FALL 1996
Where? When?
Lecture: MW1-2:30, E51-151
Recitation: F1-2:30, E51-151
Exam: Friday, October 25, 1-3 p.m.
Syllabus and Reading List
Hard copy of the solutions to the waiver exam (handwritten) are available
and will be distributed during section.
Old Announcements
Problem Sets and Solutions
Week 1: No problem set due. Study assigned math and any readings or
problems from "Math for Economists" course.
Problem Set due 9/16. Do problems 1-4b from Problem Set I handout (one.ps)
(problem 1 is a summary of the problems in Frank's notes).
Problem Set due 9/23. Do problems 4 and 5 (Hints
for problem 5) from last week's problem set (I); plus all of the exercises
in the consumer theory handout: consth.ps.
Solutions to Problem Set I handout (sol1.ps).
Problem Set due 10/7. Do both problems on Problem Set II handout (two.ps).
Problem Set due 10/16. Do the problems on the handout three.ps.
Also do the following monotone comparative statics problems: mcsprob.ps.
Problem Set due 10/21: four.ps.
If you don't finish in time, don't worry, but we want to hand out solutions
in time for you to study them. This problem set should not be too time-consuming
(I hope!).
Other Handouts
Week 2: Frank Fisher's notes on existence of a utility function (distributed
in class; see Michael Kreutz for extra copies).
Week 3: Consumer theory handout: consth.ps.
Week 5: Handout on monotone comparative statics and producer theory:
mcs.ps. The monograph
is available from Michael Kreutz.
Comparative Statics Notes: Correction: correct.ps.
Cheat sheet/summary: cheatmcs.ps.
Old waiver exam: waiver.ps.
Final Exam: Exam_Fall_1996.PDF.
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