Data Warehouse

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MIT Data Warehouse Business Areas

Information in the Data Warehouse is organized into different business areas. From this level, you can follow two different paths to learn more about the data and how to report on it.

  • Clicking on an item under the Reports column will show you pre-existing reports that you can view and download that are made from data in that business area.

  • Clicking on an item under Stars will show you the table groups, or stars, in each business area. From there, you can drill down further in the structure to reveal what tables and fields are in each table group. This path will reveal table and field definitions.

Business Area





Business area which contains MIT undergraduate and graduate admissions data.

Admissions reports

Admissions stars


Business area which contains MIT Alumni data.

Alumni reports

Alumni stars


Business area which contains Benefits and Pension information mostly for Central department use

Benefits reports

Benefits stars


Business area which contains information on Research Proposal and Grants

Coeus reports

Coeus stars


Business area which contains EHS data for use by EHS DLC and EHS Central Office administrators.

EHS reports

EHS stars


Business area which contains information about Facilites; Buildings & Rooms, Work Orders. For more Detail see Facilities Overview

Facilities reports

Facilities stars


Business area which contains all Institute financial data, including records from transactional systems such as SAP, information about cost collectors, Coeus data, and telecom.

Financial reports

Financial stars

Financial Aid

Business area which contains Student Financial Aid information

Financial Aid reports

Financial Aid stars


Business area which contains information about MIT buildings and rooms, the MIT employee directory, keys, and space. Information about the warehouse structure and data is also found in this area.

General reports

General stars

Human Resources

Business area which contains information about employees and appointments, including biographical, salary and appointment information. For historical data (HR actions prior to September 2003 when SAP HR was activated), use reports in the Historical Cyborg Reports section. NOTE: New reports based on SAP HR data are available in BrioQuery version 6 only.

Human Resources reports

Human Resources stars


Business area which contains data from the MIT Libraries, for use by MIT Libraries staff members.

Libraries reports

Libraries stars

Online Subject Evaluation

Business area which contains online subject evaluation data.

Online Subject Evaluation reports


Business area which contains HR Payroll data.

Payroll reports

Payroll stars


Business area which contains Purchasing and Credit Card information

Procurement reports

Procurement stars

Request Tracker

Business area which contains data from the Request Tracker (RT) Ticket Tracking System.

Request Tracker reports

Request Tracker stars


Business area which contains information about students, including RA/TA and Fellowship information for graduate students, student financial aid information, student biographical information, student term enrollment information, and student subject enrollment information.

Student reports

Student stars

Teaching Data

Business area which contains the "Who is Teaching What" data

Teaching Data reports

Teaching Data stars


Business area which contains test data for use in training new users of the Data Warehouse.

Training reports