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IAP 2010 Schedule for Fri Jan 15 09:00 AM Boeing 767 Cockpit Systems and Automation (to 05:00 PM) Room 33-218 CASTOR Satellite Design and Build (to 05:00 PM) 37-372 Linked Data Product Development Lab (to 05:30 PM) 4-370 Linked Data Product Development Lab (to 05:30 PM) 4-370 Undergraduate Weatherization Workshop (to 12:00 PM) E52 09:30 AM Uncovering the Inner Qualities of Leadership in You (to 12:30 PM) E51-151 10:00 AM Building On-Line Customers: A Workshop (to 12:00 PM) 8-205 Data Center Overview and Data Center tours (to 12:00 PM) W92-106 Drupal Crash Course (to 12:00 PM) 4-265 Indian Dance Workshop: History of Indian Dance (to 11:30 AM) 5-217 Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center (to 03:00 PM) 12-132 MATLAB for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (Hands-on Session) (to 01:00 PM) 4-231 The MathWorks: Ten Sessions: MATLAB for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (to 01:00 PM) 4-231 Tour of the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (to 12:00 PM) meet in Kendall Sq. Tour of the MIT Research Reactor (to 12:00 PM) NW12 1st floor lobby 11:00 AM Microsoft Windows 7 Competition: Go-Go Gadget! (to 09:00 PM) 34-401 unspecified Mystery Hunt Location unavailable 12:00 PM American Jiu Jitsu Grappling Regimen (to 01:00 PM) Squash Court 5 Gregorian Chant & the Rudiments of Latin (to 12:45 PM) MIT Chapel Keeping Current: Using RSS Feeds to Stay Ahead in Your Research (to 01:00 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC) Rotch Library Film Series: This Is What Democracy Looks Like (2005 - 68 min) (to 02:00 PM) Rotch Library Successful Strategies for Promoting Green Behavior: A Workshop for MIT Green Ambassadors (to 02:00 PM) 46-3189 12:15 PM Experiencing Muslim Worship (to 03:15 PM) Meet-W11 lobby 01:00 PM A Sampling of Careers in Biology: Careers Outside the Box (to 02:30 PM) 68-181 Board/Card Game Design - Expansions (to 03:30 PM) 2-135 Implementations of Quantum Computing (to 02:30 PM) 36-428 Lectures on Flexures: Design Principles and Applications (to 03:00 PM) room 1-371 Low Carbon Emission Electricity Generating Technology Options (to 03:00 PM) 66-110 Pleasures of Poetry: TBA (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304 01:30 PM An Introduction to Evolutionary Neuroscience (to 03:30 PM) 46-3015 02:00 PM Designing a Peace Builder Toolkit for Congressional Districts: a Hands-on Workshop (to 05:00 PM) 4-253 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Workshops: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (to 04:00 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC) Intro to iPhone Application Development (to 04:00 PM) 56-154 Mechanics ReView (to 05:00 PM) 26-152 Portable Energy and The Virtual Community Center Project (to 03:00 PM) 2-136 03:00 PM Chandra X-ray Observatory and New Visions of the Center of Our Galaxy (to 03:45 PM) NE80-6035 Easing Stress with Mindfulness (to 05:00 PM) E23-297 Fantasy Electricity Markets Game II: Debriefing (to 04:00 PM) 56-114 Momentum (Formerly Second Summer) (to 04:30 PM) 1-190 03:45 PM Tour of the Operations Control Center for the Chandra X-ray Observatory Cancelled 04:00 PM Handmade Accordion Books (to 06:30 PM) W20-427 Lindy Hop Swing Dance (to 05:00 PM) Alumni/Wang 05:15 PM Aikido (to 06:00 PM) DuPont – Martial Art 05:30 PM Bam! Pow! Repress? Psychiatry and Superheros (to 06:30 PM) E23-297 06:00 PM Thirsty Ear Beer Connoisseur Class (to 08:00 PM) Thirsty Ear Pub NW35 07:00 PM Hacking a Google Interview -- Programming Interviews Exposed! (to 09:00 PM) 26-204 MIT Tae Kwon Do Club (to 09:00 PM) DuPont Exercise Room Programming in C++ Cancelled Religion: Bringing the World Together or Tearing the World Apart?: Part 1 (to 08:00 PM) W20-407 Stage Lighting Design Seminar Series (to 10:00 PM) W20 - La Sala de PR The Thorn in the Heart (A FREE screening and Q&A with director Michel Gondry) (to 09:00 PM) 26-100 07:30 PM Kokikai Aikido for Beginners (to 09:00 PM) DuPont Wrestling Rm.
IAP 2010 Schedule for Fri Jan 15