Lecture notes for topics covered in 10.001

In the first part half of the course, most of the topics covered in class are discussed in the first 7 chapters (Ch 0-6) of Kelly and Pohl's A Book on C. Supplementary material for topics on the basics of Unix and the Athena operating environment are available on-line.

Lecture 1:

Essential Athena: This is a quick reference guide of basic commands on Athena, emacs and electronic mail, for your convenience.

More extensive documentation is now available on-line from Athena. Athena On-Line Help (OLH) is a good starting point for information on all Athena services.

You can also get specific information on Working on Athena and on using Emacs on Athena. There is a user guide for OLTA, the on-line TA question-and-answer queue. There is also a user guide for NEOS, the Networked Educational On-line System which we use in 10.001 to submit and return homework assignments.

Later on in the course, you may find the following guide to using Matlab on Athena useful. A more detailed description of Matlab "Matlab Primer" is also available. 

Lectures 2 through 6:

Refer to Chapters 0-4 of A Book on C, by Kelley and Pohl.
Here are some notes on how to use printf and scanf.
Here are some notes on the -lm flag.
Here are some notes on Signficant Figures and on Propagation of Error in Arithmetic.

Lecture 7:

Here are some notes on root finding techniques.
These notes are also available in Adobe PDF format.

Lectures 8 through 11:

Refer to Chapters 5 and 6 of A Book on C, by Kelley and Pohl

Functions and Arrays Notes 1
Functions and Arrays Notes 2
Arrays and pointers Notes 3, PDF file

Lectures 12 and 13:

Numerical Integration Lecture Notes for Numerical Integration 

Numerical Recipes in C
Notes on Numerical Recipes in C .
Numerical Recipes Book On Line

Lectures 15 through 18:

Review the Matlab documentation on-line
There is also an introduction to Matlab available in PDF format here.
Lecture notes on Matlab form October and November 2002 are vailable here in PDF format.
Systems of Linear Equations
Linear Algebra Primer. Introduction to Matrix Operations .
Gaussian Elimination. Solution of a System of Linear Equations. ***** Example. ***** Example with vanishing diagonal elements. ***** Example with partial pivoting.
Gaussian Elimination Program. A C program which implements the Gaussian elimination algorithm. Illustrates dynamic allocation of arrays and calling functions by reference.
Also here is the lecture material on linear equations and Gaussian elimination from 2002 lectures.

Lectures 19 - 21:


Data Visualization and Elementary Statistical Analysis

Lecture notes on random error analysis and propagation & least squares, November 2002.

Lecture notes on the least squares, November 2001, continued.

Correlation and Regression

Miscellaneous Lecture Notes on Statistics

Derivation of the Least-Squares Equations (Linear and Non-linear)

Lectures 22 - 24:

Systems of Nonlinear Equations

Lecture notes on systems of nonlinear equations, November-December 2002.

Review of the second half of the course, November-December 2002.

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