NSE - Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT


2023 Awards

Jack Hare wins NSF CAREER award

Nominated by the Division of Physics, it is the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education”

Paola Cappellaro elected 2023 American Physical Society Fellow

Nominated by the Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Professor Cappellaro was cited, “[f]or groundbreaking contributions to quantum control and quantum sensing with spin systems.”

Haowei Xu PhD’23 winds 2023 Del Favero Thesis Prize

Xu will deliver the Del Favero Thesis Prize Lecture on the topic of his PhD work — optical control over nuclear degrees of freedom.

Jacopo Buongiorno elected 2023 NURETH Fellow

Established in 1980 by the Thermal Hydraulics Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), NURETH Fellows are appointed once every two years — Buongiorno is recognized for scholarly accomplishments and impact in the thermal-hydraulics field and for his exceptional contributions to NURETH conferences.

Professor Emeritus Sidney Yip wins Monie A. Ferst Award

Established in 1977, the Sigma Xi’s Monie A. Ferst Award honors “science and engineering teachers who have inspired their students to significant research achievements”.

Patrick Adrian receives prestigious Fellowship in High-Energy-Density Sciences

Adrian has been awarded the Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in High-Energy-Density Sciences from Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico to further his study of high-energy-density physics.

Bilge Yildiz selected as Fellow of The Electrochemical Society

Each year 15 renowned scientists and engineers are selected by their peers for advanced individual technological contributions to the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and for service to ECS.

2023 NSE + ANS Annual Awards

The Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering and the student chapter of the American Nuclear Society hosted their annual awards event on May 18, 2023.

NSE’s Professor Bilge Yildiz elected to the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Bilge Yildiz, Breene M. Kerr (1951) Professor in the Departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, has been elected to the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW). Yildiz is one now of 143 Corresponding Members Abroad in the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW.

NSE’s Rachel Bielajew honored as one of 40 Graduate Women of Excellence at MIT in 2023

The Office of Graduate Education at MIT honored 40 graduate women whose home departments represent each of MIT’s five schools at a reception on May 8, 2023. These impactful women were chosen for their leadership among their peers, their dedication to improving the MIT graduate student experience, their thoughtful and constructive feedback, and their ability to catalyze change. Each honoree prepared a poster detailing their path to MIT, presented to share their experiences at the event. Watch video

NSE teams win three awards at 2023 ICAPP

Presentations are Emile Germonpré, Emile Gateau, and Faris Fakhry from the NSE Microreactor Group won three Best Paper Awards at the 2023 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plantsheld in South Korea in April.

NSE graduate student Gavin Ridley wins Ely M. Gelbard Graduate Scholarship

The Ely M. Gelbard Graduate Scholarship was established by the American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computation Division in June 2015, is given annually to graduate students whose study focuses on the development of mathematical and/or computational methods for nuclear applications.

NSE’s Professor Koroush Shirvan wins 2023 ANS Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award

The Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award recognizes young individual members (early career professionals or students) for outstanding achievement in which engineering knowledge has been effectively applied to yield an engineering concept, design, safety improvement, method of analysis or product utilized in nuclear power research and development or commercial application

Mingda Li honored with Junior Bose Award for Excellence in Teaching

Award is given each year by the School of Engineering to an outstanding educator up for promotion to associate professor without tenure.

Bilge Yildiz wins Rahmi M. Koç Medal of Science

Award recognizes scientists of Turkish origin younger than 50 who have made outstanding contributions to their fields.

Richard Lanza elected as IEEE Fellow

Senior Research Scientist, Richard Lanza, was elected an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Fellow &Mdash; an honor annually bestowed on just one-tenth of one percent of the members of what’s called “the world’s largest technical professional organization.”