NSE - Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT




MIT’s virtual commencement ceremony is on May 29th. Thirty-four NSE students graduate this year.
Watch NSE’s virtual graduation celebration.

Graduating with Doctoral Degrees

Michael Acton PhD
Yinan Cai PhD
Norman Cao PhD
Karen Dawson PhD
Etienne Demarly PhD
Derek Gaston PhD
Adam Kuang PhD
David Layden PhD
Hin Lee PhD
Zhaoyuan Liu PhD
Paolo Minelli PhD
Nestor Sepulveda PhD
Cong Su PhD
Xingang Zhao PhD

Graduating with Master’s Degrees

Saleem Aldajani SM
Brian Casel SM
Zhiyuan Cheng SM
Nicholas Costa SM
Minh Dinh SM
Zhuoran Han SM
Anupam Jena SM
Alexander Sandberg SM
Zachary Skirpan SM
Enrique Velez Lopez SM
Dakota Allen SM

Graduating with Bachelor’s Degrees

Brandon Aranda Ocampo SB
Alexandru Calburean SB
Colt Hermesch SB
Eva Lisowski SB
Warner McGhee SB
Jacob Miske SB
Jane Reed SB
Benjamin Sheffer SB
Thomas Strei SB

2020 MIT Commencement website

May 2020