falchuk, P. Correa and C.
Cuello. 1981. Nitrite stability and nitrosation potential
in human gastric juice. Cancer Lett. 14, 131-136.
G. Charnley, S.R. Tannenbaum and P. Correa. 1982. Gastric
cancer: an etiologic model. In: Nitrosamines in Human Cancer,
P.N. Magee (ed.), Banbury Report No. 12, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratories: New York, pp. 503-522.
P. Correa, W. Haenszel and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Epidemiology
of gastric carcinoma: review and future prospects. N.C.I.
Monograph No. 62, NCI, U.S. Dept. HHS, Public Health Service:
Bethesda, MD, pp. 129-134.
L.C. Green, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.G. Fox. 1982. Nitrate
in human and canine milk. Letter to the Editor. N.E. J. Med.
306, 1367.
L. Green, D. Ralt and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Nitrate, nitrite
and N-nitroso compounds: Biochemistry, metabolism, toxicity
and carcinogenicity. In: Human Nutrition. Current Issues
and Controversies, A. Neuberger and T.H. Jukes (eds.), MTP
Press Limited: Lancaster, England, pp. 87-140.
L.C. Green and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Nitrite and nitrate
in food. Nutrition & the M.D., Vol. VIII, pp. 1-6.
L.C. Green, D.A. Wagner, J. Glogowski, P.L. Skipper, J.S.
Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Analysis of nitrate, nitrite,
and [15N]-nitrate in biological fluids. Anal. Biochem. 126,
Y.K. Kim, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.S. Wishnok. 1982. Effects
of ascorbic acid on the nitrosation of dialkyl amines.
In: Ascorbic Acid: Chemistry, Metabolism and Uses, P.A. Seib
and B.M. Tolbert (eds.), Advances in Chemistry Series 200,
American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, pp. 571-585.
C. Lintas, A. Clark, J. Fox, S.R. Tannenbaum and P.M. Newberne.
1982. In vivo stability of nitrite and nitrosamine formation
in the dog stomach: effect of nitrite and amine concentration
and of ascorbic acid. Carcinogenesis 3, 161-165.
B.G. Piacek-Llanes and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Formation
of an activated N-nitroso compound in nitrite-treated
fava beans (Vicia faba). Carcinogenesis 3, 1379-1384.
B G. Piacek-Llanes, D.E.G. Shuker and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982.
N-Nitroamides of natural origin. In: N-Nitroso Compounds:
Occurence and Biological Effects, H. Bartsch, I.K. O'Neill,
M. Castegnaro, M. Okada, and W. Davis (eds.), IARC Scientific
Publication No. 41, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 123-130.
P. Song, D.E.G. Shuker, W.W. Bishop, K.R. Falchuk, S.R.
Tannenbaum and W.G. Thilly. 1982. Mutagenicity of N-Nitroso
bile acid conjugates in Salmonella typhimurium and diploid
human lymphoblasts. Cancer Res. 42, 2601-2604.
S.R. Tannenbaum, P. Correa, P.M. Newberne and J.G. Fox.
1982. Endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds and gastric
cancer. In: Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens, T. Sugimura,
S. Kondo, and H. Takebe (eds.), University of Tokyo Press/Alan
R. Liss, Inc.: New York, pp. 565-569.
D.A. Wagner and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1982. Enhancement of nitrate
biosynthesis by Esherichia coli lypopolysaccharide. In: Nitrosamines
and Human Cancer, P.N. Magee (ed.), Banbury Report No. 12,
Cold Spring Harbor Labs: New York, pp. 437-441.
D.A. Wagner, D.E.G. Shuker, G. Hasic and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1982. Endogenous nitrosoproline synthesis in humans.
In: Nitrosamines and Human Cancer, P.N. Magee (ed.), Banbury
Report No. 12, Cold Spring Harbor Labs: New York, pp. 319-323.
D.E.G. Shuker and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1983. Determination of
non-volatile N-Nitroso compounds in biological fluids
by liquid chromatography with post-column photohydrolysis
detection. Anal. Chem. 55, 2152-2155.
