1964 – 1970

1. "On the Excited Electronic States of Isotactic Polystyrene and Polyvinylnapthalene," M.T. Vala, R. Silbey, S.A. Rice and Joshua Jortner, J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2846 (1964). PDF

2. "Charge Transfer Exciton States in Aromatic Molecular Crystals," S. I. Choi, J. Jortner, S.A. Rice, and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 41, 3294 (1964). PDF

3. "Comments on the Use of Carbon SCF Atomic Orbitals in Aromatic Molecules," R. Silbey, N. Kestner, J. Jortner and S.A. Rice, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 444 (1965). PDF

4. "Exchange Effects on the Electron and Hole Mobility in Crystalline Anthracene and Naphthalene," R. Silbey, J. Jortner, S.A. Rice, and M.T. Vala, J. Chem. Phys. 42, 733 (1965); erratum 43, 2925 (1965). PDF

5. "On the Singlet-Exciton States of Crystalline Anthracene," R. Silbey, J. Jortner and S.A. Rice, J. Chem. Phys. 42,.1515 (1965). PDF

6. "On the Electronic States of Crystalline Naphthalene," R. Silbey, J. Jortner, M.T. Vala and S.A. Rice, J. Chem. Phys. 42, 2948 (1965). PDF

7. "EPR Spectra of the Ground State Triplet Diphenylmethylene and Fluorenylidene Molecules in Single Crystals," R.W. Brandon, G. Closs, C. Davoust, C. Hutchison, B. Kohler and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2006 (1965). PDF

8. "Excited Electronic States of Crystalline Benzene," R. Silbey, S.A. Rice and J. Jortner, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 3336 (1965). PDF

9. "Excitons and Energy Transfer in Molecular Crystals," J. Jortner, S.A. Rice and R. Silbey, in Modern Quantum Chemistry, vol. III (Academic Press, Inc., NY, 1965).

10. "New Type of Molecular Perturbation Treatment," J.O. Hirschfelder and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 45, 2188 (1966). PDF

11. "On the Interpretation of the Factor Group Splitting in Naphthalene Crystal," R. Silbey, J. Jortner, M. Vala and S.A. Rice, Molecular Crystals 2, 385 (1967). PDF

12. "A Perturbation Calculation of the Energy of the First Excited State of H2+," R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 46, 4026 (1967). PDF

13. "Radiation Damping of Excited States in Molecular Crystals," R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 46, 4029 (1967). PDF

14. "A Re-examination of the Theoretical Interpretation of the Spectra of Crystalline Naphthalene and Benzene," W. Greer, S.A. Rice, J. Jortner and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 5667 (1968). PDF

15. "Accurate Atomic and Molecular Wave Functions Without Exchange," J.I. Musher and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. 174, 94 (1968). PDF

16. "Comment on the Jahn-Teller and Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effects," J.S. Alper and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 51, 3129 (1969). PDF

17. "Comments on the Vibronic Line Width of an Isolated Resonance of a Higher Excited State," B. Sharf and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Letters 4, 423 (1969). PDF

18. "Exciton Phonon Interactions in Molecular Crystals," M. Grover and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 52, 2099 (1970). PDF

19. "Vibronic Interactions in the Anions of Benzene and Substituted Benzenes," J.S. Alper and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 52, 569 (1970). PDF

20. "Vibronic Line Broadening of an Isolated Resonance," B. Sharf and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Letters 4, 56l (1970). PDF

21. "On the Effect of Deuteration on Non-Radiative Processes in Large Molecules," B. Sharf and R. Silbey, Chemical Physics Letters 5, 314 (1970). PDF

22. "The Momentum Autocorrelation Function of a Particle in a One-Dimensional Box," J.L. Kinsey, J.M. Deutch and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 53, 1047 (1970). PDF

23. "Fluorescence and Non-Radiative Decay of Anthracene in Crystal and Solution," B. Sharf and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 53, 2626 (1970). PDF

1971 – 1980

24. "Near Resonance Interactions in the B-0 Scheme," B. Sharf and R. Silbey, Chemical Physics Letters 9, 125 (1971). PDF

25. "Exact Generalized Langevin Equation for a Particle in a Harmonic Lattice," J.M. Deutch and R. Silbey, Physical Review A 3, 2049 (1971). PDF

26. "Exciton Migration in Molecular Crystals," M. Grover and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 4843 (1971). PDF

27. "A Many Body Approach to the Jahn-Teller Problem," C.S. Sloane and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 55, 3053 (1971). PDF

28. "Density of States of the First Vibronic Exciton Band in Anthracene," J. Schroeder and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 55, 5419 (1971). PDF

29. "Vibronic Interactions in Doubly Degenerative Electronic States," C.S. Sloane and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 6031 (1971). PDF

30. "The Electronic States of Heavily Doped Crystals," R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Letters 14, 609 (1972). PDF

31. "Quasielastic Light Scattering from Large Macromolecules," R. Silbey and J. Deutch, J. Chem. Phys. 57, 5010 (1972). PDF

32. "Comments on the Use of Unrestricted Hartree Fock Theory in Orbital Energy Crossing," K.D. Jordan and R. Silbey Chem. Phys. Lett. 18, 27 (1973). PDF

33. "Electronic Energy Transfer in Impure Solids I. Two Molecules Embedded in a Lattice," S. Rackovsky and R. Silbey, Molecular Physics 25, 61 (1973). PDF

34. "Lifetime of an Excited Molecule Near a Metal Mirror: Energy Transfer in the Eu3+/Silver System," R.R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 2184 (1974). PDF

35. "Lifetime of an Emitting Molecule Near a Partially Reflecting Surface," R.R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 2744 (1974). PDF

36. "Relaxation in Simple Quantum Systems," A. Nitzan and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 4070 (1974). PDF

37. "The Use of Pade Approximants in the Construction of Diabatic Potential Energy Curves for Ionic Molecules," K. Jordan, J.L. Kinsey, and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 61, 911 (1974). PDF

38. "On Symmetry Properties of Reaction Coordinates," H. Metiu, John Ross, R. Silbey and T.F. George, J. Chem. Phys. 61, 3200 (1974). PDF

39. "The Txt Jahn-Teller Problem: Energy Levels for Large Coupling," M.J. Shultz and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Soc. C 7, L325 (1974). PDF

40. "Decay of an Emitting Dipole Between Two Parallel Mirrors," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 711 (1975). PDF

41. "Comments on the Classical Theory of Energy Transfer," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 2245 (1975). PDF

42. "Luminescent Lifetimes Near Multiple Interfaces: A Quantitative Comparison of Theory and Experiment," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Letters 33, 590 (1975). PDF

43. "The Electronic Structure of Small Clusters of Sodium," A. Gelb. K. Jordan and R. Silbey, Chemical Physics 9, 175 (1975). PDF

44. "Fluorescence and Energy Transfer Near Interfaces: The complete and quantitative description of the Eu+3/mirror systems," R.R. Chance, A. Miller, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 1589 (1975). PDF

45. "Energy Transfer and Spectral Line Shapes of Impurities in Crystals," I. Abram and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 2317 (1975). PDF

46. "Frequency Shifts of An Electric Dipole Transition Near a Partially Reflecting Surface," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 12, 1448 (1975). PDF

47. "A New Probe for the Surface Electronic Structure of Liquid Metals," R.R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, Sol. State Comm. 18, 1259 (1976). PDF

