My Process:

Simple Process Sequences

This page allows you to quickly add some basic process sequences. Details are given below, and you can add the tools and descriptions by clicking the buttons below. Most of these sequences are designed for TRL users. If you are unsure about the sequences, and recipe parameters, please contact the staff in charge of the tool for a detailed discussion and advice.
Instructions: Expand the appropriate sequence, and click the "add" button to add the sequence to the current process.
Standard thin-resist lithography, 1um (SPR700).
Standard Resist Lithography
1TRLHMDS-TRLDehydrate and enhance adhesion
2TRLcoaterSpin on 1um of SPR700 resist at 3500 rpm
3TRLhotplate1Bake at 95C for 5 minutes
4TRLEV1Expose for 2.5 seconds
5TRLphoto-wet-lDevelop in CD-26 for 70 to 90 seconds and inspect under microscope
6TRLhotplate1Hard-bake at 120C for 2 minutes
Goal: Prepare, coat, explose and develop sample with the MTL standard resist (SPR-700). This is the best choice for standard wet or dry etching steps.

Image reversal lithography, 1.5um (AZ5214E).
Image-reversal Lithography
1TRLHMDS-TRLDehydrate and enhance adhesion
2TRLcoaterSpin on 1.5um of AZ5214E resist at 3500 rpm
3TRLhotplate1Bake at 95C for 5 minutes
4TRLEV1Expose for 1.3 seconds
5TRLhotplate2Image-reversal bake at 120C for 2 minutes
6TRLEV1Flood expose for 60 seconds
7TRLphoto-wet-lDevelop in AZ422MIF for 75 to 90 seconds and inspect under microscope
Goal: Prepare, coat, explose and develop sample with the MTL image reversal resist, typically for liftoff. This is the best choice for depositing metal with liftoff.

Image reversal lithography followed by metal liftoff.
Image-reversal Lithography
1TRLHMDS-TRLDehydrate and enhance adhesion
2TRLcoaterSpin on 1.5um of AZ5214E resist at 3500 rpm
3TRLhotplate1Bake at 95C for 5 minutes
4TRLEV1Expose for 1.3 seconds
5TRLhotplate2Image-reversal bake at 120C for 2 minutes
6TRLEV1Flood expose for 60 seconds
7TRLphoto-wet-lDevelop in AZ422MIF for 75 to 90 seconds and inspect under microscope
Liftoff Deposition
8TRLeBeamAuDeposit ... nm of ... (less than 500 nm)
9TRLphoto-wet-rliftoff: soak in acetone, usually overnight. if needed, clean sample ultrasonic bath in fresh acetone
Goal: Deposition of metal film by liftoff. Maximum practical thickness is 500 nm or less. Au and Pt metal depositions can get expensive, and thicknesses of 100-150 nm are usually sufficient. Some metals (e.g. Au, Pt) may require an adhesion layer (e.g. 10 nm of Ti or Cr). Some metals can have high stress and can peel if too thick (e.g. Ni).

Thick photoresist lithography, 8-10um (AZ4620).
Thick Photoresist
1TRLHMDS-TRLDehydrate and enhance adhesion
2TRLcoaterSpin on 8um of AZ4620 resist at 3000 rpm
3TRLhotplate1Bake at 110C for 3 minutes
4TRLEV1Expose in 8 intervals of 3 seconds with 6 second wait
5TRLphoto-wet-lDevelop in AZ405MIF for 1-2 minutes and inspect under microscope
6TRLprebakeovnBake in 90C oven for 30 minutes
Goal: Prepare, coat, explose and develop sample with the MTL's thick resist (AZ4620). Thick resist is ideal for DRIE silicon etching (especially when going more than a few 10's of microns).

Thick photoresist followed by Si-wafer through-etch (DRIE)
Thick Photoresist
1TRLHMDS-TRLDehydrate and enhance adhesion
2TRLcoaterSpin on 8um of AZ4620 resist at 3000 rpm
3TRLhotplate1Bake at 110C for 3 minutes
4TRLEV1Expose in 8 intervals of 3 seconds with 6 second wait
5TRLphoto-wet-lDevelop in AZ405MIF for 3-5 minutes and inspect under microscope
Through Etch
6TRLcoaterHandle-mount wafer onto carrier with thick resist
7TRLprebakeovnBake in 90C oven for 30 minutes
8TRLsts-PegasusDRIE etch through wafer
Dismount and clean
9TRLphoto-wet-lDismount in acetone overnight and solvent clean
10TRLasher-TRLOptional: Ash 1 hour to clean up any remaining resist residues
Goal: Prepare, coat, explose and develop sample with the MTL thick resist (AZ4620), handle mount and DRIE etch through wafer.

SU8 Lithography
Thick Photoresist
1TRLhotplate300dehydration bake for 5 mins
2TRLSU8spinnercoat with SU8
2TRLhotplate300prebake ... mins @ ...C
2TRLEV1expose ... seconds on special SU8 holder
2TRLSU8spinnerdevelop ... mins in ...
2TRLhotplate300hard-bake for ... mins at ...C
Goal: Prepare, coat, explose and develop sample with SU8. Different thicknesses will require different bake temperatures, so you need to check the manufacturer's datasheet for details. SU8 is not used for normal processing (for example, it can contaminate dry etchers) but is often used for making microfluidic molds. Please be familiar about the problems that SU8 can cause when it gets into non-SU8 tools.

6.152J Solar Cell Module - Process Flow
Lab Session 1
1ICLDCVDDeposit 10 nm of SiO2
2ICLDCVDDeposit 60 nm of SiNx
3ICLUV1280Measure film thickness and properties
4ICLpTrackSpin on 1um of SPR700 resist
5ICLEV-LCExpose with mask layer 1, 3.5 seconds
6ICLpTrackDevelop resist with CD26, standard recipe. Inspect under microscope
7ICLAME5000Etch the frontside dielectrics using SF6 and recipe JK NITRIDE
8ICLAME5000Etch the backside dielectrics and epi layer. Epi etch is Cl based, recipe BASELINE POLY
9ICLasher-ICLRemove resist in 3 min ash
Lab Session 2
8ICLpremetal-PiranhaPrianha clean (1:3 H2O2:H2SO4) for 10 mins, then 15 second 50:1 HF dip
9ICLenduraSputter 1 um of Al on the backside, followed by 2 um of Al on the frontside
10ICLpTrackSpin on 1um of SPR700 resist
11ICLEV-LCExpose with mask layer 2, 3.5 seconds, aligned to layer 1
12ICLpTrackDevelop resist with CD26, standard recipe. Inspect under microscope
13ICLrainbowEtch the frontside metal until almost all Al removed
14TRLacid-hoodRemove the remainder of the metal with a wet Al etch
15ICLphoto-wet-rRemove the resist using acetone, followed by an isopropyl rinse
16ICLsemZeissOptional - Inspect device in SEM
Lab Session 3
15OtherOutsideLabTest devices in bldg 13
Goal: Use of the ICL tool set to fabricate the 3.155J/6.152J solar cells.