Slides of recent talks of T. Senthil

  1. Killing the Fermi surface: some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs, and other phenomena , Cuprate fermiology workshop, University of Maryland, Nov 2008.

  2. Critical Fermi surfaces and non-fermi liquid metals, Workshop on ``Quantum Critical Phenomena", Toronto (Sept 2008), Trieste workshop on Strongly Correlated Materials and Atom traps (Aug 2008), Gordon conference on ``Correlated electron systems", New Hampshire (June 2008), Workshop on ``Unconventional Phases and Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", Dresden (June 2008), Quantum magnetism workshop, Minneapolis (May 2008).

  3. Three lectures on ``Exotic phases and Unconventional Quantum Criticality", Parts I and II, and Part III, Boulder condensed matter school (July 2008).

  4. Algebraic charge liquids and the underdoped cuprates , APS March Meeting, New Orleans (2008)

  5. Three lectures on ``Non-fermi liquids and quantum criticality", Part I, Part II, Part III, Indian Condensed Matter Workshop 2007, Goa, India (November 2007).

  6. Angle dependent quasiparticle weight in heavy fermion metals, KITP Motterials Conference, Santa Barbara (Sept 2007).

  7. Quantum spin fluid states of frustrated quantum magnets, SCES 2007, Houston (May 07).

  8. Superconducting algebraic holon liquids, CIAR Workshop, Vancouver (May 2007).

  9. Fluctuating quantum spin nematics, KITP Correlated Atoms Workshop, Santa Barbara (April 2007).

  10. Spin fluid and spin nematic states in frustrated quantum magnets, ICTP Workshop, Trieste (August 2006).

  11. Competing orders, non-linear sigma models and topological terms in two dimensions, KITP Topological Order and Quantum Computing Workshop, Santa Barbara (March 2006).

  12. Neel order, quantum spin liquids, and quantum critical scaling in underdoped cuprates, KIAS Conference, Seoul (October 2005).

  13. Ordering in Cs2CuCl4: is there a proximate spin liquid?, Gauge theories in condensed matter workshop, Aspen (July 2005).

  14. Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, Mottness and quantum criticality workshop, Tobago (June 2005).

  15. Are the cuprates doped spin liquid Mott insulators?, Asia-Pacific Workshop, Beijing (May 2005).

  16. Quantum phase transitions out of the heavy Fermi liquid, Yukawa Institute Workshop, Kyoto (Nov 2004).

  17. Deconfined quantum criticality(Santa Fe, August 2004)

  18. Are the cuprates doped spin liquids?(Aspen, August 2004)

  19. Deconfined quantum criticality(Trieste, July 2004, and Gordon Conference June 2004)

  20. Deconfined quantum criticality and underdoped cuprates(KITP Exotic Order Conference, June 2004)