Environment and Urbanization
A key journal devoted to environmental issues in cities published by the International Institute for Environment and Development. Published twice yearly.
3 Endsleigh Street
London, WEC1H ODD UK
Tel: 44-171-388-2117
Fax: 44-171-388-2826
Email: humans@iied.org
Web site: http://www.iied.org/eandu
Subscriptions: 1 year institutions: 36 or US$62; 1 year individuals: 22 or US$38. (Inquire about special rates for Third World countries, students, NGOs and teaching/ training institutions.)
Water for Cities
A quarterly journal published by the Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch of UN-HABITAT. The Newsletter covers activities of the regional programmes: Water for African Cities and Water for Asian Cities. Contributions welcome from programme partners. Latest issue.
Editor, Water for Cities Newsletter
Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure Branch
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-2-624538
Fax: 254-2-623588
Email: james.ohayo@unhabitat.org
Web site: www.unhabitat.org, www.unwac.org
WATERLINES - Appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation. (Journal)
Waterlines magazine is devoted entirely to low-cost water and sanitation. It is written for professionals - administrators or engineers, project managers or policymakers, trainers or workers in the field. Published by the Intermediate Technology Development Group, United Kingdom.
See: http://www.itdgpublishing.org.uk/waterlines.htm
Water Policy
Water Policy is a research journal, published by a partnership of Institute for Water Resources and Elsevier Sciences. It reviews policy aspects of water resources and is a forum for dialogue between private and public sectors, policy makers, administrative, and research-technical actors. It is published one every 2 months and consists of an annual volume of 6 issues.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources,
770 Telegraph Road,
Alexandria, VA 22315-3868, U.S.A.
Tel : +1 (703) 428-6372
Fax : +1 (703) 524-6920 or 428-8435
Email : jerome.dellipriscoli@usace.army.mil
World Development
World Development is a monthly journal of development studies that studies methods to improving standards of living by examining issues such as poverty, unemployment, environmental degradation or lack of popular participation. It emphasizes development as a process of multilateral and collaborative change and cooperation and is committed to maintaining an international dialogue and communication.
World Development Editorial Office
Department of Geography, McGill University, Room 705,
Burnside Hall, 805 Sherbrooke Street West,
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2K6, Canada.
Email: wd@mcgill.ca
Urban Water
Urban Water is a research and professional community forum for water systems in the urban environment. It focuses on defining the practical outcomes of sustainable development initiatives and on studying interrelationships of individual water systems and urban water bodies. It has published 4 volumes in its past 4 years of existence.
Editor in Chief
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
London SW7 2BU
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 20 7594 6013
Fax: + 44 20 7225 2716
Email: c.maksimovic@ic.ac.uk