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IAP 2010 Schedule for Mon Jan 11

07:30 AM
Adult Efficient Freestyle- Mon/Thu  (to 08:15 AM)    Zesiger Center

08:00 AM
Mass Energy Trek  (to 05:00 PM)    Greater Boston area

09:00 AM
Boeing 767 Cockpit Systems and Automation  (to 05:00 PM)    Room 33-218
CASTOR Satellite Design and Build  (to 05:00 PM)    37-372
Learn to Build Online Labs with LabView and iLabs Workshop  (to 04:00 PM)    1-379
Linked Data Product Development Lab  (to 05:30 PM)    4-370
Ring Maching  (to 11:30 AM)    W31-031 Hobby Shop
Tim Berners-Lee, Father of the Web, Talk on Linked Data  (to 10:00 AM)    Room and Webcast TBD

09:30 AM
Uncovering the Inner Qualities of Leadership in You  (to 12:30 PM)    E51-151

10:00 AM
Building On-Line Customers: A Workshop  (to 12:00 PM)    8-205
Chocolate Truffle Making Class  (to 06:00 PM)    McCormick Kitchen
Drupal Crash Course  (to 12:00 PM)    4-265
Glimpses of Infinity - Guided Meditations  (to 11:00 AM)    Twenty Chimneys
Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center  (to 03:00 PM)    12-132
Parallel Computing Master Class  (to 12:00 PM)    4-237
Prospects for Universal Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.  (to 11:00 AM)    E51-345
The MathWorks: Ten Sessions: Parallel Computing Master Class  (to 12:00 PM)    4-237

11:00 AM
EECS and Human Health: Talks and Tours  (to 12:00 PM)    36-112
Glimpses of Infinity - Guided Meditations  (to 12:00 AM)    Twenty Chimneys
High-Performance Rechargeable Batteries for Sustainable Transportation and Large-scale Storage of Electric Power  (to 12:00 PM)    32-155

12:00 PM
Adult Efficient Freestyle- Mon/Wed  (to 12:45 PM)    Alumni Pool
American Jiu Jitsu Grappling Regimen  (to 01:00 PM)    Squash Court 5
Balancing the Scales: Getting the Most Out of Your Undergraduate Career: Define a Leader  (to 01:00 PM)    1-277
Basic Mediation Skills Workshop - 32 hour training  (to 05:30 PM)    Student Center
Chocolate Truffle Making Class  (to 08:00 PM)    McCormick Kitchen
Hebrew Reading/Writing/Speaking Crash Course  (to 01:00 PM)    2-136
Jewish Text Study with Rabbi Ganz: Can Truly Noble Intentions Motivate Terrible Wrongdoing?  (to 01:00 PM)    12-122
Old Food: Ancient and Medieval Cooking  (to 06:00 PM)    Next House, Kitchen
Power Up!: Strategies for Getting Energy Information  (to 01:00 PM)    14N-132 (DIRC)
Rotch Library Film Series: Shigeru Ban: An Architect for Emergencies (2007 - 52 min)  (to 02:00 PM)    Rotch Library
The Feynman Films: The Relation of Mathematics to Physics  (to 01:30 PM)    6-120

12:15 PM
Beginning iPhone Application Development Workshop  (to 04:45 PM)    4-231

01:00 PM
Board/Card Game Design - Expansions  (to 03:30 PM)    2-135
Implementations of Quantum Computing  (to 02:30 PM)    36-428
Lectures on Flexures: Design Principles and Applications  (to 03:00 PM)    room 1-371
Pleasures of Poetry: TBA  (to 02:00 PM)    14E-304
Power up with Maps! GIS and Energy Resources  (to 02:00 PM)    14N-132 (DIRC)
RDF: The Good Parts; Ontology-based data integration using Semantic Web technologies  (to 02:30 PM)    36-153
Taking the Next Step in Academic Science: Finding a Postdoc  (to 02:30 PM)    Whitehead Auditorium

01:30 PM
MIT Physics Lecture Series: c

Hot Quark Soup  (to 02:30 PM)    6-120

02:00 PM
Advanced Programming Techniques in MATLAB  (to 04:00 PM)    56-114
Bioinformatics Software Tool: BIOBASE  (to 05:00 PM)    14N-132 (DIRC)
Fantasy Electricity Markets Game I: Introduction to the Game and Lecture on Electricity Economics and Markets  (to 05:00 PM)    32-141
How to run a great event at the Cambridge Science Festival  (to 04:00 PM)    MIT Museum N51
Intro to iPhone Application Development  (to 04:00 PM)    56-154
Mechanics ReView  (to 05:00 PM)    26-152
Microsoft Windows 7 Competition: Go-Go Gadget!  (to 06:00 PM)    34-401
The MathWorks: Ten Sessions: Advanced Programming Techniques in MatLab  (to 04:00 PM)    56-114
Tour of MIT Cogeneration Plant  (to 03:30 PM)    Building 42

03:00 PM
Momentum (Formerly Second Summer)  (to 04:30 PM)    1-190

04:00 PM
Designing a Peace Builder Toolkit for Congressional Districts: a Hands-on Workshop  (to 07:00 PM)    4-253
Learn to Solve the Rubik's Cube  (to 07:00 PM)    24-619

05:00 PM
Breakdance Classes  (to 08:00 PM)    Meet in Lobby 13
ChrisFit  (to 06:00 PM)    Zesiger Center 3rd f
Haskell Type Classes  (to 07:00 PM)    56-114
Lifeguard Training Course  (to 10:00 PM)    Zesiger Center
Managing your references: Overview of EndNote, RefWorks and Zotero  (to 06:00 PM)    14N-132 (DIRC)
Mini MBA for MDs  (to 07:00 PM)    HMS

05:15 PM
Aikido  (to 06:00 PM)    DuPont – Martial Art

05:30 PM
Learn Massage    Location unavailable

06:00 PM
Adult Learn to Like the Water  (to 07:00 PM)    Zesiger Center
It's All in the Details: Successful Event Planning  (to 07:30 PM)    W20 Coffeehouse
Little Shop of Horrors (acting)    Location unavailable
Pre-Masters: An Introduction to Swim Workouts  (to 07:00 PM)    Alumni Pool

07:00 PM
Glass Mosaics (FULL)  (to 09:30 PM)    W20-425
Go Workshop/Meetings  (to 10:00 PM)    W20, PDR 1/2
Hacking a Google Interview -- Programming Interviews Exposed!  (to 09:00 PM)    26-204
Introduction to Contract Bridge  (to 09:30 PM)    4-149
Isshinryu karate-do  (to 09:00 PM)    57-168 (Wang Center)
Learn Asian!  (to 09:00 PM)    32-124
MIT Tae Kwon Do Club  (to 09:00 PM)    DuPont Exercise Room
Programming in C++ Cancelled 
The Life and Death of Terry Gilliam: A Film Symposium: Brazil (the good version)  (to 09:30 PM)    3-133

07:30 PM
Ask the Chaplains  (to 09:30 PM)    2-105
Ballroom Dance Workshops: Salsa Workshop  (to 09:00 PM)    La Sala
Introduction to Change Ringing on Handbells  (to 09:00 PM)    5-232 and 5-234
Kokikai Aikido for Beginners  (to 09:00 PM)    DuPont Wrestling Rm.

08:00 PM
Learning Squash: the Fundamentals  (to 09:00 PM)    Zesiger Squash Court

09:00 PM
Introduction to American Jiu Jitsu Self Defense  (to 11:00 PM)    DuPont Wrestling Roo
MIT Lion Dance Open Practice  (to 11:00 PM)    W20-439

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Last update: 19 August 2010