Brian Tivol
A: So, I talked to the others about coming along for the weekend and most can't go. I did talk to Chris, though.
B: What did he say?
A: Well, I told him you were going to stay in the dorms and that I was going to pay to sleep in a bed-n-breakfast, and I asked him which he would want to stay in.
B: What were you thinking?
A: So Chris said, "You're asking me if I want to sleep in a room with Brian?" He is such a riot.
B: I already told you couldn't set me up with him, silly.
A: I thought he'd go for the bed-n-breakfast all the way. I thought he wouldn't want to go back to crashing in a dorm room. I totally forgot about that.
B: It's okay.
A: Yeah. Well, he has good taste.
B: Thanks.
A: It would be so cool if he came along. We could introduce him to Matt.
B: You know, besides being gay and having been attracted to me for more than an hour or so, I don't think they'd have much in common at all.
A: They both have good taste. It'll be so much fun.