More Pots to Tinker in...
The Writers' Techniques
- Poetry
- The Writing Arena
- Writer's Block
- Writing Fiction
- Critiquing
- Writing Books
- Writing Market
- Uncategorized so far
- The Fuller Brush Salesman's
- The Fuller Brush
Salesman's Repertoire, Part 2
- The Fuller Brush
Salesman's Repertoire, Part 3
TECH: Mark Twain's Rules for Writing
TECH: William Safire's Rules for Writers
- TECH: One way to sing the tribal lay
me talking about how I do poetry...
- TECH: What's Poetry?
- Re: TECH: Poetry and Lyrics (Battling Badjokes!)
mumble, mumble...
- TECH: Skinning Delectable Momkat Scanning?
some words on rhythm
The Writing Arena
- TECH: WD comments on FNASR
does electronic publication hurt FNASR?
- TECH: Markets and Competing
a pep talk on "competing" in the writing arena
- TECH: Hah!
Thom Jones meets the markets...
- TECH: Sharewrite - A dream?
- Re: TECH: Sharewrite - A dream?
- TECH: electronic publishing
- TECH: Self Publish CDROMs?
- TECH: Another epublishing scheme
electronic self-publishing...some daydreaming
- TECH: Writing Belongs to...
- TECH: Does the Reader know the Writer? (was: anne frank)
- TECH: Meditating on Writers and their Context
writers and readers
- TECH: Why Write? A Quote
- TECH: Serious Work? A Quote
quoth the writer...
- TECH: A Writer's Guide to Watching the Tube
Tellie for the writer?
Writer's Block
- TECH: Writer's Block Book
An excellent book!
- TECH: writers block
- TECH: Lost Creativity
me yapping...
- TECH: Leading Yourself to Write
- TECH: Motivation...
- TECH: More Motivation...
- Re: Blocked!
Writing Fiction
- TECH: a pre-writing checklist
- TECH: Macro-Level Plotting
- TECH: Scene and Structure Book Summary
- TECH: Plotting Problems?
some notes on plotting
- TECH: To End or Not (was other names)
delving into the "write-your-own" ending fuss
- TECH: Writing Well
- TECH: Writing Well
Seven points of writing well
- TECH: The Third Bar Rule
one way of reducing the impact of coincidence
- TECH: Well-Worn SF Ideas
- TECH: favorite sf bloopers
You may want to avoid these
- TECH: What's a stereotype?
- TECH: Stereotypes Again? (was lots of things about Gen-X)
some thoughts on stereotypes
- TECH: tit for tat
an exercise about pictures
- TECH: Bradbury's Approach to Writing (was: Re: EXERCISE: Weather
why practice?
- TECH: On Critiquing - Twice-Told Tales Again Again? (Michael O...)
reusing stories
- TECH: ART ART ART. lets talk about ART
- TECH: A possible definition of art and technique
- TECH: Another Slice at Art
what does art have to do with it?
- TECH: re: CAPS' POV question
Writing what you know and POV
- Re: TECH: Fictions Future (Janes query)
a short epigram about concise writing
- TECH: Filler Short Attention Span
writing with a short attention span
- TECH: A Worksheet for "developing" a character
- TECH: Characterization Problems?
- TECH: Did someone ask about old?
Does s/he or doesn't s/he?
- TECH: Cardboard Baddies
avoid stereotyped villians
- TECH: Plotting Quote
plots, plots, and more plots
- TECH: Story Types
Story structure
- TECH: Twisty Endings (was CRIT: final destination)
puzzles, twists, and ending the story
- TECH: Grinding Ideas (was: Tink! You out there?)
building personal metaphors
- TECH: Six Principles to Write By?
a different list of important principles
- TECH: Types of Labels
how we use categorizations
- TECH: Anti-plots
The 36 Plots--in reverse
- TECH: Psychological Depth in Stories (was: What is a story?)
people who need people...
- TECH: Let's Try Basics 101 Again!
what are the "basic skills" of the writer?
- TECH: A List of Dilemmas
seven cultural problem areas
- TECH: Some Style Problems
style checklist
- TECH: Help with writing mystery
some notions about writing mysteries
- TECH: Yet Another Writing Structure (YAWS!)
- TECH: Show a little life...
Show, don't tell...
- TECH: How do you critique?
one method of critiquing
- TECH: An Editing Trick
editing by reading aloud
- TECH: How to write wel, critique god, and revise bettor
- TECH: Some Guidelines For Critiquing
- TECH: Critiques (esp. of poetry)
- TECH: Help with Critiquing
- TECH: The Earthquake Test
more notes on critiquing
- TECH: Re: critiquing
a flame about critiquing
- PROPOSAL: A Masterful Way With Critiques
one way of organizing critiquing...
