Women's Technology Program
in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology











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Summer 2012

Instructors| Residential Tutors|Residential Assistants


Three female graduate students in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science design and teach the Women's Technology Program classes in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Discrete Math.

Sulinya Ramanan
Electrical Engineering Instructor

Hometown: Poughkeepsie, NY


Hi everyone! I am very excited to work with you this summer! A little about me:  I received dual Bachelors Degrees in Electrical Engineering (Course 6-1) and Physics (Course 8), and a minor in Management (Course 15) before continuing with my Master of Engineering in Course 6. My research at the MIT Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory in the MIT Research Lab for Electronics focuses on nanofabrication of organic electronic devices (think AMOLED screens); it is an incredible lab that is at the forefront of a number of fields, including solar technology.

Apart from school, I really love comedy, visual art, juicing, raw foods, and spending time with my friends. I am a TA this term and love it, so I thought teaching WTP will be a lot of fun. I will be joining Intel in the fall.


Valentina Shin
Discrete Math Instructor

Hometown: Yong-In, South Korea


I am an MIT graduate student in the Computer Graphics Group  in CSAIL where my current research focus is on analysis/optimization of structures using their 3D geometry. Before coming to MIT, I studied at Princeton University, where I was very fortunate to work on a research project in the Princeton Graphics Group  where we studied the problem of Reassembling the Thera Frescoes by digitizing excavated fragments and using computer algorithms of their geometry to automatically propose matches. 

I love to read literature. My favorite works include John Steinbeck's East of Eden, C.S. Lewis' Grief Observed, and Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  I enjoy biking.  I look very much forward to spending a fun summer in Boston with all of you!


Jessica Wu
Computer Science Instructor

Hometown: Sugar Land, TX


I'm a PhD student in the Computational Biology Group in CSAIL.  My current research is on developing models and algorithms to understand gene evolution, but more generally, my interests lie in applying engineering tools to biological problems.  I also love teaching and have served as a TA or grader for a class every year since my sophomore year in college.

My spare time is usually spent with friends and involves food or Euro-style board games, or when I'm alone, I read or play video games.  I also play the clarinet on occasion, and I enjoy going to musicals or the theater when I get the chance.  I love traveling and want to spend some time traveling around the world after I graduate.


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Residential Tutors

Residential Tutors are current female MIT undergraduate students, or recent MIT graduates. They assist the WTP-EECS Instructors in the classroom, and also live in the dormitory with the high school students, chaperoning residential life, creating fun activities and field trips, and helping with homework.

Sophie Diehl
Electrical Engineering Tutor

MIT Class of 2014
Major: Electrical Engineering
Hometown: Nashville, TN

Hi everyone! I'm a rising junior in course 6.1 (electrical engineering). In my spare time you might catch me in the MIT glasslab blowing glass, painting murals in my dorm, sewing dresses in my room, wandering around Boston on foot, or cooking with my suitemates. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Katelyn Gao
Discrete Math Tutor

MIT Class of 2012
Major: Mathematics and Economics
Hometown: Wichita, KS

Hey everyone! I'm a graduating senior in Math and Economics. This fall I will be heading to sunny California to start a PhD in Statistics at Stanford. At MIT I have been involved with the Undergraduate Economics Association, Quiz Bowl, and Concert Band. The rest of the time I like to read mystery novels, listen to music, play badminton and tennis, and explore Boston on foot. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!


Alex Jiang
Computer Science Tutor

MIT Class of 2011, MEng 2012
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Hometown: Wellesley, MA

Hi everyone! I'm a graduating Master of Engineering student. I spent my undergrad years singing in an a cappella group, cooking for the Taiwanese culture club, serving on House government, and shooting pistol for MIT. In my free time, I like to play and program video games. I also love reading, outdoor activities, badminton, froyo, and bubble tea. I'm going to be going to California this Fall to start my fulltime position at NetApp. I'm excited to be able to stay in Boston and hang out with you all at MIT before I leave!


Kat Kononov
Electrical Engineering Tutor

MIT Class of 2012
Major: Electrical Engineering
: Chicago, IL

Hello! I'm a graduating senior in course 6-1. Next year I'll be continuing to the MEng. Most recently I took classes about digital and analog integrated circuit design. For my MEng work I'm going to help research the use of photonics in integrated circuits to improve speed and energy efficiency. My favorite circuit element is the MOSFET, which you will learn about this summer! Outside of school, I'm on the rugby team at MIT, but basketball and soccer are also my favorites. I like painting or using color pencils, and I like origami. I'm also a big fan of the solar system, space ships, and learning about other planets.


Sarah Leu
Electrical Engineering Tutor

MIT Class of 2014
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Hometown: Pasadena, CA

Hi there! I am a rising junior in Course 6 ( Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). I was originally Course 8 (Physics), but quickly realized that circuits are my real passion. On campus, I have participated in dance, theater, and UROPs. I absolutely adore wandering around Boston and having adventures. In high school, I participated in WTP and it actually changed my life. I can’t wait to meet you all and be a part of your WTP experience.


