Clean Water for 1 Billion People

KanchanTM Arsenic Filter Project for Rural Nepal

Local Entrepreneurs’ Training on the Promotion of
KanchanTM Arsenic Filter (KanchanTM Filter)


A Local Entrepreneur Training on the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter was conducted at the Nepal Red Cross Society Birgunj office on April 15-16, 2004. This training was provided by representatives from Environment & Public Health Organization (ENPHO), Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Support Programme (RWSSSP), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Entrepreneurs from 11 arsenic districts attended the training. They were taught about water quality, arsenic health effects, filter construction and operation, entrepreneur techniques, etc.


Long term objectives

  • To provide arsenic free/ potable water to those people who are at the risk of arsenic so that arsenicosis can be prevented.
  • To develop a local lead agency to supply arsenic removal filters.
  • To strengthening the capacity of local NGOs and CBOs for arsenic mitigation.

Immediate objectives

  • To develop a sustainable mechanism to supply filters at the local level
  • To orient the participants about the arsenic problem and different types of household filter
  • To train the participants to properly assemble filters

Expected Outcome

  • After this training participants will be able to understand about the arsenic problem and its effect in peoples' health.
  • Participants will be able to assemble the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter
  • Mechanism for the filter distribution will be developed
  • One demo KAF unit will be setup at the office of each entrepreneur
  • Construction, promotion, and selling of filter will begin

Duration: 2 days
Date: April 15-16, 2004
Location: Nepal Red Cross Society Office, Bigunj


S.N. Name Organization VDC/ Municipality District Contact Tel.
1 Shiv Prasad Lamichhane NEWAH Dhangadi Kailali 091-523142
2 Mohan Prasad Sharma Bal Kalyan Sewa Tikapur Kailali 091-523142
3 Umakanta Phuyal NEWAH Dhangadi Kailali 091-523142
4 Binod Prasad Bhatta Jana Chetana Samaj Mahendranagar Kanchanpur 099-522357
5 Parsuram Tharu Jana Kendrit Bikas Manch Gulariya Bardiya 084-420324
6 Govinda Raj Poudel NRCS Gulariya Bardiya 084-520125
7 Yadav Pd. Bhusal Siddharth Social Development Center Gajehada-7 Siddhipur Kapilvastu 076-560312
8 Raju Shah  

Indreni Rural Development center Butwal-4, Jitgadhi Rupandehi 071-541882
9 Kapila K.C. Pragatisil Women Development Multipurpose co-operative Ltd. Makrahar Rupandehi 071-562356
10 Murari Prasad Gupta NRCS Parasi Nawalparasi 078-520526
11 Tirtha Raj Sharma NRCS Parasi Nawalparasi 078-520526
12 Draupadi Rijal Community Learning Center

Pithauli Nawalparasi 078-540419
13 Raju Bishwa SCAD Panchanagar Nawalparasi 078-590035
14 Sanjit Adhikari Kalaiya Municipality Kalaiya Bara 053-550030 053-550260
15 Uday Nepal NRCS Kalaiya Bara 053-551081
16 Umashankar Yadav Social Development and EmpowermentCenter Madhuban Bara 053-550468
17 Binod Prasad Yadav NGOCC Birgunj Parsa 051-522281
18 Uday Raj Sharma NRCS Birgunj Parsa 051-522525
19 Ramananda Thakur Mudali Club Mudali Parsa No number
20 Bhagwan Saran Shrestha YCC Birgunj Parsa 051-522281
21 Kedar Thapa Save The Environment of Nepal (STEN) Chandranigahapur Rautahat 055-520587
22 Hemanta Ray Yadav NRCS Gaur Rautahat 055-520141
23 Prithivi Narayan Chaudhary NRCS Gaur Rautahat 055-520141
24 Nandalal Yadav Gaur Municipality Gaur Rautahat 055-520298
25 Ashok Kumar Yadav NRCS Siraha Siraha 033-520095
26 Govinda Pd. Chaudhary Bhawani Integrated DevelopmentCenter Lahan Siraha 033-561789


