Kiley Kennedy
Innovating Triggers and Triggering Innovation: Illuminating New Physics at the Energy Frontier
Abstract:Although no new fundamental particles have been observed since the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson, many compelling theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict new physics at the electroweak or TeV scales accessible to the LHC. The absence of significant excesses underscores the imperative to expand sensitivity to uncovered and unexplored regions of phase space. This talk will focus on leveraging novel trigger techniques and creative reconstruction methods — both present and future — to maximize the discovery potential of long-lived particles and other anomalous BSM physics signatures at the CMS experiment. These efforts will be examined in the context of the LHC, the High-Luminosity LHC, and long-term planning for the future of collider-driven science.
Holly Szumila-Vance
Nucleons: Crossing the Bridge from Quarks to Nuclei
Physicists seek to answer the fundamental question: How is the nucleus of an atom held together to build the matter we see? In the lower energy picture, we describe the nucleus in terms of its protons and neutrons and their exchange of mesons. In the higher energy picture, composite protons and neutrons (composed of quarks and gluons) interact through quantum chromodynamics (QCD). This residual interaction is the strong nuclear force. Through QCD we can describe the proton as a superposition of quark-gluon states that can include states of different sizes. This description naturally implies that bound protons can be different from free protons and allows for color transparency phenomena (whereby the constituent quarks are in a smaller-sized configuration). Using the high intensity electron beam at Jefferson Lab, we study the connection between these descriptions in order to understand how the strong force binds the nucleus together. This talk will discuss insights and future directions using nuclei as a laboratory to search for evidence of small size configurations and their contributions to our fundamental understanding of nucleons.
hosted by:Janet Conrad
Teppei Katori
Hyper-Kamiokande project
Abstract:Hyper-Kamiokande project consists with 3 components; Hyper-Kamiokande detector, J-APRC neutrino beam upgrade, and the near detector system. Hyper-Kamiokande detector is the 3rd generation of extremely successful water Cherenkov neutrino detectors at the Kamioka Observatory, Japan (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2002 and 2015). It is a 261 kton water tank with roughly 8 times the fiducial volume of Super-Kamiokande which will help us to push all science to an unprecedented level, including beam-based neutrino physics, astrophysics, and beyond-the-Standard-Model discovery science. In this talk, I will mainly discuss the status of the Hyper-Kamiokande detector construction and R&D.
hosted by:Eluned A Smith
Jun Ye
Laser-based Mössbauer spectroscopy for nuclear clock
Abstract:Lasers and quantum science have fueled revolutionary developments in atomic, molecular, and fundamental physics. Scaling up quantum systems to ever increasing sizes promises to open new discovery opportunities. Quantum technology has brought tens of thousands of atoms to minute-long coherence times for atomic clocks, and it is now also knocking on the door of nuclear physics. The combination of ultrafast optics and precision metrology has built us new tools such as a vacuum ultraviolet frequency comb, enabling the recent breakthrough of quantum-state-resolved laser spectroscopy of thorium-229 nuclear transition. This unification of precision metrology and nuclear physics sparks new ideas for testing fundamental physics and promises nuclear-based clock with billions of nuclear absorbers.
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Dam Son
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hosted by:Phil Harris
Jennet Dickinson
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Zhili Weng
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hosted by:Misha Ivanov
Enrico Pajer
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Hosted by:Phil Harris
Asher Berline
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hosted by:Phil Harris
Matthew Low
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hosted by:Phil Harris
Babette Dobrich
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