09:00 AM
Build Your Own Electric Guitar (to 11:00 AM) W31-031 Hobby Shop
Build Your Own Loudspeakers (to 11:00 AM) W31-031 Hobby Shop
Cyber International Relations: Emergent Realities of Conflict and Cooperation (to 05:00 PM) 56-162
Health and Wellness Innovation 2012 - Come hack to save healthcare (to 06:00 PM) MIT Media Lab 6th fl
Introduction to Machine Tools (to 11:00 AM) 4-131B
Kinected Experiences: Workshops and Competition: Kinected Development: Kinect Xbox 360 (to 05:00 PM) 4-261 & 4-265
09:30 AM
Introduction to Metal Casting (to 11:30 AM) 8-014
Open Robotics Laboratory∗ (to 11:00 AM) 8-205
10:00 AM
Build a Small Radar System Capable of Sensing Range, Doppler, and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging (to 12:00 PM) 4-153
Cool Shorts: Climate Change on Web Video (to 01:00 PM) E53-354
From Innovation To Commercially-Viable Products: Session 1: Target applications and markets (to 12:00 PM) 2-147
Hands-on Aerospace (to 12:00 PM) Room 33-419
Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center Location unavailable
10:30 AM
Invention (to 12:00 PM) 1-150
11:00 AM
Arts and Culture Multimedia in the MIT Libraries (to 12:00 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC)
Design and Exploration of Computer Architecture Using the Heracles Multicore System (to 12:30 PM) 4-149
How to Process, Analyze and Visualize Data (to 02:00 PM) 32-144
Intro to Synthetic Biology: Engineering Biological Circuits Location unavailable
Not acquired, but required: a guide to innate immunity and inflammation: "DNA Drives the Innate Immune Response to Malaria" (to 12:00 PM) Broad Auditorium
12:00 PM
3D Manipulation of 2D Images (to 01:30 PM) 56-154
American Jiu Jitsu Grappling Regimen (to 01:00 PM) W32-124
Being a Mensch: What Jewish Tradition Says about Manhood (to 01:00 PM) W11 - SmallDr Room
Confident Investing in Any Market (to 01:00 PM) W20, 20 Chimneys
Portfolio Diversification & Sector Investing (to 01:00 PM) 32-124
Women@MIT: Feminism 101 (to 01:30 PM) 3-310 (Cheney Room)
12:30 PM
Medical Imaging: Seeing What Makes You Sick (to 02:00 PM) 36-462 (Allen Room)
01:00 PM
Advanced Project Based Welding (to 04:00 PM) 8-003
Build a Small Phased Array Radar System Capable of Imaging Moving Targets (to 03:00 PM) 4-153
Cambridge Science Festival Workshop (to 03:00 PM) MIT Museum, N51
Clock Design Workshop (to 04:00 PM) 3-442 & Hobby Shop
Computational Tools for Engineers in Research and Practice: Tutorials and Seminars: Mathematica (to 05:00 PM) 4-149
Design for Manufacturing (to 02:30 PM) 1-375
Impacts of a Changing Climate (to 02:00 PM) E51-335
Inspecting a Non Lab or Non Traditional DLC (to 02:00 PM) W20: PDR 1 & 2
Managing Research Data 101 (to 02:00 PM) 14N-132
Pleasures of Poetry (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Science & Engineering of Gas Shales: Origin and Properties of Source Rocks (to 02:00 PM) Room 1-390
Visual Poetics of Literary Form: from Visual Poetry to Poetry Film (to 02:30 PM) 56-180
Working with Light: A Hands-on Workshop (to 04:00 PM) N52-214
01:15 PM
Intro to Group Exercise (to 02:00 PM) Bldg. 57 fit center
01:30 PM
