Room Setup Styles for CAC Facilities
These setups are the most frequently requested; however, CAC can accommodate a variety of requests. Arrangements for all setups must be made at least one (1) week in advance of your event. When planning a major event, make arrangements at least three (3) weeks in advance.
Conference Style
This setup is recommended for small groups (less than 20 people). It is composed of 6' rectangular tables placed side by side to function as one large table. Chairs are placed around the tables.

Lecture Style
This is best for general meetings and lectures for any size group. It consists of chairs in rows facing either a lectern or head table.

This setup is appropriate for presentations to groups under 25 people. It is arranged with 6' rectangular tables placed in a U-shape and surrounded on the outside by chairs. Narrow 6' X 18" rectangular tables are used in W20 for these setups, not the usual 6’ x 30” tables.

Hollow Square
This setup is similar to the U-shape except that it is enclosed on all sides and can accommodate a larger group. It is not oriented for presentations, but rather for discussions. Narrow 6' X 18" rectangular tables are used in W20 for these setups, not the usual 6’ x 30” tables.

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Classroom Style
This is used primarily for conferences and other lectures requiring writing by the attendees. Narrow 6' X 18" rectangular tables with up to three seats each are setup in rows facing a lectern.

Banquet Style
This is most common for banquets or meetings with meals. It is comprised of 60" round tables surrounded with up to 8 chairs each. To increase to 10 chairs per table, please contact CAC.