Bibliography Table of Contents & Abstracts

Star Sanitation Without Water. Winblad, Uno and Wen Kilama. Published with the support of the Swedish International Development Authority. MacMillan, 1985.  

In this book we aim to give practical information on a range of possible technical solutions. The emphasis is on simple measures that people can carry out with limited funds, equipment and materials. We concentrate on sanitation systems for individual households. Public latrines for markets, railway stations, schools, and hospitals are only mentioned briefly here. Most of the latrine systems we describe in the following chapters can be used in public buildings and institutions. The problem there is in supervision, cleaning and maintenance, and not so much in design and construction.

We are not dealing with complex and expensive systems like septic tanks and biogas plants. The are well covered by other handbooks. Nor have we gone into health education. That important subject deserves its own book.

Our aim has been to produce a simple, readable and well-illustrated manual for health officers, nurses, medical auxiliaries, village health workers and community workers. It should also be of relevance to medical officers interested inn disease prevention, and to planners, architects and civil and sanitary engineers concerned with appropriate technology.


1 Introduction
2 Sanitation and Disease
3 Examples of Sanitation Without Water
4 Selecting the Right Latrine
5 Location
6 Latrine Components
7 How to Build A Pour-Flush Latrine
8 How to Build a Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine
9 Composting and How to Build a Compost Latrine
10 Operation and Maintenance
Appendix 1 - How to Build a Soakpit and a Bath
Appendix 2 - Fly and Mosquito Control

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