Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
Data Acquisition and Analysis
Fall 2001
Current Lectures Notes
Why is human brain mapping exciting? Why does fMRI
play a special role?
[R. Savoy, Acta Psychologica 107 (2001) 9-42]
(pdf available on-line through MIT
Human Subjects
Safety issues for human subjects in functional
MRI research (notes, presentation,
MRI Physics I (notes, presentation)
Overview of an MRI experiment. Equilibrium magnetization.
Radio-frequency pulses. MR signal. Relaxation. Bloch equations.
MRI Physics II (notes, presentation_part1,
Spatial encoding of MR signal. Conventional and
fast MRI. MRI sequence parameters.
MRI Physics III
- Contrast in MRI. Review
of Spin-Echo sequence. Proton density contrast. T2 contrast. Inversion
Recovery (T1 contrast). Diffusion weighted MRI. (Presentation)
- BOLD contrast. Extravascular
and Intravascular Components in BOLD signal. Spin-Echo versus Gradient-Echo
imaging for BOLD. Magnetic field strength effects on BOLD signal. (Presentation)
MRI Physics IV
Cerebral blood volume and flow changes: effects
on BOLD signal. Alternatives to BOLD contrast. (presentation_part1,
MRI Glossary
Brain Physiology I
Respiratory and Circulatory Physiology for Brain
Imagers. (notes, presentation)
Brain Physiology II
Physiological basis of BOLD signal. Neurovascular
coupling. Global vs regionally specific changes in CBF metabolism. (presentation)
Neural regulation of CNS vasculature. (notes,
Brain Physiology III
Functional neuroanatomic systems. (notes,
Techniques for detecting auditory and brainstem
activation signals: cardiac gating and clustered volume acquisition. (notes,
Brain Structure I
Characterization of structural MR data. Structural
to functional registration. (presentation_part1,
Diffusion tensor imaging uses for white matter tract tracing.
(presentation_part1, presentation_part2)
Brain Structure II
Retinotopic structure of early visual cortex. Construction
and use of surface models of the cortex. Automatic segmentation of subcortical
structures. (presentation_part1,
Imaging Neuroscience
Experimental designs for fMRI: block, spaced
single trial, rapid single trial, periodic, other mixed designs. (presentation)
Statistics I
Paradigm and statistical inference. (notes,
Statistics II
Building statistical models for fMRI. (notes)
Statistics III
Application of statistical models for fMRI. Statistical
considerations in experimental design. (presentation)
Statistics IV
MEG-fMRI statistical analysis modeling: optimizing
spatio-temporal resolution.
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