48. "Electronic Energy Transfer in Molecular Crystals," R. Silbey, Annual Rev. Phys. Chem. 27 (1976). PDF

49. "Comments on Exciton Phonon Coupling: Temperature Dependence," D. Yarkony and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 65, 1042 (1976). PDF

50. "Comments on the Classical Theory of Energy Transfer II.: Extension to higher multipoles and anisotropic media," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 65, 2527 (1976). PDF

51. "Dynamical Theory of Migration of an Adsorbed Atom on Solid Surfaces," K. Kitahara, H. Metiu, J. Ross and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 65, 2871 (1976). PDF

52. "Coherent and Diffusional Motion of a Chemisorbed Atom," H. Metiu, K. Kitahara, R. Silbey and J. Ross, Chem. Phys. Letters 43, 189 (1976). PDF

53. "Vibronic Coupling by Two Active Modes: A simple, exactly solvable model for the Duschinsky effect," A. Gregory and R. Silbey J. Chem. Phys. 65, 4141 (1976). PDF

54. "A Theoretical Study of the Strongly Coupled Txt Jahn-Teller System," M.J. Shultz and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 65, 4375 (1976). PDF

55. "The Band Gap in Polyenes," D. Yarkony and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. 20, 183 (1977). PDF

56. "The Phosphorescence Blue Shift of Anthracene in a Charge Transfer Configuration," D. Haarer, C.P. Keijzers, R. Silbey J. Chem. Phys. 66, 563 (1977). PDF

57. "Energy Transfer in Labeled Polymer Chains in Semidilute Solutions," I. Ohmine, R. Silbey, J. Deutch, Macromolecules 10, 862 (1977). PDF

58. "Dissociative Adsorption of Hydrogen on Copper: Stepped Versus Unstepped Surfaces," A. Gregory and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 50, 500 (1977). PDF

59. "Density Functional Approach to Physical Adsorption of Rare Gases on Metal Surfaces," J.E. van Himbergen and R. Silbey, Solid State Comm. 23, 623 (1977). PDF

60. "Molecular Fluorescence and Energy Transfer Near Interfaces," R. Chance, A. Prock and R. Silbey, Adv. in Chem. Phys. 37, 1 (1978).

61. "Variational Approach to Exciton Transport in Molecular Crystals," D. Yarkony and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 67, 5818 (1977). PDF

62. "A Simple Quantum Chemical Theory of Dissociative Adsorption," A. Gregory, A. Gelb, and R. Silbey, Surf. Sci. 74, 497 (1978). PDF

63. "Theory of Exciton Transport with Quadratic Exciton Phonon Coupling," R.W. Munn and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 68, 2439 (1978). PDF

64. "Ensemble Averages of Exponential Quadratic Phonon Operators," R.W. Munn and R. Silbey, J. Phys. A 11, 939 (1978). PDF

65. "Polaritons in a Spatially Dispersive Medium: Surface Effects I," D. Yarkony and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 17, 2420 (1978). PDF

66. "Variational Treatment of the Proton-Phonon System in KDP," A. Blumen and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 69, 1072 (1978). PDF

67. "Exact Solution of Metal Surface Properties in Square Barrier and Linear One-Electron Potential Models," J. van Himbergen and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 18, 2674 (1978). PDF

68. "Exciton Line Shapes and Migration with Stochastic Exciton Lattice Coupling," A. Blumen and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 69, 3589 (1978). PDF

69. "Dynamical Approach to Exciton Migration in Disordered Molecular Solids," A. Blumen and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 3707 (1979). PDF

70. "Two Photon Dispersion in Conjugated Polymers," M. Shand R.R. Chance and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 64, 448 (1979). PDF

71. "Applications of the Hellmann Feynman Theorem in Surface Physics," J.E. van Himbergen and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 20, 567 (1979). PDF

72. "Comments on Exciton Phonon Coupling II: Variational Solutions," J.W. Allen and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. 43, 341 (1979). PDF

73. "Remarks on Exciton-Phonon Coupling and Exciton Transport," R.W. Munn and R. Silbey, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 57, 131 (1980). PDF

74. "On Electronic Energy Transfer in Disordered Systems," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 843 (1980). PDF

75. "Trapping in Dilute Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 849 (1980). PDF

76. "The Interaction of H2 with a Jellium Surface," D. Kumamoto, J.E. van Himbergen, and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 68, 189 (1979). PDF

77. "General Theory of Electronic Transport in Molecular Crystals. I. Local Linear Electron-Phonon Coupling," R. Silbey and R.W. Munn, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 2763 (1980). PDF

78. "Atomic Migration on Disordered Surfaces," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, Surf. Sci. 92, 393 (1980). PDF

79. "Theoretical Studies of Energy Transfer in Disordered Condensed Media," A. Blumen, J. Klafter and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 5320 (1980). PDF

80. "Derivation of the Continuous Time Random Walk Equation," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 55 (1980). PDF

81. "Coherent and Incoherent Exciton Motion in the Framework of the Continuous Time Random Walk," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, Phys. Lett. A 76A, 143 (1980). PDF

82. "Three wave mixing in conjugated polymer solutions: Two-photon absorption in polydiacetylenes," M. Shand, R. Chance, C. Hogg and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 22B, 3540 (1980). PDF

83. "Exciton-Phonon Coupling in a Dimer: Analytical Approximation for Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions," R. Friesner and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 1166 (1981). PDF

84. "On Excitation Transfer and Relaxation Models in Low Temperature Systems," R. Wertheimer and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 75, 243 (1980). PDF

1981 – 1990

85. "Theoretical Studies of Relaxation Processes in Excited State Impurity Molecules: Application to Naphthalene Dimers," R. Wertheimer and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 686 (1981). PDF

86. "Comment on the Dynamics of Excitation Trapping in Molecular Crystals," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 3510 (1981). PDF

87. "Linear Vibronic Coupling in a General Two-Level System," R. Friesner and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3925 (1981). PDF

88. "Energy Transfer in Atom-Surface Scattering: Sum Rules and Velocity Distributions," R.D. Levine and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 4741 (1981). PDF

89. "Theoretical Study of Charge Transfer and Bond Alternation in Doped Polyacetylene," J.L. Brédas, R. Chance and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 85, 756 (1981). PDF

90. "Theories of Exciton Transport," R. Silbey, in Solid State Physics, ed. by V. Agranovitch and R. Hochstrasser (North Holland, 1983).

91. "Line Shapes and Transport for Excitons with Stochastic Coupling," B. Jackson and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3293 (1981). PDF

92. "Non-Empirical Effective Hamiltonian Technique for Polymers: Application to Polyacetylene and Polydiacetylene," J. Brédas, R. Chance, R. Silbey, G. Nicholas and P.H. Durand, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 255 (1981). PDF

93. "Nonempirical Studies of the Electronic Properties of Highly Conducting Polymers," J.L. Brédas, R.R. Chance, R. Baughman, R. Silbey, Int. J. Quant. Chem. S15, 231 (1981).

