Bibliography Tools

'Must read' items are indicated by a Star and most include a copy of their Table of Contents or an abstract. When available, a pdf download of the full report is included, noted by the phase: (PDF download available)

Action Planning for Cities: A Guide to Community Practice. Hamdi, Nabeel and Reinhard Goethert. 1997. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (Table of Contents)

Designing water supply and sanitation projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban communities. Paul Deverill, Simon Bibby, Alison Wedgwood and Ian Smout. 2002. Loughborough, UK. 2002.

Designing water sypply and sanitation projects

These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability of the services provided.
Book 1. Concept, Principles and Practice; Book 2: Additional Notes for Policy Makers and Planners; 3: Ensuring the Participation of the Poor. Copy available at:

Efficiency in Land Use and Infrastructure Design. Bertaud, Alain. 1990. Washington DC: The World Bank. (Table of Contents)

Improving Water Management: Recent OECD Experience. OECD. 2003.
(To order)

Book: Improving Water Management

This publication brings together the recent work of the OECD on water management issues. It identifies the main policy challenges addressed by that work for sustainable water management. Among the issues discussed are: performance of water management policies in OECD countries; water pricing; financing of water and wastewater infrastructure; water-related development co-operation; the social aspects of water pricing; biochemical technologies for improving water quality; and aid to the water supply and sanitation sector.

A Model for the Development of a Self-help Water Supply Program. Colin Glennie. Technology Advisory Group Working Paper. World Bank Technical Paper Number 2. The World Bank. 1982.

Simplified sewerage: Design guidelines. Washington, DC: UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation report #7. 1997. 

Urbanization Primer: Project Assessment, Site Analysis, Design Criteria for Site and Services or Similar Dwelling Environments in Developing Areas: with a Documentary Collection of Photographs on Urbanization. Caminos, Horacio and Reinhard Goethert. 1978. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Table of Contents)

Urban Projects Manual. Davidson, Forbes and Geoff Payne. 1983. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press and Fairstead Press. Excellent resource for practitioner in setting up projects with detailed information from surveys to management to infrastructure options.

Upgrading Urban Communities: A Resource for Practitioners. Edition 2001. World Bank Thematic Group on Services for the Urban Poor. CD and website (

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