Clean Water for 1 Billion People

KanchanTM Arsenic Filter Project for Rural Nepal

Local Entrepreneurs’ Training on the Promotion of
KanchanTM Arsenic Filter (KanchanTM Filter)


A Refresher Training on the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter (previously called the Arsenic Biosand Filter, ABF) construction and promotion was conducted at the Nepal Red Cross Society Birgunj office on December 19-20, 2004. This training was facilitated by representatives from Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) of Canada, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) of USA, and Environment & Public Health Organization (ENPHO) of Kathmandu. Eighteen participants from 14 organizations (i.e. entrepreneurs) attended the training. They were taught about the newest filter construction methods, shared about success and failures, and discussed about future promotion activities, pricing, and contract.


Long term objectives

  • To provide arsenic free/ potable water to those people who are at the risk of arsenic so that arsenicosis can be prevented.
  • To develop a local lead agency to supply arsenic removal filters.
  • To strengthening the capacity of local NGOs and CBOs for arsenic mitigation.

Immediate objectives

  • To build skills among the entrepreneurs on material procurement, quality control, marketing, pricing, and testing of the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter.
  • To discuss about certification and contract criteria
  • To share experience among the entrepreneurs
  • To teach proper sand preparation methods and newest construction methods
  • To establish a network between the entrepreneurs
  • To answer any questions and comments from the entrepreneurs.

Expected Outcome

  • After this training participants will have re-inforced knowledge on the overall process of filter provision, from material procurement to construction process to marketing and sales.
  • Participants learn about potential filter problems and how to solve those problems.
  • A draft contract outlining the roles and responsibility of the local entrepreneurs and ENPHO will be established, based on entrepreneurs’ feedback.
  • The entrepreneurs will start promotion of the filter in their local areas.

Duration: 2 days
Date: Dec 19-20, 2004
Location: Nepal Red Cross Society Office, Bigunj


S.N. Organization (entrepreneur) VDC/ Municipality District Contact Tel. Participants' Name
1 Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH)
Dhangadi Kailali

Shiv Prasad Lamichhane;
Umakanta Phuval
2 TRWS Dhangadi
Manoj Kumar Chaudhary
3 Lumbini Filter Udhayog Kalauni, Dudharakhya-2 Rupandehi
Narayan P. Pandey
4 Indreni Rural Development center Butwal-4, Jitgadhi
Raju Shah
5 Pragatisil Women Development Multipurpose co-operative Ltd.
Kapila K.C.
6 Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS)
Murari Prasad Gupta; Tirtha Raj Sharma
7 Swarnim Communite Academy Development (SCAD)
Raju Bishwa
8 NRCS Kalaiya
Umashankar Yadav ;
Uday Nepal
9 NGO Coordination Committee
Binod Prasad Yadav
10 NRCS Birgunj
Uday Raj Sharma
11 Mudali Club Mudali
No number
Ramananda Thakur
12 Save The Environment of Nepal (STEN) Chandranigahapur

Kedar Thapa
Siraha Siraha
Shrutinath Chaudhary
14 Filters for Families Kathmandu Kathmandu 9851088435 Raju Shrestha;
Rajesh Singh


  • Bipin Dangol, trainer and translator, ENPHO
  • Hari Budathoki, supervisor, ENPHO
  • Tommy Ngai, researcher, MIT
  • Shauna Curry, international technical advisor, CAWST
  • Ron Lentz, technology director, CAWST
  • Tal Woolsey, international technical advisor, CAWST

Other attendance:

  • Jeebendra Ghimire, Program support officer, ENPHO
  • Rajendra Mahato, Health Worker, ENPHO
  • Gauri Budathoki, Health Worker, ENPHO

Activities carried out during training:

  • All participants wrote down their experiences about problems and concerns related to the promotion of the KAF. The main problems include: lack of awareness on arsenic and water quality among the users so they unmotivated to purchase and operate the filter; unavailability of good quality materials such as pipe fitting; water leakage of some filters at the bottom or at the pipe joints; durability of the filter; the cost of 1400 Rs is too high for most users; how to test for arsenic and bacteria.
  • Participants suggested solutions to the above concerns including: coordination between various agencies for health awareness and filter subsidy; incorporate arsenic and water quality in school curriculum; buy good quality materials in bulk from a central reliable supplier and store them at the entrepreneurs’ office; put the filter on a flat surface and/or find a more durable container to avoid breakage; train local agencies on water testing.
  • CAWST trainers presented about how the filter works, with emphasis on pathogens removal. Trainers also showed the implementation of biosand filters in other countries.
  • CAWST trainers demonstrated the proper sand selection, sieving, and cleaning methods.
  • Participants suggested for the promotion of the KAF, the following ideas should be considered: testing of arsenic and bacteria at the village to show filter performance in front of the users; promote the filter not only for arsenic removal, but also for bacteria, iron, turbidity, etc.; focus awareness education to women villagers, may be with separate, women-only workshops; hold national level workshops in Kathmandu to involve national level NGOs and agencies; provide subsidy to the poor according to well-being ranking.
  • Participants calculated the filter cost to be about 1400-1500 Rs including materials, transportation, documents, labor, and 10% profits. Participants compared the filter cost to annual health-related costs expensed by an average rural household. The annual health-related cost is about 5000 Rs for medicine, 1500 Rs doctor fees, and 1500 Rs laboratory test for a total of about 8000 Rs. In addition, there are hidden costs such as lost work days due to sickness. Participants realized that tremendous health costs can be saved if villagers use a filter.
  • Participants commented on what makes a good entrepreneur. The characteristics include: polite, honest, and sincere towards the customers; constructs the filters only with good quality materials; coordinates with local agencies to promote the KAF in local regions; knows the conditions in their local communities; willing to learn new technologies; think about the KAF business as a social good, rather than just a profit-making business.
  • Participants and facilitators discussed about the content of the contract/ certification for filter sales. The contract form is attached with this report.
  • Participants and facilitators discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of the concrete filter vs. the Gem505 filter. The main advantages of the concrete filter are its durability, cold water in hot season, and high flow rate. The main advantages of the Gem505 version is its lower cost, easy construction with simple tools, and easy transportation.
  • Finally, participants suggested to hold another meeting to share experiences on the filter promotion, and to network. However, the cost of travel is a concern. May be they can arrange sub-group meetings (e.g. Rautahat-Bara-Parsa, Nawalparasi-Rupandehi-Kailali)