94. "Ab Initio Effective Hamiltonian Study of the Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers," J.L. Brédas, R.R. Chance, R. Baughman, R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3673 (1981). PDF

95. "A Conjecture on Nonphotochemical Hole Burning in Organic Glasses," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3973 (1981). PDF

96. "A Self-Consistent Semiclassical Approach to Inelastic Scattering of Atoms from Solid Surfaces," D. Kumamoto and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 5164 (1981). PDF

97. "Effect of Inhomogeneous Broadening on the Optical Lineshape of Molecular Aggregates," R. Friesner and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 84, 365 (1981). PDF

98. "Absorption and Circular Dichroism Lineshapes of a Molecular Dimer in the Strong Electronic Coupling Limit," R. Friesner and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 5630 (1981). PDF

99. "Exciton Dynamics: Impurity Assisted k-k' Scattering in a One-Dimensional Triplet Exciton System," A.J. van Strien, J. Schmidt and R. Silbey, Mol. Phys. 46, 151 (1982). PDF

100. "New and Proper Integral Equations for Site-Site Equilibrium Correlations in Molecular Fluids," D. Chandler, R. Silbey and B. Ladanyi, Mol. Phys. 46, 1335 (1982). PDF

101. "Conducting Complexes of Conjugated Polymers, A Comparative Study," R.R. Chance, R. Baughman, J. Brédas, H. Eckhardt, R. Elsenbaumer, J. Frommer, L. Shacklette and R. Silbey, Mol. Cryst.-Liq. Cryst. 83, 217 (1982). PDF

102. "Theoretical Studies of Charged Defect States in Doped Polyacetylene and Polyparaphenylene," J.L. Brédas, R. Chance and R. Silbey, Mol. Cryst.-Liq. Cryst. 77, 319 (1981). PDF

103. "Valence Effective Hamiltonian Study of the Electronic Structure of PPP and PPS," J. Brédas, R. Chance, R. Silbey, G. Nicolas and Ph. Durand, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 371 (1982). PDF

104. "Comment on the Theory of Excitation Migration in Disordered Lattices," J. Klafter and R. Silbey, Phil. Mag. 47, 337 (1983). PDF

105. "Comparative Theoretical Study of the Doping of Conjugated Polyacetylene and Polyparaphenylene," J.L. Brédas, R.R.Chance and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 26, 5843-5854 (1982). PDF

106. "Triplet Exciton Dynamics: Exciton Phonon Scattering at Low Temperature," B. Jackson and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 2763 (1982). PDF

107. "On the Calculation of Transfer Rates Between Impurity States in Solids," B.Jackson and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 78, 4193 (1983). PDF

108. "Calculation of the Exciton Green's Function of a Molecular Crystal From a Two Site Dynamical CPA," R. Friesner and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 93, 107 (1982). PDF

109. "Localized Excitation Transport on Substitution Disordered Lattices," G. Korzeniewski, R. Friesner, R. Silbey, J. Stat. Phys. 31, 451 (1983). PDF

110. "Reversible and Irreversible Line Broadening of Photochemical Holes in Amorphous Solids," J. Friedrich, D. Haarer and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 95, 119 (1983). PDF

111. "Electronic Properties of Sulfur Containing Conjugated Polymers," J.L. Brédas, R. Elsenbaumer, R. Chance, and R. Silbey, J. Chem.Phys. 78, 5656 (1983). PDF

112. "Neutral and Charged Soliton Defects in Polyacetylene," R.R. Chance, D.S. Boudreaux, J.L. Brédas and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B.(Rapid Comm.) 27, 1440 (1983). PDF

113. "Theoretical Studies of the Physics of Charged Defect Formation in Doped Organic Polymers," J.L. Brédas, B. Themans, J. André, R. Chance, D. Boudreaux, R. Silbey, J. de Physique C 3, 373 (1983). PDF

114. "Chain Length Dependence of the Electronic and Electrochemical Properties of Conjugated Systems," J.L. Brédas, R. Silbey, D. Boudreaux, R. Chance, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1983, 6555. PDF

115. "On The Stabilization of Optical Isomers through Tunneling Friction," R.A. Harris and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 78 7330 (1983). PDF

116. "Neutral and Charged Defects in Polyacetylene: SCF Calculations of the Effect of Solitons and Polarons on Molecular Geometry," D. Boudreaux, R. Chance, J.Brédas, R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 28. 6927 (1983). PDF

117. "Theoretical Description of Photochemical Hole Burn ing in Soft Glasses," B. Jackson and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 99, 331 (1983). PDF

118. "Exciton Phonon Scattering and Exciton Trapping in One Dimensional Systems," H. Benk and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 79,3487 (1983). PDF

119. "Solitons, Polarons and Bipolarons in Conjugated Polymers," R. Chance, D. Boudreaux, J.L. Brédas, R. Silbey, in Conducting Polymers, ed. by T. Skotheim (M. Dekker, NY, 1984). PDF

120. "Doped Conjugated Polymers: Theory and Experiment," R. Chance, D.Boudreaux, H. Eckhardt, R. Elsenbaumer, J. Frommer, J.L. Brédas, R. Silbey, in Quantum Chemistry of Polymers: Solid State Aspects, ed. by J. Ladik and J. André (Reidel, Holland, 1984). PDF

121. "Bipolaron Transport in Doped Conjugated Polymers," R.R. Chance, J.L. Brédas, R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 29, 4491 (1984). PDF

122. "Role of Mobile Organic Radicals and Ions in the Transport Properties of Doped Conjugated Polymers J.L.Brédas, B. Themans, J.M. André, R. Chance, R. Silbey, Syn. Met. 9, 265 (1984). PDF

123. "Tunneling of Methyl Groups in Toluquinone," S. Clough, A. Heidemann, J. Lichtenbelt, M. Paley, R. Silbey, H.P. Trommsdorf, D. Wiersma, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 2879 (1984). PDF

124. "Energy Transfer in Molecular Crystals and Its Influence on Spin Resonance," R. Silbey, in Electronic Excitations in Organic Molecular Aggregates, ed. by P. Reineker (Springer, NY, 1984). PDF

125. "Variational Calculation of the Dynamics of a Two Level System Interacting with a Bath," R. Silbey and R.A. Harris, J. Chem.Phys. 80, 2615 (1984). PDF

126. "Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering in Trans Polyacetylene," H. Eckhardt, S. Steinhauser, R.R. Chance, M. Schott, R. Silbey, Solid State Comm. 55, 1075 (1985). PDF

127. "Calculation of the Green's Function from Disordered Transport from High and Low Density Series Expansions," D. Calef, R. Friesner, G. Korzeniewski, B. Laird, R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 29, 2963 (1984). PDF

128. "Theory of Electronic Transport in Molecular Crystals II. Zeroth order states incorporating nonlocal linear electron phonon coupling," R.W. Munn and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 1843 (1985). PDF

129. "Theory of Electronic Transport in Molecular Crystals III. Diffusion coefficient incorporating nonlocal linear electron phonon coupling," R.W. Munn and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 83,1854 (1985). PDF

130. "Theoretical Investigations of a New Class of Soliton Supporting Conjugated Polymers: Polyarenemethides," J.L. Brédas, D.Boudreaux, R. Chance, R. Silbey, Mol. Cryst.-Liq. Cryst. 118, 323 (1985). PDF

131. "A New Class of Soliton Supporting Polymers: Theoretical Predictions," D. Boudreaux, R. Chance, R. Elsenbaumer, J. Frommer, J. Brédas, R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 31, 652 (1985). PDF