Kirsten Olson
Computer Science Tutor

MIT Class of 2014
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Hometown: Aurora, IL

Hi! My name is Kirsten. If you are reading this, it is probably because you want to know stuff about me, so here goes. I am really involved in musical theater here at MIT. I also play tennis recreationally (read as pretty badly) and go jogging. Other fun things I do include playing video games, watching movies, exploring Boston, and discussing various strategies for the impending zombie apocalypse. If you are interested in any of these things, you should come find me and we can do any and all of them. I am very excited to meet all of you, and I hope that we have an excellent summer.



Christy Rogers
Discrete Math Tutor

MIT Class of 2014
Major: Mathematics
Hometown: Bend, Oregon


Hello! My name is Christy Rogers and I am a member of the class of 2014 studying Course 18 (mathematics).  I have been a competitive swimmer for 14 years and I am on the varsity team here at MIT.  In addition to swimming, I also like biking, skiing, and tennis among other sports.  When I have free time I enjoy reading, playing Frisbee (though I cannot aim...), and occasionally baking. I've also been known to watch Modern Family and/or Law & Order when I can.  oh, and I like math too... :) I am looking forward to getting to know you and spending the summer together in Boston!


Kimberly Santos
Discrete Math Tutor

MIT Class of 2012
Major: Mathematics and Economics
Hometown: Marshfield, MA

Hello!  I am back for my third and final year as a tutor for WTP!!!  I am a currently a senior, majoring in Mathematics (Course 18) with a minor in Economics (Course 14), but I’ll be heading off into the real world in the fall.
Outside of classes, I like playing intramural sports (tennis, ice hockey, and pistol), baking, skating, giving campus tours, gardening, attempting to learn trumpet, going to church, wandering around Boston, and learning to ballroom dance.  I look forward to meeting and working with you all soon!


Emily Seitz
Computer Science Tutor

MIT Class of 2012
Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Hometown: Chantilly, VA

Hi!  I am a graduating senior in EECS and completing the teacher's education program at MIT.  I love teaching and technology, and I'm really excited to combine the two this summer!  In my time at MIT, I have been involved in sports, a Christian fellowship group, teaching photography to high schoolers, and taking lots and lots of pictures all the time!  I've spent the past two summers in Boston (programming satellites, woohoo!), so I am excited to show you all some of the cool places I have discovered.  I can't wait to meet you all and spend an amazing summer at MIT and in Boston!!

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Residential Assistants

Residential Assistants live in the dorm and help with evening and weekend activities, but do not have classroom or tutoring responsibilities. Residential Assistants also attended WTP when they were in high school. They help make a warm community in the dorm (this frequently involves cooking and baking projects and showing movies!) and they organize sightseeing trips into Boston and Cambridge.

Jasmine Chan

MIT Class of 2015

Tucson, AZ



Hello! I'm a rising sophomore, and majoring in Course 2 – Mechanical Engineering. I love the sunlight and sitting on the lawns on campus just letting my skin soak the warmth. In my free time, I enjoy knitting and cutting up t-shirts in new ways. I am very much a hands, crafts kind of person. I'm looking forward to spending a glorious summer with you, giving you a glimpse into the life of MIT! See you soon!

Callie McRee

MIT Class of 2015

San Luis Obispo, CA

Hi everybody!  My name is Callie and I’m a rising sophomore at MIT.  I did WTP in high school and it was an amazing program, which I’m so excited to be involved with again!  I am currently planning on majoring in Environmental Engineering and have recently started doing some research in the field.  In addition to my research, I am a member of dance troupe, the Leadership Training Institute, and am a sister of Alpha Phi.  I look forward to meeting and exploring Boston with everybody this summer!

Ashley Smith

MIT Class of 2015

Dublin, OH


I'm a rising sophomore planning to double major in Course 6 - EECS and Course 15 - Management. I'm also pursuing my Pirate's License (courses in archery, pistol shooting, sailing, and fencing). I attended WTP in the summer of 2010 and fell in love with MIT, EECS, and Boston! In my free time, I love listening and dancing to all kinds of music, exploring Boston, and baking yummy desserts. I can't wait to meet all of you this summer!




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WTP Director and WTP-EECS Track Coordinator

Cynthia Skier

MIT alumna: SB 1974, SM 1981
Hometown: Lexington, MA

I have been the WTP Director since fall 2002. Before that I managed computer software companies and worked in management consulting. My two children are "out of the nest." In my free time I like to sing, read mysteries, and watch old movies, especially film noire, musicals and science fiction. In addition to my WTP responsibilities, I also direct the Industrial Connection Program here in MIT EECS.

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