For each lecture, we'll post slides and an outline before class (not necessarily at 9:00am, but we aim for a few hours ahead of time). We post slides with all animations (good for following along exactly) and with limited animations (good for studying/taking notes on). You can do the supplemental reading before or after lecture; whatever works best for you.
If you have any trouble accessing any of these materials, please reach out to Katrina ( for help.
# Title Outline Slides Supplemental Reading
1 Modularity, Abstraction, and the Impact of Systems Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §1.1-1.5, §4.1-4.3
2 Naming Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §2.2, §3.1
3 Virtual Memory Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §5.1, §5.3, §5.4; Architecture review
4 Bounded Buffers and Locks Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §5.2; Atomic exchange
5 Threads Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §5.5, §5.6
6 OS Structure, Virtual Machines Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §5.8
7 OS Performance (Storage) Outline All animations; limited animations
8 Intro to networking and layering Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §7.2 (book chapters 7-11 are online)
9 Network Layer: Routing Outline All animations; limited animations Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 of the 6.02 notes
10 BGP Outline All animations; limited animations BGP tutorial through Section 3.2
11 Transport Layer: TCP Outline All animations; limited animations Chapter 19 of the 6.02 notes. Note that the 6.02 reading uses slightly different ACKs than what we'll see in lecture.
12 In-network resource management Outline All animations; limited animations
13 Application Layer Outline All animations; limited animations This article is written by one of Akamai's founders and gives a very good overview of the content-distribution options; you'll be discussing a paper about Akamai in the next recitation.
14 Datacenters and Clouds Outline All animations; limited animations
15 Reliability Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §8.1, §8.2, §8.3
16 Transactions Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §9.1, §9.2.1, §9.2.2
17 Logging Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §9.3
18 Isolation Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §9.4 before §9.4.1, §9.5
19 Distributed Transactions Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §9.6
20 Replication Outline All animations; limited animations
21 Intro to Security + Authentication Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §11.2
22 Low-level attacks Outline; Close-up recording of stack-smashing demos (This video is from a previous year. The slides look a little bit different, but the code and the demos are the same.) All animations; limited animations All of these readings are entirely optional:
  • Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit by Aleph One
  • Beyond Stack Smashing: Recent Advances in Exploiting Buffer Overruns by Pincus and Baker
  • Reflections on Trusting Trust by Ken Thompson
  • 23 Secure Channels Outline All animations; limited animations Textbook §11.3-11.5
    24 ToR Outline All animations; limited animations
    25 Network Attacks Outline All animations; limited animations
    26 Wrap-Up No outline All animations; limited animations