P.L. Skipper, J.F. Tomera, J.S. Wishnok, H. Brunengraber
and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1983. Pharmacokinetic model for N-nitrosodimethylamine
based on Michaelis-Menton constants determined with
the isolated perfused rat liver. Cancer Res. 43, 4786-4790.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1983. N-Nitroso compounds: a perspective
on human exposure. Lancet (March 19), pp. 629-632.
R.J. Turesky, J.S. Wishnok, S.R. Tannenbaum, R.A. Pfund
and G.H. Buchi. 1983. Qualitative and quantitative characterization
of mutagens in commercial beef extract. Carcinogenesis 4,
D.A. Wagner, D.S. Schultz, W.M. Deen, V.R. Young and S.R.
Tannenbaum. 1983. Metabolic fate of an oral dose of 15N-labeled
nitrate in humans. Cancer Res. 43, 1921-1925.
D.A. Wagner, V.R. Young and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1983. Mammalian
nitrate biosynthesis: Incorporation of [15N]-ammonium into
nitrate is enhanced by endotoxin treatment. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. 80, 4518-4521.
R. Dabora, M. Molina, V. Ng, J.S. Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1984. Nitrosation by alkyl nitrites: catalysis by inorganic
salts. In: N-Nitroso Compounds: Occurence, Biological Effects
and Relevance to Human Cancer, I.K. O'Neill, R.C. von Borstel,
C.T. Miller, J. Long and H. Bartsch (eds.), IARC Scientific
Publication No. 57, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp.311-316.
L.C. Green, P.L. Skipper, R.J. Turesky, M.S. Bryant and
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1984. In vivo dosimetry of 4-aminobiphenyl
in rats via a cysteine adduct in hemoglobin. Cancer Res.
44, 4254-4259.
P.L. Skipper, L.C. Green, M.S. Bryant, S.R. Tannenbaum and
F.F. Kadlubar. 1984. Monitoring exposure to 4-aminobiphenyl
via blood protein adducts. In: Monitoring Human Exposure
to Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Agents, A. Berlin, M. Draper,
K. Hemminki and H. Vainio (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication
No. 59, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 143-150.
P. Song, Z. Lin, Y. Yinzeng, D. Lan, S.R. Tannenbaum and
J.S. Wishnok. 1984. The blocking effects of Chinese Actinidia
Sinensis Juice on N-nitrosamine formation in vitro and in
vivo. In: N-Nitroso Compounds: Occurrence, Biological Effects
and Relevance to Human Cancer, I.K. O'Neill, R.C. von Borstel,
C.T. Miller, J. Long and H. Bartsch (eds.), IARC Scientific
Publication No. 57, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 231-236.
P. Song and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1984. The effects of Actinidia
Chinensis Planch in the prevention of cancer. 1. The
blocking effect of fruit juice on the nitrosation of morpholine-nitrite.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica 6, 109-114.
S.R. Tannenbaum and P.L. Skipper. 1984. Biological aspects
to the evaluation of risk: dosimetry of carcinogens
in man. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 4, S367-S373.
J.F. Tomera, P.L. Skipper, J.S. Wishnok, S.R. Tannenbaum
and H. Brunengraber. 1984. Inhibition of N-nitrosodimethylamine
metabolism by ethanol and other inhibitors in the isolated
perfused rat liver. Carcinogenesis 5, 113-116.
D.A. Wagner, D.S. Schultz, W.M. Deen, V.R. Young and S.R.
Tannenbaum. 1984. Mammalian nitrate biochemistry: Metabolism
and endogenous synthesis. In: N-Nitroso Compounds: Occurrence,
Biological Effects and Relevance to Human Cancer, I.K. O'Neill,
R.C. von Borstel, C.T. Miller, J. Long and H. Bartsch (eds.),
IARC Scientific Publication No. 57, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France,
pp. 247-254.
D.A. Wagner, D.E.G. Shuker, C. Bilmazes, M. Obiedzinski,
V.R. Young and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1984. Modulation of endogenous
synthesis of N-nitrosoamino acids in humans. In: N-Nitroso
Compounds: Occurence, Biological Effects and Relevance to
Human Cancer, I.K. O'Neill, R.C. von Borstel, C.T. Miller,
J. Long, and H. Bartsch (eds.), IARC Scientific Publication
No. 57, I.A.R.C.: Lyon, France, pp. 223-230.