  • Roshan Shrestha, Project co-ordinator, ENPHO
  • Binod Dahal, Trainer, ENPHO
  • Bipin Dangol, Researcher, ENPHO
  • Hari Budathoki, Supervisor, ENPHO
  • Tommy Ngai, Lecturer & Researcher, MIT
  • Uday Raj Sharma, NRCS
  • Umesh Sharma, RWSSSP

Other attendees:

  • Jeebendra Ghimire, Program support officer, ENPHO
  • Rajendra Mahato, Health Worker, ENPHO
  • Gauri Budathoki, Health Worker, ENPHO
  • Shyam Pokharel, Chairman, NRCS
  • Balram Khanal, Motivator, NRCS
  • Upendra Poudel, DWSS
Activities carried out during training:
  • Opening remarks by Roshan Shrestha and Shyam Pokharel, chairman of NRCS.
  • Presentation by Binod Dahal on water quality and its importance, arsenic health effects
  • Presentation by Roshan Shrestha on arsenic contamination in Nepal, and mitigation options
  • Presentation by Tommy Ngai and Bipin Dangol on filter performance, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
  • Experience sharing on KanchanTM Arsenic Filter by Umesh Sharma (RWSSSP) and (ENPHO).
  • Discussion led by Roshan Shrestha on entrepreneurs concept, market size, pricing, long-term sustainability, filter promotion, etc.
  • Demonstration by Hari Budathoki on KAF construction
  • Demonstration by Tommy Ngai and Bipin Dangol on KAF installation
  • Practice filter construction by all participants. A total of 10 KAF were constructed.
  • Distributed IEC (information, education, communication) materials to all participants including KAF general brochure, KAF posters, and NASC arsenic posters.
  • Provided 10 participants one demo KAF construction materials, including one Gem505 bucket (or Bagmati equivalent), one Gem1700 basin, one Gem016 jug, 5 kg of iron nails, one set of piping system, two wrenches, sample bags of fine sand, coarse sand, and gravel, and two bottles of Piyush. The rest of these participants will receive these materials in a later date.
  • Feedbacks from participants were collected
  • A copy of all presentations and other relevant information was send to all participants

Discussion results and feedbacks from participants:

  • Local NGOs can only do social marketing of filters.
  • Certificate is needed for local entrepreneurs to make authorized distribution and quality assurance of filters.
  • To promote the filters people should make aware about the arsenic at first.
  • Provision of subsidy for poor people of arsenic affected areas is necessary.
  • Provision of installment basis payment system should be developed for poor people.
  • Testing of water quality was given less attention so that people are suffering from various types of water born diseases.
  • Due to poor sanitary condition around the house, chance of bacterial contamination in drinking water is high even though water is found good at source.
  • Provision of arsenic test kit to all local entrepreneurs is necessary.
  • Local entrepreneurs need regular technical support for monitoring of filters.
  • The price of should be fixed in district wise basis.
  • The local entrepreneurs should not take profit more than 10% of total investment of filter. Out of 10% profit, 5% budget should be allocated for maintenance and monitoring of installed filters.
  • Participants agreed on our proposed filter distribution and monitoring mechanism.


  • Participants were given one demo filter will tools and sample sand & gravel so that they can begin setting up the demo filter at their office immediately.


  • Insufficient preparation. List of proper sand sources were not given to participants. Stickers were not ready. Also, there were only 10 buckets available. Therefore some participants were not given the demo filter.
  • Hotel condition was poor. Participants expressed dissatisfaction because of the heat and mosquito. Participants were transferred to another hotel for the second night.
  • Participants were informed about the training less than one week before the start date. As a result, some participants were unable to attend.


  • Visit each of the entrepreneurs to discuss about their interest and capacity in filter production.
  • Check each of the entrepreneurs’ filter quality.
  • Discuss with each entrepreneur on certification and responsibility.

Training Cost


Total (NRs)

Per diem and travel allowance for participants


Lodging for participants


Hall Rental






Tea and Refreshments


NRCS helpers


Donation to NRCS


Plastic Gem505 with lid, 30 sets


Plastic Gem1700 basin, 30 sets


Plastic Gem016 mug, 30 sets


Iron nails, 150 kg


Wrenchs, 60 pieces


Pipe and fittings


Print copies of presentation and send to participants


Total Training Expense


Expense per participant (26 in total)