132. "Variational Calculation Of The Tunneling System Interacting with a Heat Bath. II. Dynamics of an Asymmetric Tunneling System," R.A. Harris and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 1069 (1985). PDF

133. "Dynamics of Triplet Excitons in Molecular Pairs: Temperature Dependence of Transverse Relaxation Time," P. Reineker, J. Kohler, U.Schmid and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 623 (1985). PDF

134. "Electronic Structure of Conjugated Polymers," in Polydiacetylenes, ed. by D. Bloor and R. Chance (Nijhoff, 1985). PDF

135. "Low Temperature Tunneling Dynamics in Condensed Media," P. Parris and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 5619 (1985). PDF

136. "The Structure and Properties of Organic Solid State," in Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Molecules and Crystals, ed. by D. Chemla and J. Zyss (Wiley, 1987). PDF

137. "Verification of the Importance of Librational Modes for Optical Dephasing in Organic Glasses," R. Jankowiak, H. Bassler, R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 125, 139 (1986). PDF

138. "Optical Hartman-Hahn Resonance and the Spatial Correlation of Inhomgeneous Broadening in Molecular Solids," J.A. Cina and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 85, 2450 (1986). PDF

139. "Distance Dependence of Tunneling in Dissipative Systems," P. Phillips and R. Silbey, Phys Rev. A 34, 707 (1986). PDF

140. "Polyaniline: A Theoretical Study," R. Chance, D. Boudreaux, J. Wolf, L. Shacklette, R. Silbey, B. Thémans, J.L. André, J.L. Brédas, Syn. Met. 15, 105 (1986). PDF

141. "Theoretical Studies of Homogeneous Linewidths of Optical Transitions in Glasses," R. Silbey and K. Kassner, J. Luminescence 36, 283 (1987). PDF

142. "Relaxation Theory Applied to the Scattering of Excitations and Optical Transitions in Crystals and Solids," in Excitations in Solids and Glasses, ed. by J. Funfschilling (Reidel, 1989).

143. "Photochemical Hole Burning of Phthalocyanine in Polymer Glasses: Thermal Cycling and Spectral Diffusion," G. Schulte, W. Grond, D. Haarer, R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 679 (1988). PDF

144. "Variational Treatment of a Harmonic Oscillator Coupled to a Dissipative Heat Bath," P. Parris and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 86, 6381 (1987). PDF

145. "Thermal Averages of Expressions Involving Exponentials of Quadratic and Linear Boson Operators," K. Kassner and R. Silbey, J. Phys. A 20, 4355 (1987). PDF

146. "Polaron Formation in the Acoustic Chain," D. Brown, K. Lindenberg, B. West, J. Cina and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 6700 (1987). PDF

147. "Optical Line Broadening of Triplet Excitons in Dibromonaphthalene: Isotopic Impurity And Phonon Scattering," H. Port, H. Nissler and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 1994 (1987). PDF

148. "Non-linear Polarizabilities of Conjugated Chains: Regular Polyenes, Solitons, and Polarons," C. de Melo and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 140, 537 (1987). PDF

149. "Tunneling of Molecules in Low-Temperature Media: An Elementary Description," R.A. Harris and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 93, 7062 (1989). PDF

150. "Variational-Perturbational Treatment for the Polarizabilities of Conjugated Chains I: Theory and Linear Polarizabilities for Polyenes," C.P. deMelo and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 2558 (1988). PDF

151. "Variational-Perturbational Treatment for the Polarizabilities of Conjugated Chains II: Hyperpolarizabilities of Poleynic Chains," C.P. deMelo and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 2558 (1988). PDF

152. "Head-Head Interactions in Zwitterionic Associating Polymers," J.L. Brédas, R.R. Chance, R. Silbey, Macromolecules 21, 1633 (1988). PDF

153. "On the Preponderance of Near Prolate Rotors Among Polyatomic Molecules," R. Silbey and J.L. Kinsey, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 4100 (1988). PDF

154. "Dynamical Processes in Disordered Systems," R. Silbey, in Disordered Solids, ed by B diBartolo (Plenum 1990). PDF

155. "Variational Approach to the Davydov Soliton," Q. Zhang, Victor Romero-Rochin and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 38, 6049 (1988). PDF

156. "The Two Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet: Effect of Anisotropy on the Ground State," J.E. van Himbergen and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 38, 5177 (1988). PDF

157. "Interactions of Two-Level Systems in Glasses," K. Kassner and R. Silbey, J. Phys. C 1, 4599 (1989). PDF

158. "Conformational Disorder in Conjugated Polymers," G. Rossi, R. Chance and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 7594 (1989). PDF

159. "Optical Spectra of Molecular Crystals: Effect of Exciton Bandwidth on Spectra and Linewidths," H. Port and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 2774 (1990). PDF

160. "Two Phonon Relaxation in Tunneling Systems: An Anomalous Energy Gap Dependence," H.P. Trommsdorff and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 165, 540 (1990). PDF

161. "Symmetry Breaking in a Simple Electron-Phonon Model with Electron Correlation," Q. Zhang and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 4899 (1990). PDF

162. "Contributions of the Electrostatic and the Dispersion Interaction to the Solvent Shift in a Dye Polymer System, as Investigated by Hole-Burning Spectroscopy," L. Kador, S. Jahn, D. Haarer and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 41, 12215 (1990). PDF

163. "Relaxation and Coherence in Simple Model Systems," in Perspectives In Photosynthesis, ed by J. Jortner and B. Pullman (Kluwer, the Netherlands) 1990. PDF

164. "Theory of Conjugated Polymers and Molecular Crystals," in Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics and Molecular Electronics, ed by J.L. Brédas and R.R. Chance (Kluwer, the Netherlands) 1990. PDF

165. "Linear Optical Properties of a Series of Polyacetylene Oligomers," H.E. Schaffer, R.R. Chance, K. Knoll, R. Schrock, and R. Silbey, in Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics and Molecular Electronics, ed by J.L. Brédas and R.R. Chance (Kluwer, the Netherlands) 1990. PDF

166. "Hole-Burning Spectroscopy of Glasses," D. Haarer and R. Silbey, Physics Today, May 1990, p.58. PDF

167. "Small PbS Clusters Prepared via ROMP Block Copolymer Technology," V. Sankaran, C.C. Cummins, R.R. Schrock, R.E. Cohen, and R. Silbey, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 6858 (1990). PDF

168. "Massively Parallel Time Dependent Wave-Packet Calculations in a Classically Chaotic Potential," D. Chasman , R. Silbey and M. Eisenberg, Chem. Phys. Lett. 175, 633 (1990). PDF

1991 – 2000

169. "Nuclear Spin Lattice Relaxation of methyl groups via multiphonon processes," B.-Y. Jin and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 2077 (1991). PDF

170. "Thermalization of Photoelectrons in Polar Medium," I. Rips and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 4495 (1991). PDF

171. "Conjugation Length Dependence of Raman Scattering in a series of linear polyenes: implications for polyacetylene," H. Schaefer, R.R. Chance, R. Silbey, K. Knoll and R. Schrock, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 4161 (1991). PDF

172. "Hydrogen Tunneling in Condensed Media," Alberto Suarez and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 4809 (1991). PDF

173. "A Simple model for the Polarizabilities of Organic Polymers," Theresa Kavanaugh and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 6924 (1991). PDF

174. "Vibrational Contributions to Third Order Non Linear Susceptibilities," David Yaron and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 563 (1991). PDF

