Cash Handling
To ensure safety, a police escort MUST be used when moving cash from one location to another. If you are moving cash at a time not associated with an event, please call police at 253-1212 to request a FREE escort for your safety. We recommend that student groups coordinate a week in advance with SOLE for secure night deposit.
Events where cash will be collected (admission fee, selling snacks, etc.) MUST be registered (please refer to the chapter on "Event Registration"). Police details and escorts will be assigned to assist groups in transporting cash as part of that process. If your student group event ends at a time when either of the banks is closed, you must make arrangements with SOLE for secure night deposit. All cash collected at student group events must be deposited into the student group's account with the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office. If you are collecting cash for a student group event, you should request a cash box through the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Office.
For more information on good business practices, see SOLE website,