8.03 at ESG - Notes

Table of Contents

This is not the official 8.03 page.
The official page for Spring 2006 is up and running.
Little if any attempt will be made to keep this page current, unless some more ESG-types sign up for 8.03.

Special for 8.044, Spring 2006

Some Supplemental Notes regarding Fourier Transforms, at a slightly higher mathematical level.

MAPLE Resources

These might as well go close to the top.


This is where any new stuff for the Spring 2004 term will be put. Much is retained from earlier terms, so some dates and references to "what was done in lecture'' may not be operative.

No Longer so New - Spring 2003

Some dates and references to "what was done in lecture'' may not be operative.

No longer New!

This is from the Fall 2002 term, and it will stay around for a while, but not long. Much is retained from previous terms, so some dates and references to "what was done in lecture'' may not be operative.

Related Notes

From Previous Terms

I may want to make frequent reference to these.

These are notes and comments from previous terms or other classes, sometimes cited above, and often extended as needed.

These notes were developed for a version of 8.03, Vibrations and Waves, as taught at the Experimental Study Group (ESG) at MIT. This version was for those students more mathematically inclined, and makes more use of differential equations and linear algebra.

Specific references are made to the primary texts, Electromagnetic Vibrations, Waves, and Radiation by George Bekefi and Alan H. Barrett (cited as B&B in these notes) and Vibrations and Waves by A. P. French. Cross-references are not exhaustive. The order presented here is roughly the order in which the material appears in B&B.

All of the notes have been converted to Portable Document Form (PDF), which requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer.

Comments and suggestions, especially corrections of errors of all degrees, are always welcome.
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