Encrypting Documents

  1. Right-click on the document(s) you would like to encrypt

  2. Choose 7-zip from the contextual menu

  3. Select Add to archive…

  4. Name the archive you are about to create

  5. Archive format should be 7-zip

  6. Enter the password for the encrypted document

  7. Re-enter the password

  8. Encryption method should be AES-256

  9. Check Encrypt file names

  10. Click OK

  11. An encrypted .7z archive should now be located alongside the original document(s) ready to be sent

Decrypting Documents

  1. Right-click on the document(s) you would like to decrypt

  2. Choose 7-zip from the contextual menu

  3. Select Extract Here

  4. Enter the password for the encrypted document

  5. Click OK

  6. The decrypted documents should now be located alongside the original .7z archive