Accounts Receivable

Topics: Create/maintain customer master records, Create/maintain /adjust customer invoices, Apply cash payments, Find/collect overdue (& credit) balances, Generate reports, Perform miscellaneous A/R procedures

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Create/maintain customer master records

FD01 - Create customer master records
FD02 - Change customer master records
FD02 - Maintain accounting notes
FD03 - Display customer master records
FD05 - Block/unblock customer master from further services/charges/payments
FD06 - Mark customer master records for deletion
ZFBL5N - Maintain master records from line items

Create/maintain/adjust customer invoices (back to top)

F-22 - Enter customer invoice
ZAR3 - Feed departmental invoices into SAP
ZFBL5N - Display invoice line items
F-22 - Transfer customer debit/credit
ZFBL5N - Change line items
FB08 - Reverse A/R document
F-27 - Enter credit memo
F-32 - Clear customer account (with or without residual items)
FB07 - Maintain invoice control totals
SA38 - Run line item journal
FD02 or FD03 - Maintain line items from master records
ZAR4 - Create telephone invoices from order number 1078200
    - ZAR5 - Maintain telephone invoice table
    - SM30; ZARTINVLOG - View telephone invoice log

Apply cash payments (back to top)

FLB1- Apply unprocessed cash from lock box
F-26 - Post wire transfer/checks via fast payment
F-27 - Credit customer for payroll deduction
F-22 - Process bounced checks
ZFBL5N, FBRA - Reset cleared line items
FBL3 - Search for invoice line item amount

Find/collect overdue (& credit) balances (back to top)

ZAR2 - Run aging report by dunning area
FD02 - Maintain accounting notes
xxxxx - Run credit balance report
F-22 - Issue customer refund

Generate reports (back to top)

ZAR1 - Print replacement billing statements
ZAR2 - Run aging report by dunning area
F150 - Print dunning letters
  - FD02 - Block/unblock dunning of customers by dunning area
  - ZFBL5N - Block/unblock dunning of line items
  - F150 - Print list of blocked accounts
  - F150 - Print list of blocked line items
  - SM30 - Maintain table of dunning area responsible persons
  - SM30 - Maintain table of dunning letter names and phone numbers
SART - Run customer activity report
ZAS1 - Report Errors in Dunning Procedure and Dunning Area
ZAS2 - Find customers with open items and zero balance
xxxxx - Run credit balance report

Perform miscellaneous A/R procedures (back to top)

Create cost objects for special MIT activites
Track costs/income from reunion classes, alumni clubs

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