NSE - Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT


Michael W. Golay

Michael W. Golay

Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering (Emeritus)

617-258-8863 (fax)


Dr. Michael Golay is a professor of nuclear science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he has worked since 1971. He is director of the Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives and the Nuclear Operational Risk Management Course, both co-sponsored by MIT and the National Academy for Nuclear Training.

Most recently he has focused his research and teaching upon improving nuclear power performance both in the United States and internationally, particularly through use of probabilistic and dynamic methods of analysis. He has also been an active advisor to governmental and industrial organizations, particularly concerning risk-informed regulation and nuclear non-proliferation.

Professor Golay received his PhD. in nuclear engineering from Cornell University in 1969, and performed post-doctoral research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1980 he was a visiting researcher at Electricite de France. He has served on the INPO Advisory Council, the NRC's Research Review Committee, the DOE's TOPS Committee (on non-proliferation), and national laboratory and nuclear power plant oversight committees. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Nuclear Society.


B.M.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, 1964
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Cornell University, 1969

Professional Activities

Chairman of the Fission Faculty of the MIT Nuclear Engineering Dept. Advisory panels for Congress, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). Consultant to over 25 firms, mainly in the electric utility and nuclear industries. Director of the MIT/INPO Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives. Member American Nuclear Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Honors and Awards

ANS: Member since 1964, Northeast Local Section - Chairman, 1977-80. Awards Committee, Standards Committee, Thermal Hydraulics Division Program Committee, Environmental Sciences Division - Chairman, 1979-80. 1992 ANS Power Division, Best Paper Award.

Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Michael W. Golay is recognized for his contributions concerning nuclear power: in education, in improving its safety, economics, regulation and management and as a leader in the debate over its proper role in society.


Research Interests

Systems Analysis and Optimization, Software and Human Reliability, Nuclear Power Technology Innovation, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. Founder or co-founder of over 12 academic and professional courses on subjects including energy-environmental policy, and nuclear power management and safety. Mentor of over 80 graduate students, including more than 25 PhDs.

Current Research Projects

Methods of Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Safety Regulation

Determination of leading organizational performance indicators, Occupational risk assessment, Use of subjective expertise, Requirements rationalization, Seismic risks.

Organizational Performance and Management Improvement

Performance simulation methods, Subjective beliefs in investment allocation.

Environmental and Energy Policy

Contributions to improving the system of nuclear environmental protection regulation and understudy of sources of major airborne emissions and transport of airborne pollutants


Selected Recent Publications

Nuclear Safety Regulation

  1. F.A. Felder and M.W. Golay, "Risk Analysis in Support of Improved Safety at US Dept. of Energy Facilities," PSAM-5 Conf., Osaka, Japan (2000).
  2. B. Beers, M.W. Golay and G. Apostolakis, "Methods for Formulation of Design Basis Accidents Within a Risk-Informed Approach to Safety Regulation of a New Nuclear Power Plant," PSAM-5 Conf., Osaka, Japan (2000).
  3. L. Doboe, M.W. Golay, N.E. Todreas and F. Li, "A Method for Systematic Resource Allocation for Improved Nuclear Power Plant Performance," PSAM-5 Conf., Osaka, Japan (2000); Proc. Amer. Nucl. Soc. (2000).

Nuclear Power Policy and Management

  1. K.F. Hansen and M.W. Golay, "Systems Dynamics: An Introduction and Applications to the Nuclear Industry," Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, ed. J. Lewins, M. Becker, 24, 191-221, Plenum Press, NY (1997).
  2. M.W. Golay, "Barriers to Using Nuclear Power for Mitigation of Global Warming," Intl. Symp. on Global Environment and Nuclear Energy Systems, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Susono, Japan (24 Oct. 1994); also in Progress in Nuclear Energy, 29, 19-22 (1995).
  3. M.W. Golay, editor, Proceedings, 2nd Intl. Conf. on the Next Generation of Nuclear Power Technology, Cambridge, October 25-26, 1993; MIT Program for Advanced Nuclear Power Studies, MIT-ANP-CP-002 (Oct. 1994).

Major Publications by Year

  1. J.D. Dulik, S.M. Utton and M.W. Golay, "Improved Nuclear Power Plant Operations Through Performance-Based Safety Regulation," in Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM-4), A. Mosleh and R.A. Bari, eds., 385-390 (1998).
  2. C.W. Lapp and M.W. Golay, "Modular Design and Construction Techniques for Nuclear Power Plants," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 182, 327-349 (1997).
  3. K.F. Hansen and M.W. Golay, "Systems Dynamics: An Introduction and Applications to the Nuclear Industry," Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology, ed. J. Lewins, M. Becker, 24, 191-221, Plenum Press, NY (1997).
  4. H.A. Hasanein, M.S. Kazimi and M.W. Golay, "Forced Convection In-Tube Steam Condensation in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases," Intl. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 39 2625-2639 (1996).
  5. R.M. DuBord, M.W. Golay and N.C. Rasmussen, "A Probabilstic Risk Assessment-Related Methodology to Support Performance-Based Regulation Within the Nuclear Power Industry," Nuclear Technology 114 169-178 (1996).


Risk & Reliability, Energy Policy, Engineering Design Methods. Founder or co-founder of over 12 academic and professional courses on subjects including energy-environmental policy, and nuclear power management and safety. Mentor of over 80 graduate students, including more than 25 PhDs.