  • Participants were given plenty of chances to share their views and experiences
  • Participants were encouraged to seek solutions by themselves, thus building confidence.
  • Participants were motivated by the enthusiasm and professionalism exhibited by ENPHO, MIT, and CAWST


  • Due to the unstable security conditions, several entrepreneurs were unable to come to Birgunj to attend this refresher training.


  • Visit each of the entrepreneurs to discuss about their own constraints in filter production.
  • Check each of the entrepreneurs’ filter quality.
Training Costs
Item Total (NRs)
Per diem and travel allowance for participants
Lodging and food for participants
Hall Rental
Tea and Refreshments
Print and mail filter construction manuals
Total Training Expense
Expense per participant (18 in total) 2,381

Note: The above calculations exclude facilitators' travel.


KanchanTM Arsenic Filter Contract Agreement


Environment and Public Health Organization, Kathmandu, Nepal


Name of organization: __________________________________
Address __________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________


  • The organization listed above will be hereinafter called the "Entrepreneur" in this Contract Agreement.
  • Environment and Public Health Organization will hereinafter called "ENPHO"
  • Both parties (ENPHO and the Entrepreneur) agree to abide the rules and regulations contained in this Contract Agreement
  • This agreement is valid from February 1, 2005 to January 31, 2006, and is subject to renewal thereafter upon mutual consent of both parties.

Responsibilities of Entrepreneur:

  • The Entrepreneur must gather good quality materials and construct the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter according to method taught by ENPHO.  Any competent staff working for the Entrepreneur may construct and/or sell the filter.
  • The Entrepreneur must deal with its customer sincerely and honestly.
  • The Entrepreneur must promote the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter in the local region.
  • The Entrepreneur must explain the proper operation & maintenance procedure to customers.  The Entrepreneur shall keep record of customers' feedback/comments when the customers provide it.
  • The Entrepreneur must keep record of all filters sold in the format shown in the attached form.  The record and must be provided to ENPHO (when requested).
  • The Entrepreneur can only manufacture and/or sell the KanchanTM  Arsenic Filter within their certification period.  The Entrepreneur should obtain certification extension from ENPHO before the certification expires.  Once the certification by ENPHO is expired, the Entrepreneur shall not construct and/or sell the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter.
  • The Entrepreneurs must always maintain a functioning demonstration KanchanTM Arsenic Filter unit at its office.
  • If any of the filters sold by the Entrepreneur is not constructed according to the instructions given by ENPHO, and sufficient proof has shown that the Entrepreneur is at fault, then the Entrepreneur is financially responsible to fix the filter (e.g. replace broken parts) and the other financial obligation of whatsoever nature shall be borne by the entrepreneur.
  • The entrepreneur shall obtain necessary inputs (e.g. Piyush, test kits, IEC materials) from ENPHO upon payment of bill amount. 
  • If the Entrepreneur encountered any problems regarding any aspect of the filter, management, selling, and/or promotion, the Entrepreneur should consult with ENPHO.

Responsibilities of ENPHO:

  • ENPHO will provide certification and approval to the Entrepreneur to manufacture and sell the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter.
  • ENPHO will provide follow-up training and workshops to the Entrepreneur about new technical knowledge and filter modification, filter testing, business skills, management, and/or other relevant subjects when time is appropriate.
  • ENPHO will be responsible for the technical improvement of the filter, and will provide technical assistance to the Entrepreneur when necessary.
  • ENPHO will promote the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter in the national and international level.
  • ENPHO will provide materials (e.g. Piyush, test kits, IEC materials) to the Entrepreneur according to ENPHO's retail price.

Modification and Termination:

  • ENPHO may terminate the Entrepreneur's certification before January 31, 2006 in the event that sufficient evidence has shown that Entrepreneur fails to abide by any of the rules and obligations described in this contract agreement, and fails to provide adequate reasons.
  • Once the certification by ENPHO is terminated, the Entrepreneur shall not construct and/or sell the KanchanTM Arsenic Filter.
  • This Agreement may only be modified in writing, signed by both ENPHO and the Entrepreneur.
  • In case of dispute, it shall be addressed by invoking the applicable laws of Nepal.

Trademark Issue:

  • KanchanTM Arsenic Filter is a trademark owned by ENPHO.


For ENPHO: For Entrepreneur  
_____________________ _____________________  
Roshan Shrestha Chairperson  
______________________ ______________________  
[print name] [print name]  
______________________ ______________________  
[date] [date]  
KanchanTM Arsenic Filter Sales Record Form
Date Customer's Name District VDC Ward No. Tole No. of people using filter Price Paid Remarks
(e.g. financing, donor)