D. Yang, S.R. Tannenbaum, G. Buchi and G.C.M. Lee. 1984.
4-Chloro-6-methoxyindole is the precursor of a potent mutagen
(4-chloro-6-methoxy-2-hydroxy-1-nitroso-indolin-3-one oxime)
that forms during nitrosation of the fava bean (Vicia faba).
Carcinogenesis 5, 1219-1224.
I. Baker, D.E.G. Shuker and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. A method
for the determination of S-methylcysteine by high performance
liquid chromatography: application to the study of carcinogenic
methylating agents. J. Chromatogr. 329, 202-205.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. Nitrage and gastric cancer risk.
Nature, 317, 675-676.
W.F. Busby Jr., D.E.G. Shuker, G. Charnley, P.M. Newberne,
S.R. Tannenbaum and G.N. Wogan. 1985. Carcinogenicity in
rats of the nitrosated bile acid conjugates, N-nitrosoglycocholic
acid and N-nitrosotaurocholic acid. Cancer Res. 45, 1367-1371.
G. Charnley and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. A flow cytometric
analysis of the effect of sodium chloride on gastric cancer
risk in the rat. Cancer Res. 45, 5608-5616.
S.H. Kim, J.S. Wishnok and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. Formation
of N-nitrosodimethylamine in Korean seafood sauces. J. Agr.
Food Chem. 33, 17-19.
D.S. Schultz, W.M. Deen, S.F. Karel, D.A. Wagner, and S.R.
Tannenbaum. 1985. Pharmacokinetics of nitrate in humans:
role of gastrointestinal absorption and metabolism. Carcinogenesis
6, 847-852.
P.L. Skipper, M.W. Obiedzinski, S.R. Tannenbaum, D.W. Miller,
R.K. Mitchum and F.F. Kadlubar. 1985. Identification of the
major serum albumin adduct formed by 4-aminobiphenyl in vivo
in rats. Cancer Res. 45, 5122-5127.
S.R. Tannenbaum, W. Bishop, M.C. Yu and B.E. Henderson.
1985. Attempts to isolate N-nitroso compounds from chinese-style
salted fish. N.C.I. Monograph 69, 209-211.
D.A. Wagner, L.L. Moldawer, J.J. Pomposelli, S.R. Tannenbaum
and V.R. Young. 1985. Nitrate biosynthesis in the rat: precursor-product
relationships with respect to ammonia. Biochem. J. 232, 547-551.
D.A. Wagner, D.E.G. Shuker, C. Bilmazes, M. Obiedzinski,
I. Baker, V.R. Young and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. Effect of
vitamins C and E on endogenous synthesis of N-nitrosoamino
acids in humans: precursor-product studies with 15N-nitrate.
Cancer Res. 45, 6519-6522.
D.A. Wagner and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1985. In vivo formation
of N-nitroso compounds. Food Technology 39, 89-90.
G. Buchi, G.C.M. Lee, D. Yang and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1986.
Direct acting, highly mutagenic, alpha-hydroxy N-nitrosamines
from 4-chloroindoles. J. Amer. Chem. Society 108, 4115-4119.
E. Fontham, D. Zavala, P. Correa, E. Rodriguez, F. Hunter,
W. Haenszel and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1986. Diet and chronic atrophic
gastritis: a case-control study. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 76,
W.R. Licht, D.S. Schultz, J.G. Fox, S.R. Tannenbaum and
W.M. Deen. 1986. Mechanisms for nitrite loss from the stomach.
Carcinogenesis 7, 1681-1687.
K.W. Normington, I. Baker, M. Molina, J.S. Wishnok, S.R.
Tannenbaum and P. Song. 1986. Characterization of a nitrite
scavenger, 3-hydroxy-2-pyranone, from Chinese wild plum juice.
J. Agr. Food Chem. 34, 215-217.
G. Sabbioni, S.R. Tannenbaum and D.E.G. Shuker. 1986. Synthesis
of volatile, fluorescent 7-methylguanine derivatives via
reaction with 2-substituted fluorinated malondialdehydes.