How to Feel As Bright and Capable As Everyone Seems to Think You Are: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome (to 03:00 PM) 34-101
02:00 PM
Imaging Relativistic Outflows from Quasars using the Chandra X-ray Observatory (to 02:30 PM) Marlar: 37-252
Introduction to Knitting (to 05:00 PM) E15-320
02:30 PM
New Visions of the Center of Our Galaxy (to 03:00 PM) Marlar: 37-252
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Poverty and Prosperity (to 04:00 PM) E51-335
03:00 PM
Awesome Build Party (to 05:00 AM) 2-136
Bioinformatics for Beginners (to 04:30 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC)
Capturing Interesting Images: The Craft and the Art of Photography (to 05:00 PM) 2-105
Effective Speaking (to 05:00 PM) 1-390
Introduction to LabVIEW (to 04:30 PM) 76-259
03:15 PM
Tour of the Operations Control Center for the Chandra X-ray Observatory Location unavailable
04:00 PM
Admissions Wiki Party! (to 12:00 AM) Bush Room (10-105)
Bollywood Bhangra (to 05:00 PM) Bld 57 fit center
Ceramica Botanica (to 06:30 PM) w20-431
04:30 PM
LineStorm Animation (to 07:30 PM) w20-427
05:00 PM
From Favela to the Big Screen: the Contemporary Brazilian Cinema: City of God (Cidade de Deus, 2002) (to 08:00 PM) 2-105
IAP Choreography Class (to 07:00 PM) 50 - first floor
Introduction to Allopathy: The unique philosophy of non-alternative medicine (to 06:00 PM) 4-163
Programming in Postscript (to 06:00 PM) 1-115
05:15 PM
Adult Beginning Swim - Tues/Thurs Evening (to 06:15 PM) Building W35 Pool
06:00 PM
Bi-Curious, Bi-Sexual, and Bi-Questioning Movie Night (to 08:00 PM) 50-005
Build Your Own Electric Guitar (to 08:00 PM) W20 PDR#3
Hacker Movies!: The Old Guard (to 10:00 PM) E15-344
Introduction to Large Format Photography (to 09:00 PM) w20-429
Joy of Clinical Medicine (to 07:00 PM) 4-163
Marxism Today, 20 Years Since Its "Collapse": From Tzar to Lenin - the Russian Revolution (to 08:00 PM) 6-120
06:15 PM
Adult Intermediate Swim- Tues-Thurs Evening Location unavailable
06:30 PM
Adult Efficient Freestyle- Tue/Thu Evening (to 07:15 PM) Alumni Pool
Integration Bee: Integration Bee (to 09:00 PM) 10-250
07:00 PM
A Tale of Two LISPs: History of LISP (to 09:00 AM) 4-237
Asian Bookbinding with Belle Kuo (to 09:00 PM) w20-427
Intermediate Squash (to 08:00 PM) W35- Zesiger Center
Love and Humor in Ancient India (to 09:00 PM) 4-145
MIT Outing Club Winter School (to 09:00 PM) 35-225
Programming in Python (to 09:00 PM) 1-115
Round Dancing (to 08:00 PM) W20, Sala
Totally Teapot (to 10:00 PM) w20-431
Woody Allen's Neuroses and Ours: A Psychological Analysis of Woody Allen's films: Getting Away with Murder: How Individuals Use Rationalization and other Defenses to Suppress Their Anxieties (Movie Clip: Crimes and Misdemeanors) (to 08:30 PM) 4-159
non-book club - book club (n-bc-bc) (to 09:00 PM) 5-232
07:15 PM
Adult Stroke Technique- Tue/Thu Evening (to 08:15 PM) Zesiger Pool
07:45 PM
Capoeira Angola (to 09:00 PM) bldg. 57
08:00 PM
Hacking a Technical Interview -- Programming Interviews Exposed!! (to 10:00 PM) 32-144
08:15 PM
Guitar Pedal Building (to 10:15 PM) W20 PDR #3 (W20-303)
09:30 PM
Women's Only Rec Swim (Alumni Pool) Location unavailable