175. "Massively Parallel High Energy Time dependent Wave Packet Calculations," David Chasman, Robert J. Silbey, and Michael Eisenberg, Theor Chim Acta 79, 175 (1991). PDF

176. "Properties of a Macroscopic System as a Thermal Bath," Alberto Suarez and Robert Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 9115 (1991). PDF

177. "Dephasing Processes in Glasses with Strong Strain Interactions," Ulrich Zürcher and Robert Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 6902 (1992). PDF

178. "Non-Perturbative Susceptibility of a Three Level System Interacting with a Monochromatic Field," Theresa Kavanaugh and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem Phys. 95, 6443 (1992). PDF

179. "The Effects of Electron Correlation on the Non-Linear Optical Properties of Polyacetylene," David Yaron and Robert Silbey, Phys Rev B 45, 11655 (1992). PDF

180. "Exact three-dimensional time-dependent wave packet calculations on the Connection Machine," David Chasman, Robert J. Silbey, and Michael D'Mello, Theor Chim Acta 84, 335 (1993). PDF

181. "Experimental Distinction of Electric and Magnetic Transition Moments," David M. Jonas, S. Solina, R.W. Field, R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7189 (1992). PDF

182. "Second Order Optical Nonlinearity in Octupolar Aromatic Systems," M. Joffre, D. Yaron, R. Silbey and J. Zyss, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 5607 (1992). PDF

183. "Intramolecular Vibrational Relaxation and Forbidden Transitions in The SEP Spectrum of Acetylene," David M. Jonas, S. Solina, B. Rajaram, S. Cohen, R.W. Field, R.J. Silbey, K. Yamanouchi, and S. Tsuchiya, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2813 (1992). PDF

184. "Albrecht Theory of Resonant Raman Scattering Applied to Conjugated Polymers in the Solid State Limit," B-Y Jin and R. Silbey, Chem.Phys. Lett. 197, 117 (1992). PDF

185. "Memory Effects in the Relaxation of Quantum Open Systems," A. Suarez, R. Silbey and I. Oppenheim, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 5101 (1992). PDF

186. "The Question of Dispersive Kinetics For the Initial Phase of Charge Separation in Bacterial Reaction Centers," G. Small, J. Hayes, and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 96, 7499 (1992). PDF

187. "Nonlinear Optical Analysis of a Series of Triblock Copolymers Containing Model Polyenes: The Dependence of the Hyperpolarizability on Conjugation Length," G. Craig, R. Cohen, R. Schrock, R. Silbey, G. Puccetti, I. Ledoux and J. Zyss, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 850 (1993). PDF

188. "Floquet Theory Response of Two and Three Level Systems Interacting with Pulsed Electric Fields," T. Kavanaugh and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 9444 (1993). PDF

189. "Magnetic Resonance – ESR on a Single Molecule," R.J. Silbey, Nature, 363, 214 (1993). PDF

190. "Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution of Energy in The Stimulated Emission Pumping Spectrum Of Acetylene," David M. Jonas, S. Solina, B. Rajaram, R.J. Silbey, R.W. Field, K. Yamanouchi, and S. Tsuchiya, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 7350 (1993). PDF

191. "Synthesis of ZnS Clusters and Zn particles within Microphase Separated Domains of Organometallic Block Copolymers," V. Sankaran, J. Yue, R.E. Cohen, R.R. Schrock, R. Silbey, Chemistry of Materials 5,1133 (1993). PDF

192. "Microscopic Description of Tunneling Systems in a Structural Model Glass," A. Heuer and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70,3911 (1993). PDF

193. "Microscopic Estimation of the Deformation Potential in a Model Structural Glass," A. Heuer and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 48, 9411 (1993). PDF

194. "Tunneling in Real Structural Glasses: A universal theory," A. Heuer and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 49, 1441 (1994). PDF

195. "Duffing's Oscillator and the normal to local mode transition in AB2 triatomic molecules," G. Schmid, S. Coy, R.W. Field. and R.J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 219, 331 (1994). PDF

196. "Low Temperature dynamics in glasses and the stochastic sudden jump model," A. Suarez and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 218, 445 (1994). PDF

197. "The normal to local mode transition in AB2 triatomic molecules: the susceptibility of eigenstates to symmetry breaking perturbations," G. M. Schmid, S. Coy, R.W. Field and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 101, 869 (1994). PDF

198. "Study of a microscopic model for two-level system dynamics in glasses," A. Suarez and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 101, 7329 (1994). PDF

199. "Saturation of Cubic Optical Nonlinearity in Long Chain Polyene Oligomers," I. Samuel, I. Ledoux, C. Dhenault, J. Zyss, H.H. Fox, R. Schrock, R. Silbey, Science 265, 1070 (1994). PDF

200. "How robust are molecular properties? A stability criterion for eigenstates," G.M. Schmid, S. Coy, R.W. Field and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 337 (1995). PDF

201. "Theory of Resonance Raman Scattering for Finite and Infinite Polyenes," B.-Y. Jin and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 4251 (1995). PDF

202. "Lattice Relaxation in the 1Bu State of the Finite Polyenes," B.-Y. Jin and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 4261 (1995). PDF

203. "A Study of the Coupling Dependence of Relaxation Rates in a Model of Low Temperature Tunneling Dynamics," D. Reichman and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 99, 2777 (1995). PDF

204. "Low Temperature Properties of Glasses: A Preliminary Study of Double Well Potentials Microscopic Structure," David Dab, Andreas Heuer and R. Silbey, J. Lum. 64, 95 (1995). PDF

205. "Nonequilibrium Photoinduced Electron Transfer," M. Cho and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 103, 595 (1995). PDF

206. "Localization of Vibrational Excitation: A Simple Model," G. Schmid and R.J. Silbey, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 99, 561 (1995).

207. "Excitation Transfer in the Vicinity of a Dielectric Surface," M.Cho and R.J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 242, 291 (1995). PDF

208. "Collective Dynamics in Glasses and its Relation to the Low-Temperature Anomalies," A. Heuer and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 53, 609 (1996). PDF

209. "On the Relaxation of a Two Level System: Beyond the Weak Coupling Approximation," D. Reichman and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 1506 (1996). PDF

210. "Conformational Disorder of Conjugated Polymers: Implications for Optical Properties," S.N. Yaliraki and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 1245 (1996). PDF

211. "Simulation of Spin Diffusion in a Disordered System," I.M. Nolden and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 54, 381 (1996). PDF

212. "Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure of PbS Nanoclusters," R.S. Kane, R.E. Cohen, and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 7928 (1996). PDF

213. "Suppression and Enhancement of van der Waals Interactions," M.Cho and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 8730 (1996). PDF

214. "Synthesis of PbS nanoclusters within block copolymer nanoreactors," R.S. Kane, R.E. Cohen, and R. Silbey, Chem. Mat. 8, 1919 (1996). PDF

215. "Low Temperature Anomalies of Glasses: What can we learn from computer simulations?," A. Heuer and R. Silbey, Physica B 219-220, 255 (1996). PDF

216. "Time and Temperature Dependence of Optical Linewidths in Glasses at Low Temperature: Spectral Diffusion," R.J. Silbey, J.M. A. Koedijk, and S. Völker, J. Chem. Phys. 105, 901 (1996). PDF

