Amber Run Logs

Last modified: 220104
Current length: approximately 584,000 words


Mostly My Fault

Not My Fault

Other Logs

Broken Links

Mirrors: and

NOTE from 2018: As one could certainly derive from context, these logs have grown rather stale over the years. I recently uncovered a backup copy of my raw notes from 2005, and have started filling in the holes as a side project. The "new" logs, which are still mostly old enough to vote, may contain some discontinuities due to my inability to fill in the gaps from memory. The logs not marked as (NEW) were previously posted as text drafts but have been cleaned up and upgraded from text to html.
The Alternate Index has also been updated to point to the newly posted or updated log segments.

NOTE from 2022: The series of updates from 2018 ended when my work schedule became busy once again, but are now old enough that I've commented out the giant list of updated logs from 2018 and will start updating this page with a new list of updated logs. I've also started adding summaries of each section into this index page as I reread the logs.

Updated in 2022:

About These Logs

You can go directly to the detailed index of the logs, start at the first log, check out an alternate theme-based index, or jump directly to the most recent section of the logs. These logs join the run in progress, at the same time that I joined the run.

These logs probably contain some form of bias, due to the fact that I'm playing in the run. Ilkandacian is my character, so his actions tend to be either extremely detailed (I wrote a rough draft of that week's log the day after the run when it's all fresh in my memory) or very crude (I didn't expand my notes out soon enough and forgot most of the details), since it's hard to take notes and run at the same time.

For a while I was building timelines for each of the player chacters, to make it simpler to track a single character's actions between the logs. Unfortunately, most of the currently active characters have become too complex to track, as Ilkandacian, Norton, and Cailin have all acquired duplicates at one point or another, and Jean is now ubiquitous throughout shadow. Once I get caught up on the backlog of incomplete logs, I'd like to write a script to dynamically assemble a collection of log sections containing a given character within a certain time range. But that requires more complete logs, and fewer non-html-formatted logs. I've also tried accumulating quotes on a separate page.

Detailed Log Index

Julian Invades Arden

Julian invades Arden and is soundly defeated, but not destroyed, in large part due to Zack's efforts to keep his father alive. He turns out to be a continuing foe for all of reality. This occurs shortly after Gwen -- believed to be the daughter of Clarissa by Dworkin -- was first defeated, but her plots, powers, and continued existence were ignored by the PCs, resulting in numerous reality-threatening assaults and resurrection attempts over time. The PCs also learned that Llewella had been imprisoning Oberon, but since nobody liked Oberon, nobody followed up on it after Oberon banished her from Amber after his release. Another long-term foe who should have been dealt with before she escalated out of control. Oops.

Cross-reality hopping

Rifts between Amber-verses start tearing open across Shadow and Real places. Nobody bothers investigating the root cause -- later speculated to be a side effect of one of Gwen's plots involving white statues on pedestals -- but characters start learning how to navigate between different pieces of fruit, or at least how to contact people who can for help. Oberon also wanders off and goes incommunicado, and the throne of Amber, once hotly contested, becomes a hot potato that eventually devolves to the heir of the regent for the regent.

Cathryne's Pattern party

Jenoir's Elevation (vs Toram)

Party and Amber Formal Court

War in Chaos Ends

Shiryu Threatens to Reboot Reality (Killing Gwen, take 1)

Waiting for Evil Benedict and Gwen's Reincarnation

Belated Cleanup 1: Gwen, Evil Titania, Ingold's Pattern, Rifts, Evil Benedict, not-Snarsht, Llewella, and House Barimen

Meetings, Investigations, and Waffling (Deluded by Bronelle)

Belated Cleanup 2: Darkover, Mikail, Bronelle, Toram's Lands, the Spiral, Silver Lyra, Oberon, ...

Lists of the PCs and NPCs named in these logs.