Lecture Slides
L1: Course Overview (PDF)
L2: Combinational Logic Design (PDF)
L3: Introduction to Verilog (PDF)
L4: Sequential Building Blocks (PDF)
L5: Simple Sequential Circuits and Verilog (PDF)
L6: FSMs and Synchronization (PDF)
L7: Memory Basics and Timing (PDF)
L8/9: Arithmetic Structures (PDF), In-Class Exercise (PDF), 6.111 Writing Requirements (PDF)
L10: Analog Building Blocks (PDF)
L11: Major/Minor FSMs, Lab3, and RAM/ROM Instantiation (PDF)
L12: Reconfigurable Logic Architecture (PDF)
L13: Final Project Kickoff (PDF)
L14: Video (PDF)
L15: VLSI Integration and Performance Transformations (PDF)
L16: Power Dissipation in Digital Systems (PDF)
L17: On-line Lecture on Motors by Prof. Troxel, recorded Fall 2003 (in html with audio, slides in PDF)
L18: Guest Lecture by K. Kowal on PCB Design and Signal Integrity (PDF)