PhD Candidate @ MIT
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
zoya[at]mit[dot]eduMy Adobe Research page with recent publications can be found here:
I recently completed my PhD, working on computational perception and cognition: my computer science research is motivated by how
people perceive, attend to, and remember images, with a focus on graphic designs, data visualizations, and infographics. I run eye tracking and memory experiments, and then build predictive computational models to understand
and simulate these processes, and for design applications.
This work is interdisciplinary and spans the computer vision, visualization, cognitive science, and human vision communities.
What makes an image or a data visualization memorable and effective? What are the most important parts of a visual display?
How can we make A.I. more creative?
Read more about my research. Click on an icon to learn more:
About: As of October 2018, I am a Research Scientist at Adobe Inc. I recently completed my PhD in Computer Science at MIT on "Computational Perception for Multimodal Document Understanding", advised by Fredo Durand and Aude Oliva. Prior to that, I received an Honours B.Sc. in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Toronto in 2012, advised by Sven Dickinson. I completed my MSc in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on "Computational Understanding of Image Memorability", advised by Antonio Torralba and Aude Oliva. Read more about me.
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