NSE - Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT


ANS Student Section

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) American Nuclear Society Student Section is committed to fostering a better sense of community withinthe Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) department and to increasing engagement between nuclear science and engineering students and the communities in and around MIT. ANS officers in NSE for the Academic Year 2024-2025 are listed below. Please contact the ANS co-presidents with any questions about the student section, or reach out to the ANS Faculty Advisor, Professor Koroush Shirvan.

  • Co-Presidents: Alicia Elliott and Liam Hines
  • Social Chairs: Gregoire Biot and Xavior Wang
  • Public Info/Treasurer: Lorenzo Mazzocco
  • Seminar/Social Media Chair: Lily Li
  • Undergraduate Chairs: Kaitlyn Yanna and Samantha Rencher
  • Athletics Chair: Thibault Fredon
  • GSC Reps: Joey Demiane and Youyeon Choi