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 - Access MIT
 - Parking
 - Personal Wheels
 - Shuttles
 - T-pass

MIT Commuter Connections FAQ page

In case you have a question about one of our Commuter Connection programs, we put together these FAQ to provide answers!

  • Access MIT - FAQ about our program to provide transportation options that are flexible, affordable, and good for the environment
  • Parking - Everything you need to know about parking accounts and more
  • Personal Wheels - FAQ about our personal wheels guidelines
  • Shuttles - Helpful how-to’s and guidance for our OnDemand shuttle and more
  • T-pass - FAQ about our subsidized T-pass program, another sustainable transportation option

If we haven’t answered your question, please call or email: 617-258-6510 or

 Your Commuting Benefits (Atlas)
 Charles River TMA
 Commuting Calculator


Department Directory

Parking & Transportation Office

Atlas Service Center
Street Address: 40 Ames Street
Building: E17-106
Hours: M - F, 8AM - 5PM

Phone: 617-258-6510
Phone (after hours): 617-253-2997
Fax: 617-258-6357

Tom Giannino

Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology