Speaker   Institution Title Time Session
Abele Hartmut University of Munich Survey of Neutron Beta Decay.PPT 30 1b
Afanasev Andrej Hampton University/JLab Transverse Spin Asymmetries in Elastic Electron Scattering.PPTX 30 4b
Armstrong David William and Mary Parity-Violating Electron Scattering on Hydrogen andDeuterium at Backward Angles:  G0 Experiment.PDF 45 1a
Aulenbacher Kurt University of Mainz Polarized Sources.PDF 30 3b
Baunack Sebastian University of Mainz A4-Mainz.PDF 30 1a
Beane Silas University of New Hampshire Parity Violation and Lattice QCD 30 4b
Benmokhtar Fatiha Carnegie Mellon University Analysis of the G0 Backward Angle experiment    
Bernauer Jan University of Mainz Low-Q: Proton Electric and Magnetic Form Factors.PDF 20 4b
Budker Dmitry UCBerkeley Observation of Large Parity Violation Effects in Ytterbium.PDF 45 2b
Cates Gordon University of Virginia Helicity Reversal and Systematics.PDF 30 3b
Chudakov Eugene JLab Beam Polarimetry.PDF 30 3b
Crawford Chris University of Kentucky NPD Gamma Experiments: From LANSCE to the SNS.PDF 30 4a
De Kieviet Maarten Heidelberg University Atomic PV in Hydrogen 30 2b
Deshpande Abhay Stony Brook University Electron Ion Collider.PDF 45 5b
Dunford Bob ANL, NSF Parity Nonconservation in Hydrogen: Revisited.PDF 30 2b
Ejiri Hiro Osaka University Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Overview.PDF 30 1b
Erler Jens University of Mexico Electroweak Corrections and Z's.PDF 30 1a
Gorshteyn Mikhail Indiana University Hadronic Structure Effects in Parity Violating Electron Scattering.PDF 30 2b
Heckel Blayne University of Washington Electric Dipole Moments-Hg.PDF 30 1b
Hertzog David University of Illinois A New Muon g-2 Experiment at FNAL: Why?, When? And How? 30 5b
Holstein Barry University of Massachusetts Hadronic PV: Overview.PDF 45 4a
Kearns Ed Boston University A Search of the Neutrino Landscape.PDF 30 2b
Kohl Michael Hampton University/JLab Elastic Form Factor Experiments: A Serial Story.PDF 30 4b
Kubis Bastian Bonn University Charge Symmetry Violation.PDF 30 4b
Kumar Krishna University of Massachusetts An Ultra-precise Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Moller Scattering with a 11GeV Beam at JLab.PDF 30 2a
Marciano William BNL Conference Summary.PDF 45 5b
Michaels Bob JLab Lead Radius Experiment, PREX: An Update.PDF 30 4a
Miller James Boston University μ → e Conversion.PPT 30 5a
Ramsey-Musolf Michael University of Wisconsin Electroweak PV Overview.PDF 45 2a
Nesvizhevsky Valery Grenoble 6-Li + n > 3-H 30 4a
Page Shelley University of Manitoba Qweak-JLAB.PDF 30 2a
Paschke Kent University of Virginia HAPPEX-III: JLab.PDF 30 1a
Pitt Mark Virginia Tech Technical Challenges Unique to Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Experiments.PDF 45 3b
Schindler Matthias Ohio University Hadronic Parity Violation in Pionless Effective Field Theory.PDF 30 4a
Schmitt Michael Northwestern University Large Hadron Collider: Electroweak Physics.PDF 45 5b
Severijns Nathal   Nuclear Beta Decay: Overview    
Smith Greg JLab High Power Cryo-Targets.PDF h2volz4.MPEG qwek_density.MPEG 30 3b
Snow Michael Indiana University Parity Violation in Slow Neutron Spin Rotation.PDF 30 5a
Souder Paul Syracuse University PVDIS_12 GeV-JLab.PDF 30 2a
Timmermans Rob KVI EDM Summary: Overview 45 1b
Weise Wolfram Technische Universitat Munchen' Low-Energy QCD and Strangeness in the Nucleon.PDF 30 1a
Zheng Xiaochao University of Virginia PVDIS_6 GeV-JLab.PDF 30 2a
Contributed Talks
Belaguer Rios David Mainz university Two Photon Exchange and Transverse Spin Asymmetries in the A4 experiment.PDF 20  
Benmokhtar Fatiha Carnegie Mellon Analysis of the G0 backward Angle Experiment.PDF 20  
Capozza Luigi Mainz University Background Studies for the A4 Experiment.PDF 20  
Deconinck Wouter MIT Precision Compton Polarimetry for the Qweak Experiment at Jefferson Lab.PDF 20  
Diefenbach Jurgen Mainz University Jefferson lab Injector Development for Next Generation  Parity experiments.PDF 20  
Linden Steven Yale University Measurement of the νμ Charged Current π+ to Quasi-Elastic Cross section Ratio on Mineral Oil in a 0.8 GeV Neutrino beam.PDF 20  
Mammei Juliette M Virginia Tech Transverse Beam Asymmetries: G0 Backward Angle.PDF 20  
Schaub John New Mexico State University Global Analysis of the Strangeness Vector and Axial vector Form Factors of the Nucleon and their Uncertainties.PDF 20  
Suleiman Riad JLab Jefferson lab Injector Development for Next Generation  Parity experiments.PDF 20  


Session 1a:
Monday AM
Session 1b:
Monday PM
Session 2a:
Tuesday AM
Session 2b:
Tuesday PM
Session 3b:
Wednesday PM
Session 4a:
Thursday AM
Session 4b:
Thursday PM
Session 5a:
Friday AM
Session 5b:
Friday PM

Updated 6/1/2009