Lunchtime Seminars


Seminar Details

Tuesdays 12:00 PM

All seminars are hybrid
Building 26, 414 (Kolker Room)


Committee: Ronald Garcia Ruiz ~ Michael Williams ~ Prajwal MohanMurthy

Fall 2024



Gerald Miller  

Might Normal Nuclear Matter Be Quarkyonic?

The possibility that nuclear matter might be quarkyonic is considered. Quarkyonic matter is high baryon density matter that can be approximately thought of as a filled Fermi sea of quarks surrounded by a shell of nucleons. Thus, nucleon occupation probabilities are depleted for low momentum nucleons. Plausibility arguments for the existence of quarkyonic matter, based on experimental measurements of deep inelastic scattering on nucleons, are presented. Then a model of nuclear matter that includes nucleon interactions with a σ meson and a pion that to provide the necessary attraction. This model is similar the well-known Walecka model, but the necessary repulsive stabilizing forces are provided by the limit that the quark occupation probability must be less than unity. It turns out that isospin-symmetric nuclear matter binds with acceptable values of the compressibility and other parameters for nuclear matter at saturation. Quarkyonic matter predicts a strong depletion of nucleons in normal nuclear matter at low momentum. Such a depletion for nucleon momenta less than 120 MeV is shown to be consistent with quasi-elastic electron scattering data.




Kieran Flanagan  

ActMol: A table top nuclear facility for fundamental science

Bespoke radioactive molecules constructed using octupole deformed nuclei (in particular actinide isotopes) represents a new frontier for high precision experiments. When compared to molecules containing stable (or very long-lived) nuclei, they have gains in sensitivity to parity and time-reversal violating effects that are up to 3 orders of magnitude larger. Recent advances in molecular trapping techniques also make it feasible to consider experiments that study radioactive molecules for prolonged interaction times. This would extend searches for parity- and time-reversal violations beyond the TeV energy scale, providing a complementary search domain to proposed future accelerator projects with tabletop instrumentation. 

One challenge associated with utilizing radioactive molecules is a lack of existing spectroscopic data, because of their short-lived nature. Identifying the most sensitive molecular probe for new physics therefore remains an open question. Furthermore, how to produce enough radioactive molecules at a low enough temperature to perform competitive measurements has yet to be addressed. 

This talk will present a new project at the University of Manchester that will develop a novel spectrometer to perform high resolution spectroscopy on actinide molecules. In doing so the project aims to identify the most sensitive systems for future experiments that search for new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics.




Jiaxiang Wang  

Levitating nano-spheres  

Coming Soon!



Efrain Segarra

Coming Soon!



No Talk


No Talk


Hannah Binney

Coming Soon!
