FALL 1999
Professor: Susan Athey,
E52-252C, x3-6407, Office hours: Wed. 2:30-4 and by appt.
TA: Scott Ashworth.
Office Hours: e52-303, Wed. and Thurs. 2:30-3:30.
Administrative Assistant: Kelley
Donovan, Cubicle in E52-251/252.
Where? When?
Lecture: MW1-2:30, E51-151
Recitation: F1-2:30, E51-151
Exam: Friday, October 29, in section.
The class is full, and no new students will be admitted.
information about alternatives.
Lecture Notes
Syllabus and Reading List
Old Announcements
Problem Sets and Solutions
Week 1: No problem set due. Study assigned math and any readings or
problems from "Math for Economists" course.
Week 2: Problem
set 1, due Thursday, September 23.
Week 3: Problem
set 2, due Friday, October 1. If you would like to hand in the
problems NOT on the handout on Monday, October 4, you may do so.
Week 4: Problem
set 3, due Friday, October 8.
Week 5: Problem
set 4, due Monday, October 18.
Week 6: Problem
set 5, not graded.
Old Exams
Other Handouts
Comments? E-mail to athey@mit.edu