09:00 AM
Joint Operations and Crisis Action Planning (to 04:00 PM) E38-714
Microfabrication 101 (to 12:00 PM) 2-105
10:00 AM
Flash for Beginners (to 12:00 PM) 26-139
Thermal Analysis Capability at CMSE (to 12:00 PM) Rm. 13-2137
10:30 AM
Phase II Mathematical Writing (to 12:00 PM) 2-147
12:00 PM
2004 EAPS Lecture Series: Mars: Icecaps of Mars and Earth (to 01:00 PM) 54-915
Athena Minicourse: Latex for your Thesis (to 01:00 PM) 3-343
Better Teaching @ MIT: Presentations and Presence: How to Make an Impact with Your Students (to 01:00 PM) 9-151
Controlling Your IT Environment (to 01:30 PM) 2-131
From Jesus to Christ: Part 4: Rise of Christendom (to 02:00 PM) 4-253
Holography Lecture Series: Session 1: The 3D Window: Fundamentals of Holography (to 01:00 PM) MIT Museum
Issues in Technology and Policy Seminar Series: Sustainability of Materials Systems (to 01:30 PM) E40-298
USA 101: A Cross-Cultural Workshop (to 02:00 PM) 4-270
Word User Group (to 01:00 PM) N42 Demo Center
12:30 PM
Images of Women Cancelled
01:00 PM
Introduction to Human Rights (to 02:30 PM) 2-147
Is Your Web Site Easy to Use?: User-Centered Design Methods and Tools Workshop (to 03:00 PM) 3-133
Pleasures of Poetry: Reading and Discussion of Memorable Poems: D.H. Lawrence (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Poetry Lab: Hypothesis, Experiment, Outcome (to 02:30 PM) 2-146
Sushi Making CLASS FULL-REGISTRATION CLOSED (to 04:00 PM) E38-615
The Cambridge-MIT Undergraduate Student Exchange Program -- Is it for You? (to 03:00 PM) 5-231
02:00 PM
DSpace Digital Repository (to 03:30 PM) 14N-132
Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Science: Astronomy with Gravitational Waves (to 02:30 PM) 37-252
GIS: Working with Map Projections in ArcGIS (to 05:00 PM) 37-312
Inventing Events: A Workshop (to 05:00 PM) 10-485
MIT Immigration Lawyer Panel for International Students Cancelled
So What Exactly Does the Bottom Line at a Company Mean? (to 03:00 PM) 31-161
The Mysteries of Admissions (to 03:00 PM) 4-270
Zephyr: Introduction, Customization, and More (to 04:00 PM) 4-231
02:30 PM
Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Science: Detecting Gravitational Waves (to 03:00 PM) 37-252
03:00 PM
Brain Food! The Wonders of EECS!: Make Your Life Easier by Making Your Computer Smarter (to 05:00 PM) 34-401
Greek Gods--Human Lives: What We Can Learn From Myths (to 06:00 PM) 3-133
How to Make Your Public Service Project More Successful! (to 05:00 PM) W20-301, PDR 1 & 2
Introduction to CSS (to 04:00 PM) 9-253
MIT Washington Summer Internship Program Information Sessions (to 04:00 PM) 2-131
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Neurobiology at MIT: Pathfinding into the Next Decade: Bidirectional Communication at Synapses: A Two Way Dance Between Neurons (to 04:00 PM) Whitehead Auditorium
The Romanell Phi Beta Kappa Lectures in Philosophy: Democracy as Process and Substance (to 05:00 PM) 66-168
03:15 PM
Frontiers of Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Science: Tour of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory Lab (to 04:15 PM) 37-252
03:30 PM
Approaches to Teaching and Learning: A Scholarly Perspective (to 05:00 PM) 9-151
04:00 PM
Eloranta Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships: Creating a Winning Proposal (to 05:00 PM) 4-153
Experience the Way of Tea - Japanese Tea Ceremony (to 05:30 PM) Bush Room
Introduction to Metadata (to 05:00 PM) 14N-132
Tools for Software Development on UNIX (to 06:00 PM) 4-237
04:30 PM
Rainbow Lounge Open (to 09:00 PM) 50-306
05:15 PM
Jewish Chassidic Thought (to 06:15 PM) W11 Board Room
06:00 PM
Islamic Doctrine: Lecture 5 (POSTPONED) (to 07:30 PM) 1-150
The Secret Life of C++: What your compiler doesn't want you to know (C++ Internals) (to 08:00 PM) 1-190
06:30 PM
Alternative Uses for MD Degrees (to 08:00 PM) 4-231
Handbell Ensemble (to 08:30 PM) W20-400
MIT Outing Club Winter School: Topics to Be Determined (to 08:30 PM) 35-225
07:00 PM
Athena Minicourse: Latex for your Thesis (to 08:00 PM) 3-343
Ballroom Dance Lessons (to 09:00 PM) Lobby 13
Beginning Potter's Wheel: Session IV (to 10:00 PM) W20-427
Chocolate Movie Series: Like Water for Chocolate (to 11:00 PM) 1-135
Korean Karate: The Art of Tae Kwon Do (to 09:00 PM) duPont Dance Studio
Learning African Culture through Swahili (to 08:00 PM) 24-619
Selections from Middle Eastern Cinema: "Yol" (1981) (to 09:00 PM) Room 2-105
Taboo Tournament (to 09:00 PM) 4-402
The Thirteenth Annual Salute to Dr. Seuss (to 10:00 PM) 6-120
07:30 PM
Judo (to 09:00 PM) DuPont WrestlingRoom
Visual Mathematics (to 09:00 PM) 24-619
08:00 PM
Athena Minicourse: FrameMaker for your Thesis (to 09:00 PM) 3-343
Caffeinated Crash Course in C (to 11:00 PM) 4-270
Concert Band Rehearsal (to 10:00 PM) W20-306
Contra Dance for All: An Introduction: IAP WARM-UP BEGINNER'S SPECIAL II (to 10:30 PM) Morss Hall
Fun Night! Introduction to Square Dancing (to 10:30 PM) Lobdell
09:00 PM
Kokikai Aikido for Beginners (to 11:00 PM) DuPont