217. "Spectral Diffusion in Organic Glasses: Time dependence of spectral holes," J.M.A. Koedijk, R. Wannemacher, R.J. Silbey, and S. Völker, J. Phys. Chem. 100, 19945 (1996). PDF

218. "On the Nonperturbative Theory of Pure Dephasing in Condensed Phases at Low Temperature," D. Reichman, R.J. Silbey and A. Suarez, J. Chem. Phys. 105, 10500 (1996). PDF

219. "Tunneling in a Cavity," P. Neu and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev A 54, 5323 (1996). PDF

220. "Some Comments on the Nature of Universal Properties in Low Temperature Glasses," D. Reichman, P. Neu, and R. Silbey, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 291, 65 (1996). PDF

221. "On the Transition from Nonadiabatic to Adiabatic Rate Kernel: Schwinger's Variational Principle and Padé Approximation," M.Cho and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 2654 (1997). PDF

222. "Spectral Diffusion on Ultra-Long Time Scales in Low Temperature Glasses," P. Neu, D. Reichman, and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 56, 5250 (1997). PDF

223. "Non-Equilibrium Spectral Diffusion due to Laser Heating in Stimulated Photon Echo Spectroscopy of Low Temperature Glasses," P. Neu, R. Silbey, S. Zilker, and D. Haarer, Phys. Rev. B 56, 11571 (1997). PDF

224. "The Effect of High Pressure on the Dynamics of Doped Organic Glasses. A Study by Spectral Hole Burning," T. Creemers, J. Koedijk, I. Chan, R. Silbey, and S. Völker, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 4797 (1997). PDF

225. "Variance and Width of Absorption Lines of Single Molecules in Low Temperature Glasses," W.Pfluegl, Frank L.H. Brown, and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 6876 (1998). PDF

226. "Influence of Interchain Interactions on the Absorption and Luminescence of Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Quantum-Chemical Characterization," J. Cornil, D.A. dos Antos, X. Crispin, R. Silbey and J.L. Bredas, J. Amer Chem. Soc. 120, 1289 (1998). PDF

227. "An investigation of the effects of two level system coupling on Single Molecule Lineshapes in Low Temperature Glasses," F. L.H. Brown and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7434 (1998). PDF

228. "Pure Bending Dynamics in the Acetylene X~ 1Σ+g state up to 15000 cm-1 of Internal Energy," M. Jacobson, J.P. O'Brien, R.J. Silbey, and R.W. Field, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 121 (1998). PDF

229. "Nonlogarithmic Spectral Diffusion in Proteins and Glasses," P. Neu, R.J. Silbey, A. Heuer, S.J. Zilker, D. Haarer, J. Lum. 76 & 77, 619 (1998). PDF

230. "Quantum Control for Arbitrary Linear and Quadratic Potentials," Frank L.H. Brown and Robert J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 292, 357 (1998). PDF

231. "Long Time Properties of Random Walks with a Single Trap," Wolfgang Pfluegl and Robert J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. E 58, 4128 (1998). PDF

232. "Semiconductor Nanocluster Growth Within Polymer Films," R.S. Kane, R.E. Cohen and R. Silbey, Langmuir 15, 39 (1998). PDF

233. "Synthesis of Doped ZnS Nanoclusters within Block Copolymer Nanoreactors," R.S. Kane, R.E. Cohen and R. Silbey, Chem. Mat. 11, 90 (1998). PDF

234. "Local Mode Behavior in the Acetylene Bending System," M. Jacobson, R.J. Silbey and R.W. Field, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 845 (1999). PDF

235. "Effects of an Applied Field on the Structure of Finite Polyenes," S. N Yaliraki and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 103, 2262 (1999). PDF

236. "Hyper-Rayleigh Light Scattering of Centrosymmetric Molecules in Solution," S.N. Yaliraki and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 1561 (1999). PDF

237. "Long-time spectral diffusion induced by short-time energy transfer in doped glasses: Concentration, wavelength, and temperature dependence of Spectral Holes," F.T.H. den Hartog, M.P. Bakker, R.J. Silbey, and S. Volker, Chem. Phys. Lett. 297, 314 (1998). PDF

238. "Spectral diffusion induced by energy transfer in doped organic glasses: Delay-Time Dependence of Spectral Holes," F.T.H. den Hartog, C. van Papendrecht, R.J. Silbey, and S. Volker, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1010 (1999). PDF

239. "Third-Order Microscopic Nonlinearities of very Long Chain Polyenes: Saturation Phenomena and Conformational Effects," C. Delporte, I. Ledoux, I.D.W. Samuel, J. Zyss, S.N. Yaliraki, H.H. Fox, R.R. Schrock, and R.J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. 245, 1 (1999). PDF

240. "Singlet and Triplet Exciton Formation Rates in Conjugated Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes," Z. Shuai, D. Beljonne, J.L. Bredas and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 131 (2000). PDF

241. "Charge and Energy Transfer Processes at Polymer/Polymer Interfaces: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study," J.Halls, J. Cornil, D. dos Santos, R. Silbey, D-H Hwang, A.B. Homes, J. L Bredas and R.H. Friend, Phys. Rev. B 60, 5721 (1999). PDF

242. "Excitons in Conjugated Polymers and Aggregates," R.J. Silbey, in Franqui Symposium (1998).

243. (repeat of #236)

244. "Distribution of Single Molecule Line Widths," E. Barkai and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 310, 287 (1999). PDF

245. "Electronic Coherence in Mixed-Valence Systems: Spectral Analysis," Y. Jung, R.J. Silbey, J. Cao, J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 9460-9468 (1999). PDF

246. "Non-exponential Relaxation of a Single Quantum Vibrational Excitation of a Large Molecule in Collision Free Gas Phase at Elevated Temperatures," D.J. Myers, M. Shigeiwa, M.D. Fayer, and R. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 312, 399-406 (1999). PDF

247. "The role of intermolecular interactions on the optical and charge-transfer properties of conjugated polymers," J. Cornil, D.A. dos Santos, R.J. Silbey, J.L. Bredas, Syn. Met. 101, 492-495 (1999). PDF

248. "Distribution of Variances of Single Molecules in a Disordered Lattice," Eli Barkai and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 104, 342 (2000). PDF

249. "The Ferric Wheel Revisited," J. Bruno and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 596-599 (2000). PDF

250. "Almost Temperature Independent Charge Carrier Mobilities in Liquid Crystals," M. Palenberg, R. Silbey, M. Malagoli and J.L. Bredas J. Chem. Phys. 112, 1541 (2000). PDF

251. "Fractional Kramers Equation," Eli Barkai and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys.Chem. 104, 3866 (2000). PDF

252. "Interchain Interactions in conjugated Materials: The exciton model vs. the supermolecular approach," D. Beljonne, J. Cornil, R. Silbey, P. Millié and J.L. Brédas, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4749 (2000). PDF

253. "Charge Transport vs. Optical Properties in Semiconducting Crystalline Organic Thin Films," J. Cornil, J.Ph. Calbert, D. Beljonne, R. Silbey and J.L. Brédas, Adv. Mat. 12, 978 (2000). PDF

254. "Levy Distribution of Single Molecule Line Shape Cumulants in Low Temperature Glass," E. Barkai, R. Silbey and G. Zumofen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5339 (2000). PDF

