Slides of recent talks of T. Senthil
- Killing the Fermi surface: some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs, and other phenomena , Cuprate fermiology workshop, University of Maryland, Nov 2008.
- Critical Fermi surfaces and non-fermi liquid metals, Workshop on ``Quantum Critical Phenomena", Toronto (Sept 2008), Trieste workshop on Strongly
Correlated Materials and Atom traps (Aug 2008), Gordon conference on ``Correlated electron systems", New Hampshire (June 2008), Workshop on ``Unconventional Phases and Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", Dresden (June 2008), Quantum magnetism workshop, Minneapolis (May 2008).
- Three lectures on ``Exotic phases and Unconventional Quantum Criticality", Parts I and II,
and Part III, Boulder condensed matter school (July 2008).
- Algebraic charge liquids and the underdoped cuprates , APS March Meeting, New Orleans (2008)
- Three lectures on ``Non-fermi liquids and quantum criticality", Part I, Part II, Part III, Indian Condensed Matter Workshop 2007, Goa, India (November 2007).
- Angle dependent quasiparticle weight in heavy fermion metals, KITP Motterials Conference, Santa Barbara (Sept 2007).
- Quantum spin fluid states of frustrated quantum magnets, SCES 2007, Houston (May 07).
- Superconducting algebraic holon liquids, CIAR Workshop, Vancouver (May 2007).
- Fluctuating quantum spin nematics, KITP Correlated Atoms Workshop, Santa Barbara (April 2007).
- Spin fluid and spin nematic states in frustrated quantum magnets, ICTP Workshop, Trieste (August 2006).
- Competing orders, non-linear sigma models and topological terms in two dimensions, KITP Topological Order and Quantum Computing Workshop, Santa Barbara (March 2006).
- Neel order, quantum spin liquids, and quantum critical scaling in underdoped cuprates, KIAS Conference, Seoul (October 2005).
- Ordering in Cs2CuCl4: is there a proximate spin liquid?, Gauge theories in condensed matter workshop, Aspen (July 2005).
- Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, Mottness and quantum criticality workshop, Tobago (June 2005).
- Are the cuprates doped spin liquid Mott insulators?, Asia-Pacific Workshop, Beijing (May 2005).
- Quantum phase transitions out of the heavy Fermi liquid, Yukawa Institute Workshop, Kyoto (Nov 2004).
- Deconfined quantum criticality(Santa Fe, August 2004)
- Are the cuprates doped spin liquids?(Aspen, August 2004)
- Deconfined quantum criticality(Trieste, July 2004, and Gordon Conference June 2004)
- Deconfined quantum criticality and underdoped cuprates(KITP Exotic Order Conference, June 2004)