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About MWGP
Serial Networking
Interface Board
Post-RF Amp
Thermal Control
Digital Upgrade
FPGA Programming
TMRS-3: Radiometers
TMRS-3: In-Field
U of F: C-band
MWGP Website
Official University Site

People in MWGP

Dr. Tony England is the principal investigator for MWGP. He is a professor in both the EECS and AOSS departments at the University of Michigan. In addition to being a professor and investigator with numerous awards, Dr. England has had a wild past. Previous assignments include Astronaut on a number of missions including Challenger's Spacelab 2 mission, and NASA Mission Scientist for Apollo's 13 and 16. Despite these lofty achievements, he is very down-to-Earth and willing to help others. He is a great teacher and a good motivator.

Roger DeRoo is the principle System Engineer for MWGP. He is essentially my immediate supervisor and an all around good guy. Roger has an excellent understanding of both the theory and the practical issues behind microwave radiometry. He has given me the freedom to investigate and help out many other issues that aren't weren't necessarily my primary responsibility. He has also taken the time to help me understand more of the theory behind radiometry, along with tangents to other fields.

David Boprie is the invaluable jack-of-all trades. He is provides excellent technical and engineering support for MWGP. If something needs to be built or fixed, Dave will know how to do it. Dave has expert knowledge on construction, engineering and practical topics that make projects work.

The MWGP group is a great team. I was very happy to be work with this group.