Working Internationally


LNS employees who will be working internationally for more than 30 consecutive days (CERN is an exception), must contact LNS HQ as soon as plans are known, and certainly prior to departure. Work outside of the U.S. for more than 30 consecutive days requires approval by the MIT International Coordinating Committee (MiTiCC), which can take significant time.

Employees, in conjunction with their supervisor, should complete the International People Placement (IPP) Intake form and email to LNS Headquarters for preliminary approval. If the LNS Directorate approves, the form is submitted to the IPP team for review and is either approved or denied by the MiTiCC.

Employees who work internationally for more than 30 consecutive days must update their home address information in Atlas, in the “About Me” section and select “Personal Information”.

It is important to note that employees working abroad may be subject to transfer to a third party Professional Employer Organization (PEO) as the formal employer of record. The timeline for allowing people to remain MIT employees while working abroad can vary depending on the laws of the country where the person is working. Using a PEO can be costly and can include a one-time set up fee as well as a monthly service fee.

For complete information on working abroad and hiring Internationally, see the MiTiCC website as well as Section 7.10 in the MIT Policies & Procedures.

For employees who participate in an MIT health care plan, MIT Benefits must be informed if you are working outside the US for more than six consecutive months. Benefits will review your options to ensure you and any family members have appropriate health care coverage. In addition, MIT Benefits must be notified either via email at, or by calling (617-253-6151) or toll-free (855-253-6151) when you return to New England.