255. "Transition from Simple to Complex Behavior in Single Molecule Line Shapes in Disordered Condensed Phase," E. Barkai, R. Silbey and G. Zumofen, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 5853-5867 (2000). PDF

256. "Coherent and Incoherent Motion in a One Dimensional Lattice," M. Palenberg, R. Silbey and W. Pfluegl, Phys. Rev. B 62, 3744-3750 (2000). PDF

257. "Diffusion Coefficient for disordered systems with Coupled Coherent and Incoherent Transport in One Dimension," W. Pfluegl, M. Palenberg and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 5632-5643 (2000). PDF

2001 – 2013

258. "Local and non-local approximation for a simple quantum system," M. Palenberg, R.J. Silbey, C. Warns, and P. Reineker, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 4386 (2001). PDF

259. "Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Disordered Circular Aggregates: A Perturbation Analysis," Sara E. Dempster, Seogjoo Jang, and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 10015 (2001). PDF

260. "Characterization of the static disorder in the B850 band of LH2," Seogjoo Jang, Sara E. Dempster, and Robert J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. 105, 6655-6665 (2001). PDF

261. "Interchain Interactions in Pi-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: A Primer," J. Cornil, J.Ph. Calbert, D. Beljonne, R. Silbey and J.L. Bredas, Syn. Met. 119, 1 (2001). PDF

262. "Effects of temperature on the nonlinear response function for two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy," J.Y. Sung, R.J. Silbey, and M. Cho, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 1422-1428 (2001). PDF

263. "Electronic structure of pi-conjugated oligomers and polymers: a quantum-chemical approach to transport properties," J.L. Bredas, D. Beljonne, J. Cornil, J.P. Calbert, Z. Shuai, R.J. Silbey, Syn. Met. 125, 107-116 (2001). PDF

264. "Time Dependent Fluctuations in Single Molecule Spectroscopy: A Generalized Wiener-Khintchine Approach," Eli Barkai, Younjoon Jung and Robert Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 207403 (2001). PDF

265. "Four wave mixing spectroscopy for a multi-level system," Jaeyoung Sung and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 9266-9287 (2001). PDF

266. "A Stochastic Theory of Single Molecule Spectroscopy," Younjoon Jung, Eli Barkai and Robert J. Silbey, Adv. Chem. Phys. 123, 199-266 (2002). PDF

267. "Fourth Order Quantum Master Equation and Its Markovian Bath Limit," Seogjoo Jang, Jianshu Cao, and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys.116, 2696 (2002); Erratum: J. Chem. Phys. 116, 2705 (2002). PDF

268. "Lineshape theory and photon counting statistics for blinking quantum dots: A Levy walk process," Younjoon Jung, Eli Barkai, and Robert J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. 284, 181-194 (2002). PDF

269. "A Fractional Dynamics Approach to the Diffusion-Assisted Reactions in Disordered Media," Jaeyoung Sung, Eli Barkai, Robert J. Silbey and Sangyoub Lee, J. Chem. Phys.116, 2338 (2002). PDF

270. "Nonequilibrium generalization of Forster-Dexter theory for excitation energy transfer," S. Jang, Y.J. Jung, R.J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. 275, 319-332 (2002). PDF

271. "Current Status in Single Molecule Spectroscopy: Theoretical Aspects," Y.Jung, E. Barkai, and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 10980 (2002). PDF

272. "On the Temperature Dependence of molecular line shapes due to linearly coupled phonon bands," S. Jang, J. Cao and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 8313-8317 (2002). PDF

273. "Symmetry Anomaly in Disubstituted Benzenes," J.M. André, J.-L. Brédas, V. Coropceanu, and R.J. Silbey, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 90, 1428-1439 (2002).

274. "Three dimensional Band structure and bandlike mobility in oligoacene single crystals: a theoretical investigation," Y.C.Cheng, R.J. Silbey, D.A. da Silva Filho, J.P. Calbert, J. Cornil, and J.L. Bredas, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 3764 (2003). PDF

275. "Optical four wave mixing spectroscopy for multilevel systems coupled to multimode Brownian oscillators," Jaeyoung Sung and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 2443-2445 (2003). PDF

276. "Theory of single molecule line shapes of multichromophoric macromolecules," Seogjoo Jang and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9312-9323 (2003). PDF

277. "Single complex line shapes of the B850 band of LH2," Seogjoo Jang and Robert J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9324 –9336 (2003). PDF

278. "Exact Dynamics of Continuous Time Random Walker in the Presence of a Boundary: Beyond the Intuitive Boundary Condition Approach," J. Sung and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 160601 (2003). PDF

279. "Theory of Single-Molecule Spectroscopy: Beyond the Ensemble Average," E. Barkai, Y. Jung, R. Silbey, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 55, 457-507 (2004). PDF

280. "A Stochastic Liouville Equation Approach for the Effect of Noise in Quantum Computation," Y.-C.Cheng and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 69, Art. No. 052325 (2004). PDF

281. "Multichromophoric Forster Resonance Energy transfer," Seogjoo Jang, M. Newton and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 Art. No. 218301 (2004). PDF

282. "Control of Chemical Equilibrium By Noise," V. Lubchenko and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 19852-19858 (2004). PDF

283. "Interrupted Escape and the Emergence of Exponential Relaxation," V. Lubchenko and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 5958 (2004). PDF

284. "Quantitative relationship between analyte concentration and amplified signal intensity of a molecular wire sensor," Jaeyoung Sung and Robert J. Silbey, Anal. Chem. 77, 6169-6173 (2005). PDF

285. "Counting statistics of single molecule reaction events and reaction dynamics of a single molecule," J.Sung and R.J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 415,10 (2005). PDF

286. "Markovian Approximation in the Relaxation of Quantum Open Systems," Y.C. Cheng and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys.Chem. B 109, 23199-23204 (2005). PDF

287. "Microscopic Quantum Dynamics Study on the Noise Threshold of Fault Tolerant Quantum Error Correction," Y.C. Cheng and R.J. Silbey. Phys. Rev. A 72, 012320 (2005). PDF

288. "Effective Langrangian Approach to the Trapped Bose Gases at Low Temperatures," X. Xia and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 71, 063604 (2005). PDF

289. "Classical Field Theory of Interacting Classical Particle Transport thorough 1D Channels," Xiang Xia and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085423 (2005). PDF

290. "Electrodynamics of Amorphous Media at Low Temperatures," V. Lubchenko, R.J. Silbey and P. Wolynes, Mol. Phys. 104, 1325 (2006). PDF

291. "Coherence in the B800 Ring of Purple Bacteria LH2," Y.C. Cheng and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 028103 (2006). PDF

292. "Ordering of Limits in the Jarzynski Equality," S. Pressé and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 054117 (2006). PDF

293. "Anomalous temperature-isotope dependence in proton-coupled electron transfer," S.Pressé and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 164504 (2006). PDF

294. "Utilizing the Information Content in two-state trajectories," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103 10907-10910 (2006). PDF

295. "Memory effects on the convergence properties of the Jarzynski equality," S.Pressé and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. E 74, 061105 (2006). PDF

296. "Comment on 'Path Summation Formulation of the Master Equation'," O. Flomenbom, J. Klafter, and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 178901 (2006). PDF