Writing Books
- Release That Writer's Muse - Book Reference
- TECH: Writer's Block Book
An excellent book!
- TECH: Scene and Structure Book Summary
- TECH: The Write Stuff Catalog
a catalog
- TECH: The 36 Dramatic Situations (Book Notes)
Georges Polti
- TECH: Book Notes: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
- TECH: Book Notes: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
the second one outlines it.
- TECH: BOOK: How To Write A Romance And Get It Published
- TECH: Future Building Article
- TECH: BOOK: Steal This Plot
- TECH: 20 Master Plots (Book Notes)
- BOOK SUMMARY: Genderspeak (1)
- Thirteen Ways to Stifle Intimate Conversation
- Guidelines to Prevent Sexual Harassment Problems
- The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense: An Overview
genderspeak and verbal self-defense book notes...
Writing Market
- TOR Submission Guidelines
- Del Rey Submission Guidelines
- TECH: Some Marketing Sources
some ideas about where to find out about markets
- TECH: Bunch of Market Addresses
a list of markets
- TECH: Markets and such
some considerations on waiting for rejections
- TECH: Contact For Trek Scripts
- TECH: From Edupage - on-line submission list
- TECH: My SF Marketing Lists...
Uncategorized so far
- TECH: Poetry or Prose
- TECH: Are Fiction and Non-Fiction Different?
- TECH: More Fiction than Fact
- TECH: What's an SF?
- TECH: Literary Fiction v. Popular Fiction
- Re: TECH: Sci-fi? Or Phantasie?
wherein lie the difference(s)?
- Re: TECH: participial phrase question
a bit of grammar, a bit of rewriting
- TECH: SF Writers, Take Note. What does "spacing" do?
- Re: TECH: SF Writers, Take Note. What does "spacing" do?
facts in science fiction?
- TECH: Making the Most of Posting
odd thoughts about good email...
- TECH: Law of Privacy
very out-of-date notes on privacy
- To write, perchance to dream...
- To write, perchance to dream...
neat quotes from John Gardner
- In Praise of Having Opinions
why opinions are good
- Why This Fury...?
- QOTD: Chances of Selling
- stems... (blue-collar flaming)
- METACRIT: It's been done before
- My Wish List
things I wish the list would do...
- ESSAY: Battling Ideas Don't Grow
- Unseen characters?
- ESSAY: Nov. 12, 1993 a rambling tink
- PERSONAL STAND: Please Comment (was: Subject: SUB: Waiting)
- WONDER: "Get A Life!"
- QOTD: Giving help...
- QOTD: The Play of Art
- FILLER: Freelance work suggestions
- ESSAY: It Takes Two to Tangle
- BACKGROUND: Personality Types (MBTI)
- SERMON: Income from 'writing' ???
- ESSAY? Notes on Flame Bores...
- FILLER: CONAN FORMATION (was: And now for something completely
- ESSAY? Stone Cold Sober
- ESSAY: The Anti's
- PONDER: The Real World of Fiction
- WOTD: A Slippery Word of the Day
- WOTD: focus
- Writer's Laws, Section XII, amendation 109...
- WOTD: masturbate
- WOTD: etalk? echat? try netting!
- WOTD: Curmudgeon (was: Re: Poll)
- WOTD: perserverence (sp?) (was:Re: Assistance)
- FILLER: Cognitive Distortions
- TECH: That old time free verse
- CHALLENGE: The Kaffuffle Creator
- Re: TECH: Fictional Places
- Re: TECH: Fictional Places
- TECH: Constructs of Meaning
- Re: TECH: E-zines
- TECH: CK expanded (was: let's kick the doc...)
- TECH: Watch Out for the Drama Triangle
- Re: CRIT, TECH:GiW (Gone in Winter)
- Re: TECH:copyright
- TECH: Burke Bits (1)
- TECH: The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler (Book Review)
- TECH: Libel or Not, Here I Wrote!
- TECH: Hard Question
- Re: TECH: Class preparation, etc.
- TECH: The Short Guide to Topic Tags
- TECH: Getting Started on Your 200 Word Wonder
- TECH: Using (and abusing) Email List Communications
- TECH: Mainstream Genre?
- TECH: C.J. Cherryh on Characters
Upwards and Onwards to My Writers' Bits