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Adjusting the Indoor Climate

Repair and Maintenance teams maintain the central building systems that control temperature. Sometimes relief from uncomfortable temperatures is as simple as adjusting radiators or local thermostats. At times, sudden weather changes or other events may cause temporary temperature shifts indoors. Please note that many older building systems are set to either heat or cool—but can’t switch phases quickly. In the fall and spring, temperatures are erratic and building temperatures may not keep up with weather variations.

Order Services

If the temperature changes suddenly, is erratic, or is a persistent problem, let us know by going to Service Requests in Atlas and filling out the Repairs request form. Below is a list of some of the services available. There is no charge for our Basic Services, but there is for our Special Services, so be sure you have a Cost Object you can use to order these services.

Basic Services

  • Adjust heating or cooling
  • Repair heating and cooling units

Special Services (Requires a Fee)

  • Installing heating and cooling units in renovations or new construction
  • Changes in plumbing, power, or ventilation




Department Directory

Repair & Maintenance

Kevin Connolly

Customer Service Center

Office Hours: M - F, 7AM - 4:30PM
Key Distribution Hours: M - F, 8AM - 4PM
Phone: 617-253-4948
Building: E17-129

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