J. Organic Chem. 51, 3244-3246.
P.L. Skipper, M.S. Bryant and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1986. Quantification
of tissue doses of carcinogenic aromatic amines. In:
Environmental Epidemiology. F.C. Kopfler and G.F. Craun (eds.),
Lewis Publishing, Inc.: Chelsea, MI, pp. 57-66.
P.L. Skipper, M.S. Bryant, S.R. Tannenbaum and J.D. Groopman.
1986. Analytical methods for assessing exposure to 4-aminobiphenyl
based on protein adduct formation. J. Occupational Med. 28,
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1986. Diet and exposure to N-nitroso compounds.
In: Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Y. Hayashi et al., (eds.),
Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo / VNU Scientific
Press: Utrecht, pp. 67-75.
S.R. Tannenbaum, M.S. Bryant, P.L. Skipper and M. Maclure.
1986. Hemoglobin adducts of tobacco-related aromatic amines:
Application to molecular epidemiology. In: Mechanisms in
Tobacco Carcinogenesis, Banbury Report No. 23, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory: New York, pp. 63-75.
S.R. Tannenbaum and P.L. Skipper. 1986. Blood proteins as
carcinogen dosimeters. In: Mechanisms of DNA Damage and Repair:
Implications for Carcinogenesis and Risk Assessment. M.G.
Simic, L. Grossman and A.C. Upton (eds.), Basic Life Sciences,
38, Plenum Press: New York, pp. 473-478.
R.J. Turesky, P.L. Skipper, S.R. Tannenbaum, B. Coles and
B. Ketterer. 1986. Sulfamate formation is a major route
for detoxification of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline
in the rat. Carcinogenesis 7, 1483-1485.
H.U. Aeschbacher, R.J. Turesky, U. Wolleb, H.P. Wurzner
and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1987. Comparison of the mutagenic activity
of various brands of food grade beef extracts. Cancer Lett.
38, 87-93.
G.E. Bonney, R.C. Elston, P. Correa, S.R. Tannenbaum, W.
Haenszel, D.E. Zavala, E. Fontham, G. Zarama, G. Gordillo
and C. Cuello. 1987. Genetic etiology of gastric carcinoma:
II. Segregation analysis of gastric pH, nitrate, and nitrite.
Genetic Epidemiology 4, 103-114.
M.S. Bryant, P.L. Skipper, S.R. Tannenbaum and M. Maclure.
1987. Hemoglobin adducts of 4-aminobiphenyl in smokers and
non-smokers. Cancer Res. 47, 602-608.
M. Miwa, D.J. Stuehr, M.A. Marletta, J.S. Wishnok and S.R.
Tannenbaum. 1987. N-Nitrosamine formation by macrophages.
In: The Relevance of N-Nitroso Compounds to Human Cancer
Exposures and Mechanisms, H. Bartsch, I. O'Neill, and R.
Schulte-Hermann (eds.), IARC Scientific Publications No.
84, International Agency for Research on Cancer: Lyon, France,
pp. 340-344.
M. Miwa, D.J. Stuehr, M.A. Marletta, J.S. Wishnok and S.R.
Tannenbaum. 1987. Nitrosation of amines by stimulated macrophages.
Carcinogenesis 8, 955-958.
D. Ringe, R.J. Turesky, P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1987. Structure of the single stable hemoglobin adduct formed
by 4-aminobiphenyl in vivo. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1, 22-24.
G. Sabbioni, P.L. Skipper, G. Buchi and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1987. Isolation and characterization of the major serum
albumin adduct formed by aflatoxin B1 in vivo in rats. Carcinogenesis
8, 819-824.
P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1987. Protein adducts
of carcinogens as indices of exposure and metabolism.
Comments on Toxicology 1, 317-328.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1987. Endogenous formation of N-nitroso
compounds: a current perspective. In: The Relevance
of N-Nitroso Compounds to Human Cancer Exposures and Mechanisms,
H. Bartsch, I. O'Neill and R. Schulte-Hermann (eds.), IARC
Scientific Publications No. 84, International Agency for
Research on Cancer: Lyon, France, pp. 292-295.
