Event Support

Equipment and Furniture

Regardless of your event or its location, you will need to consider the setup of the room. Lecterns, tables, chalkboards, musical equipment, risers, staging, and various other items are available for use in CAC and other facilities. When you discuss your setup requirements with CAC staff or appropriate individual, note all items you will need for the event and remember to consider your trash can and recycling bin needs. For recycling bins in non-CAC spaces, please contact recycling at 253-6360. Even if your event is not in a CAC facility, the CAC staff is available to assist you in making arrangements for event furniture and equipment (either CAC or rentals). This service does involve fees.

Basic Room Setup

If you are using a CAC facility, contact CAC at least one (1) week before your event to discuss the setup of the event space (provide three (3) weeks for major events). If the information is not provided prior to the deadline noted on your written confirmation, you may incur a fine, your event may be cancelled, or CAC or DAPER may be unable to accommodate your setup requirements. Many rooms in CAC facilities have flexibility for furniture and equipment; there are diagrams of several setup styles in the "CAC Facilities" chapter. For events in classrooms, most rooms come with permanent or semi-permanent setups; additional logistics are coordinated through Custodial Services (10-063, 253-7923). For events in Residence Halls, begin by speaking with the House Manager, RLA, or Room Reservation Chair for an inventory of available furniture.

Musical Equipment

CAC has five (5) upright pianos available for events in the Stratton Student Center and two (2) upright pianos available in Kresge Auditorium. However, permission to use the harpsichord (MIT Chapel), grand pianos (Kresge), and timpani (Kresge) must be obtained at least three (3) weeks in advance from the Music Department (4-246, 253-3210, performance@mit.edu). Use of all Music Department equipment is subject to a fee. Grand piano and harpsichord tunings may only be arranged through the Music Department and are also subject to a charge. Please note that pianos will not be moved from the Stratton Student Center or Kresge to other locations on campus.