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1986 Publications

Baldwin, G. C., Feld, M. S. "Kinetics of Nuclear Super-Radiance." Journal of Applied Physics 59, 3665-3671 (1986).

Baldwin, G. C., Feld, M. S., Hannon, J. P., Hutton, J. T., Trammell, G. T. "Mossbauer-Borrmann Superradiance." Journal De Physique 47, 299-308 (1986).

Cothren, R. M., Kittrell, C., Hayes, G. B., Willett, R. L., Sacks, B., Malk, E. G., Ehmsen, R. J., Bottsilverman, C., Kramer, J. R., Feld, M. S. "Controlled Light Delivery for Laser Angiosurgery." IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 22, 4-7 (1986).

Holbrow, C. H., Ghosh, A. P., Heinzen, D., Zhu, X., Quivers, W. W., Shimkaveg, G., Pappas, P. G., Thomas, J. E., Feld, M. S. "Complete Doppler Coverage in Laser Optical-Pumping by Wall- Induced Velocity-Changing Collisions." Physical Review A 34, 2477-2479 (1986).

Liang, J. M., Dasari, R. R., Feld, M. S., Thomas, J. E. "Molecular Radiator Reorientation Collision Kernels from Stark Sublevel Photon-Echoes." Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 3, 506-513 (1986).

Shumai, I. L., Zadkov, V. N., Khainzen, D. D., Kesh, M. M., Feld, M. S. "Observation of the Saturation Effect During the Active Spectroscopy of Liquid-Nitrogen in the Continuous Regime." Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya Fizicheskaya 50, 1202-1205 (1986).

Shumay, I. L., Zadkov, V. N., Heinzen, D. J., Kash, M. M., Feld, M. S. "Observation of the Saturation Effect in Continuous-Wave Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman-Spectroscopy of Liquid-Nitrogen." Optics Letters 11, 233-235 (1986).