297. "Correctly validating results from single molecule data: the case of stretched exponential decay in the catalytic activity of single lipase B molecules," Ophir Flomenbom, Johan Hofkens, Kelly Velonia, Frans C. de Schryver, Alan E. Rowan, Roeland J.M. Nolte, Joseph Klafter and Robert J. Silbey, Chem. Phys. Lett. 432, 371-374 (2006). PDF

298. "A Unified theory for Charge-Carrier Transport in Organic Crystals," Y.-C. Cheng and R.J. Silbey (in preparation). PDF

299. "Spectral Diffusion and Drift: Single Chromophore and en masse," V. Lubchenko and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 064701 (2007). PDF

300. "Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors," V. Coropceanu, J. Cornil, D. Da Silva Filho, Y. Oliver, R. Silbey, and J.L. Brédas, Chem. Rev. 107, 926-952 (2007). PDF

301. "Multichromophoric Förster Resonance Energy Transfer from B800 to B850 in the Light Harvesting Complex 2: Evidence for Subtle Energetic Optimization by Purple Bacteria," S. Jang, M. Newton and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 6807 (2007). PDF

302. "Properties of the generalized master equation: Green's functions and probability density functions in the path representation," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 034103 (2007). PDF

303. "Path probability density functions for semi–Markovian random walks," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. E 76, 041101 (2007). PDF

304. "Unique mechanisms from finite two–state trajectories," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, in Theory, Modelling and Evaluation of Single-Molecule Measurements, edited by E. Barkai and M. Orrit (World Scientific, 2008). PDF

305. "Radiating Dipoles Near Curved Interfaces," S. Pressé and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043402 (2008). PDF

306. "Universal properties of mechanisms from two–state trajectories," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 114902 (2008). PDF

307. "Generic Schemes for Single Molecule Kinetics. 1: Self–consistent Pathway Solutions for Renewal Processes," J. Cao and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 12867 (2008)(feature article). PDF

308. "Single-file dynamics with different diffusion constants," T. Ambjörnsson, M. Lomholt , L. Lizana and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 185106 (2008). PDF

309. "Diffusion of two particles with a finite interaction potential in one dimension," T. Ambjörnsson and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 165103 (2008). PDF

310. "Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories," O. Flomenbom and R.J. Silbey, Phys. Rev. E 78, 066105 (2008). PDF

311. "Beyond Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in Biological and Nanoscale Systems," D. Beljonne, C. Curutchet, G. Scholes and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 6583 (2009)(feature article). PDF

312. "Practical Model for Imperfect Conductometric Molecular Wire Sensors," J. H. Bae, Y. R. Lim, W. Jung, R.J. Silbey and J. Sung, Anal. Chem. 81, 578 (2009). PDF

313. "Theory of single file diffusion in a force field," E. Barkai and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 050602 (2009). PDF

314. "Shared–mode assisted resonant energy transfer in the weak coupling regime," E. Hennebicq, D. Beljonne, C. Curutchet, G. D. Scholes and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 214505 (2009). PDF

315. "The Work–Hamiltonian Connection and the Usefulness of the Jarzynski Equality for Free Energy Calculations," E. Zimanyi and R. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 171102 (2009). PDF

316. "Excitons Surf Along Conjugated Polymer Chains," J.L. Brédas and R. Silbey, Science 323, 348 (2009). PDF

317. "Optimization of exciton trapping in energy transfer processes," J. Cao and R. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 13825 (2009)(feature article). PDF

318. "Diffusion of tagged particle in an exclusion process," E. Barkai and R. Silbey, Phys. Rev. E 81, 041129 (2010)(feature article). PDF

319. "The Effect of Correlations of Local Fluctuations on Exciton Coherence," X. Chen and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 204503 (2010). PDF

320. "Efficient energy transfer in light–harvesting systems, I: optimal temperature, reorganization energy and spatial–temporal correlations," J. Wu, F. Liu, Y. Shen, J. Cao and R.J. Silbey, New Journal of Physics 12, 105012 (2010). PDF

321. "2D excitons as primary energy carriers in organic crystals: The case of oligoacenes," E.V. Emelianova, S. Athanasopoulos, R.J. Silbey, and D. Beljonne, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 206405 (2010). PDF

322. "Unified treatment of coherent and incoherent electronic energy transfer dynamics using classical electrodynamics," E.N. Zimanyi and R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 144107 (2010). PDF

323. "The nature of singlet excitons in oligoacene molecular crystals," X,H. Yamagata, J. Norton, E. Hontz, Y. Olivier, D. Beljonne, J.L. Brédas, R.J. Silbey and F.C. Spano, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 204703 (2011). PDF

324. "Excitation Energy Transfer in Non–Markovian Dynamical Disordered Environment: Localization, Narrowing and Transfer Efficiency," X. Chen and R.J. Silbey, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 5499 (2011). PDF

325. "Generic Mechanism of Optimal Energy Transfer Efficiency: A Scaling Theory of the Mean First Passage Time in Exciton Systems," J. Wu, J. Cao and R.J. Silbey, (2012). PDF

326. "Description of Quantum Effects in the Condensed Phase," R.J. Silbey, Procedia Chemistry 3, 188 (2011). PDF

327. "Quantitative Interpretation of the Randomness in Single Enzyme Turnover Times," S. Yang, J. Cao, R.J. Silbey and J. Sung, Biophysical Journal 101, 519 (2011). PDF

328. "Electronic coherence lineshapes reveal hidden excitonic correlations in photosynthetic light harvesting," C.Y. Wong, R.M. Alvey, D.A. Bryant, K.E. Wilk, P.M.G. Curmi, R.J. Silbey and G.D. Scholes, Nature Chemistry 4, 396 (2011). PDF

329. "Is There Elliptic Distortion in the Light Harvesting Complex 2 of Purple Bacteria?" S. Hang, R.J.Silbey, R. Kunz, C. Hoffman, and J. Köhler, J. Chem. Phys. B. 115, 44, 12947-12953. (2011). Read

330. "Phase transition in the Jarzynski estimator of free energy differences," A. Suá́rez, R.J. Silbey, and I. Oppenheim, Phys. Rev. E 85, (2012). PDF

331. "Efficient energy transfer in light-harvesting systems: Quantum-classical comparison, flux network, and robustness analysis," J. Wu, F. Liu, J. Ma, R.J. Silbey, and J. Cao, J. Chem. Phys. 137, (2012). PDF

332. "Theoretical description of quantum effects in multi-chromophoric aggregates," E. N. Zimanyi, R.J. Silbey, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370, (2012). PDF

333. "Reaction event counting statistics of Biopolymer Reaction Systems with Dynamic Heterogeneity," Y. R. Lim, S. J. Park, B. J. Park, J. Cao, R. J. Silbey, and J. Sung, J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 8, (2012). PDF

334. "A novel construction of complex-valued Gaussian processes with arbitrary spectral densities and its application to excitation energy transfer," X. Chen, J. Cao, R.J. Silbey, J. Chem. Phys 138, (2013). PDF

335. "Generic Mechanism of Optimal Energy Transfer Efficiency: A Scaling Theory of the Mean First-Passage Time in Exciton Systems," J. Wu, R.J. Silbey, and J. Cao, Physical Review Letters 110, (2013). PDF

336. "Optimal fold symmetry of LH2 rings on a photosynthetic membrane," L. Cleary, H. Chen, C. Chuang, R.J. Silbey, and J. Cao, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 21 (2013). PDF

Robert Silbey