09:00 AM
15.952 Special Seminar in Management and Leadership Cancelled
Human Resources: Looking to the Future (to 12:00 PM) 10-105
Raman and FTIR Spectroscopy and Microspectroscopy at CMSE (to 01:00 PM) Rm. 13-2137
10:00 AM
2004 MITSO Conducting Workshop (to 10:00 PM) Killian Hall/ Kresge
DSpace Digital Repository (to 11:30 AM) 14N-132
Getting Started with Weblogs (to 11:30 AM) E52-010
The Quest for Data (to 12:00 PM) 37-312
10:30 AM
Real Time Optimization for Real World Problems (to 12:00 PM) E40-106
12:00 PM
Athena Minicourse: First Course (to 01:00 PM) 3-343
Better Teaching @ MIT: Planning Recitations (to 01:00 PM) 9-151
Esperanto Conversation Group (to 01:00 PM) W20 Coffeehouse
Holography Lecture Series: Session 2: Stephen Benton and the Holographic Arts (to 01:00 PM) MIT Museum
Mindful Communication and Conflict Resolution (to 01:30 PM) 4-231
Rape Aggression Defense Training (RAD): Rape Aggression Defense Training (RAD)--Morning Sessions (to 01:30 PM) See URL for location
TechTime: MIT Personal Calendar Quick Start (to 01:00 PM) N42 Demo Center
The Feynman Films: Seeking New Laws (to 01:30 PM) 6-120
The Frequency of Your Nervous System Determines How You Think, Act, and Feel (to 01:15 PM) 2-105
12:30 PM
Mindfulness Meditation (to 02:00 PM) 4-237
01:00 PM
DMSE Graduate Medallion Casting (to 04:00 PM) 8-014
History and Mystery of the Tarot: The Spreading of the Tarot (to 02:30 PM) 8-119
Introduction to Human Rights (to 02:30 PM) 2-147
Pleasures of Poetry: Reading and Discussion of Memorable Poems: Anne Bradstreet (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Skin Care and Make-up (to 02:30 PM) 4-249
Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology Lecture Series: Deaf Culture, Sign Language, and Cochlear Implants (to 02:00 PM) E25-111
Writing for Change: Service-Learning Opportunities in Writing Subjects, for Spring 2004 (to 03:00 PM) 14E-310
01:30 PM
Physics in Business-the Adventures of Two Course 8 Graduates in the Free Market (to 02:30 PM) 6-120
Undergraduate Study Abroad - Questions and Answers (to 03:30 PM) 56-114
02:00 PM
Endangered Language Series (to 03:30 PM) E39-335
Five Lectures in Philosophy and a Panel Discussion: The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in Film (to 05:00 PM) 1-390
GIS: Working with Digital Elevation Models (to 04:00 PM) 37-312
MIT’S Model Environment, Health and Safety Management System (to 04:00 PM) E40-496
PowerPoint Finishing School (to 03:30 PM) 14N-132
The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in Film (to 05:00 PM) 1-390
03:00 PM
Brain Food! The Wonders of EECS!: Talking to Computers: An Introduction to Conversational Interfaces (to 05:00 PM) 34-401
Isshinryu Karate-do at MIT Workout (to 04:30 PM) Rockwell Cage
Moving Teaching and Training to the Web (to 04:00 PM) Bush Room
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Neurobiology at MIT: Pathfinding into the Next Decade: The History of Neuroscience at MIT (to 04:00 PM) Whitehead Auditorium
SL@MIT: Sweets & Facts (to 04:00 PM) 4-253
04:00 PM
Keitai Cool: The Latest in Mobile Phone Lifestyles in Japan and Beyond (to 05:30 PM) 4-231
Beginning Potter's Wheel: Session II (to 06:30 PM) W20-431
Dress for Success Workshop (to 06:00 PM) 4-249
Psychology of Investing (to 05:00 PM) MIT Building 6-120
05:00 PM
Arabic Music and Culture for the Uninitiated (to 07:00 PM) 4-145
Rape Aggression Defense Training (RAD): Rape Aggression Defense Training (RAD) Defense Training (RAD)--Evening Sessions (to 07:00 PM) See URL for location
06:00 PM
Art and Architecture Tour of the Boston Public Library (to 07:30 PM) Boston Public Librar
Go Lectures and Workshop: TBD (to 10:00 PM) 1-246
Marxism Today: The 1917 Russian Revolution: Was Socialism Doomed? (to 08:00 PM) 1-132
Panhellenic Association Information Session (to 08:00 PM) Walker Dining Room
Scrapbooking II (to 08:00 PM) E25-117
The Secret Life of C++: What your compiler doesn't want you to know (C++ Internals) (to 08:00 PM) 1-190
06:30 PM
Handbell Ensemble (to 08:30 PM) W20-400
MD vs. MD-PhD vs. PhD (to 08:00 PM) 4-231
07:00 PM
Athena Minicourse: First Course (to 08:00 PM) 3-343
Chocolate Lollipop Making (to 09:00 PM) ESG Kitchen, 24-6XX
Contract Bridge: Beginner's Course (to 09:00 PM) 4-149
Globalization Sounds Good But Who Pays the Bills? (to 09:00 PM) MIT 1-150
Introduction to Tae Kwon Do (to 09:00 PM) Exercise Room
Roadkill Buffet's Improv Comedy Workshop! (to 10:00 PM) 24-121
Taiwanese Cultural Series: Calligraphy Workshop (to 09:00 PM) 4-145
Tech Model Railroad Club Meeting (to 10:00 PM) N52-118
07:15 PM
Kokikai Aikido for Beginners (to 09:00 PM) DuPontWrestlers'room
07:30 PM
Sport Taekwondo Practice (to 09:30 PM) duPont Bball Court 2
08:00 PM
Athena Minicourse: Working On Athena (to 09:00 PM) 3-343
Israeli Folk Dancing (to 11:00 PM) Lobby 13
LBGT Film Series: The Brandon Teena Story and Boys Don't Cry (to 11:00 PM) 6-120
08:30 PM
Learn Kendo - The Martial Art of the Samurai (to 10:30 PM) T-Club Lounge, Du Po
08:45 PM
Swing Dancing (to 11:30 PM) W20 2nd Floor
09:00 PM
American Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense @ MIT (to 10:30 PM) DuPont Wrestling Rm.