Lunchtime Seminars


Seminar Details

Tuesdays 12:00 PM

All seminars are hybrid
Building 26, 414 (Kolker Room)


Committee: Ronald Garcia Ruiz ~ Michael Williams ~ Prajwal MohanMurthy

Spring 2024


Soonwon Choi

Quantum Search Sensing

Quantum computing and sensing represent two distinct frontiers of quantum information science. Here, we harness quantum computing to solve a fundamental and practically important sensing problem: the detection of weak oscillating fields with unknown strength and frequency. We present a quantum computing enhanced sensing protocol, that we dub quantum search sensing, that outperforms all existing approaches. Furthermore, we prove our approach is optimal by establishing the Grover-Heisenberg limit -- a fundamental lower bound on the minimum sensing time. The key idea is to robustly digitize the continuous, analog signal into a discrete operation, which is then integrated into a quantum algorithm. Our metrological gain originates from quantum computation, distinguishing our protocol from conventional sensing approaches. Indeed, we prove that broad classes of protocols based on quantum Fisher information, finite-lifetime quantum memory, or classical signal processing are strictly less powerful. Our protocol is compatible with multiple experimental platforms. We propose and analyze a proof-of-principle experiment using nitrogen-vacancy centers, where meaningful improvements are achievable using current technology. This work establishes quantum computation as a powerful new resource for advancing sensing capabilities.



Mathieu Flayol

Development and characterisation of the double Penning trap PIPERADE

In this seminar, I will present part of my thesis work focused on the development and characterization of the PIPERADE double Penning trap (PIèges de PEnning pour les RAdionucléides à DESIR) at LP2i Bordeaux. Mass spectrometry with Penning traps enables precise atomic mass measurements, which are essential for determining nuclear binding energies. These measurements play a key role in studying the structure of exotic nuclei and constraining nuclear physics models. 

PIPERADE is designed for high-precision mass measurements and the purification of exotic ions of interest within the DESIR (Désintégration, Excitation et Stockage d’Ions Radioactifs) facility at GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds). I will discuss the implementation of various purification and mass measurement techniques. 

The first purification method explored was Buffer Gas Cooling (BGC), followed by the "Time-of-Flight Ion Cyclotron Resonance" (ToF-ICR) technique, applied for the first time with PIPERADE in November 2021. The optimization of these techniques was carried out in parallel with the implementation of a new method, "Phase-Imaging Ion Cyclotron Resonance" (PI-ICR), successfully applied on PIPERADE for the first time in September 2023. This work also includes the first mass measurements performed using ToF-ICR with PIPERADE.


Please note, today's luncheon is replaced with a colloquium in the evening



Coming Soon



Cristian Baldenegro

Information Coming Soon!




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Wilfried Nörtershäuser

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John Hardin

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Joe Formaggio

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Doug Pinckney

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