S.R. Tannenbaum and J.S. Wishnok. 1987. Inhibition of nitrosamine
formation by ascorbic acid. In: Third Conference on Vitamin
C, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 498,
J.J. Burns, J.M. Rivers and L.C. Machelin (eds.), New York
Academy of Sciences: New York, pp. 354-363.
R.J. Turesky, P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1987. Binding
of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline to hemoglobin
and albumin in vivo in the rat. Identification of an adduct
suitable for dosimetry. Carcinogenesis 8, 1537-1542.
J.S. Wishnok, S.R. Tannenbaum, J.G. Fox, J.E. Mesina and
L.C. Hotaling. 1987. The ferret as a model for endogenous
synthesis and metabolism of N-nitrosamines. In: The Relevance
of N-Nitroso Compounds to Human Cancer Exposures and Mechanisms,
H. Bartsch, I. O'Neill and R. Schulte-Hermann (eds.), IARC
Scientific Publications No. 84, International Agency for
Research on Cancer: Lyon, France, pp. 135-137.
G.N. Wogan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1987. Biological monitoring
of environmental toxic chemicals. In: Toxic Chemicals,
Health and the Environment, Chapter 7. L.B. Lave and A.C.
Upton (eds.), Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore,
MD, pp. 142-169.
M.S. Bryant, P. Vineis, P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1988. Hemoglobin adducts of aromatic amines: associations
with smoking status and type of tobacco. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. 85, 9788-9791.
M.S. Bryant, P. Vineis, P.L. Skipper and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1988. Hemoglobin adducts of aromatic amines in people
exposed to cigarette smoke. In: Methods for Detecting DNA-Damaging
Agents in Humans: Applications in Cancer Epidemiology and
Prevention, IARC Scientific Publications No. 89. H. Bartsch,
K. Hemminki and I.K. O'Neill (eds.), International Agency
for Research on Cancer: Lyon, France, pp. 133-136.
L-S. Gan, P.L. Skipper, X. Peng, J.D. Groopman, J-S. Chen,
G.N. Wogan and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1988. Serum albumin adducts
in the molecular epidemiology of aflatoxin carcinogenesis:
Correlation with aflatoxin B1 intake and urinary excretion
of aflatoxin M1. Carcinogenesis 9, 1323-1325.
D.A. Hutchins, P.L. Skipper, S. Naylor and S.R. Tannenbaum.
1988. Isolation and characterization of the major fluoranthene-hemoglobin
adducts formed in vivo in the rat. Cancer Res. 48, 4756-4761.
W.R. Licht, S.R. Tannenbaum and W.M. Deen. 1988. Use of
ascorbic acid to inhibit nitrosation: Kinetic and mass
transfer considerations for an in vitro system. Carcinogenesis
9, 365-372.
D. Ralt, J.S. Wishnok, R. Fitts and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1988.
Bacterial catalysis of nitrosation: Involvement of the nar
operon in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriology 170, 359-364.
P.L. Skipper, M.S. Bryant and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1988. Determination
of human exposure to carcinogenic aromatic amines from hemoglobin
adducts in selected population groups. In: Carcinogenic and
Mutagenic Responses to Aromatic Amines and Nitroarenes. C.M.
King, L.J. Romano and D. Schuetzle (eds.), Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc.: New York, pp. 65-71.
S.R. Tannenbaum. 1988. Mechanisms of endogenous nitrosation.
In: Models and Mechanisms in Chemical Carcinogenesis. F.
Feo, P. Pani, A. Columbano, and R. Garcea (eds.), Plenum
Publishing Co., New York, pp. 629-637.
R.J. Turesky, H.U. Aeschbacher, H.P. Wurzner, P.L. Skipper
and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1988. Major routes of metabolism of
the food-borne carcinogen 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline
in the rat. Carcinogenesis 9, 1043-1048.
L-S Gan, M.S. Otteson, M.M. Doxtader, P.L. Skipper, R.R.
Dasari and S.R. Tannenbaum. 1989. Quantitation of carcinogen
bound protein adducts by fluorescence measurements. Spectrochimica
ACTA 45A, 81-86.
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