Amber Run Logs
Last modified: 220104
Current length: approximately 584,000 words
Mostly My Fault
Not My Fault
Other Logs
Broken Links
NOTE from 2018: As one could certainly derive from context,
these logs have grown rather stale over the years. I recently
uncovered a backup copy of my raw notes from 2005, and have started
filling in the holes as a side project. The "new" logs, which are
still mostly old enough to vote, may contain some discontinuities due
to my inability to fill in the gaps from memory. The logs not marked
as (NEW) were previously posted as text drafts but have been cleaned
up and upgraded from text to html.
The Alternate Index has also been updated
to point to the newly posted or updated log segments.
NOTE from 2022: The series of updates from 2018 ended when my
work schedule became busy once again, but are now old enough that
I've commented out the giant list of updated logs from 2018 and will
start updating this page with a new list of updated logs. I've also
started adding summaries of each section into this index page as I
reread the logs.
Updated in 2022:
You can go directly to the detailed index of the
logs, start at the first log, check out an
alternate theme-based index, or jump
directly to the most recent section of the
logs. These logs join the run in progress, at the same time that I
joined the run.
These logs probably contain some form of bias, due to the fact that I'm
playing in the run. Ilkandacian is my
character, so his actions tend to be either extremely detailed (I wrote
a rough draft of that week's log the day after the run when it's all
fresh in my memory) or very crude (I didn't expand my notes out soon
enough and forgot most of the details), since it's hard to take notes
and run at the same time.
For a while I was building timelines for
each of the player chacters, to make it simpler to track a single
character's actions between the logs. Unfortunately, most of the
currently active characters have become too complex to track, as Ilkandacian, Norton, and Cailin have all acquired duplicates at one point or
another, and Jean is now ubiquitous throughout shadow. Once I get
caught up on the backlog of incomplete logs, I'd like to write a script
to dynamically assemble a collection of log sections containing a given
character within a certain time range. But that requires more complete
logs, and fewer non-html-formatted logs. I've also tried accumulating quotes on a separate page.
Julian invades Arden and is soundly defeated, but not destroyed, in
large part due to Zack's efforts to keep his father alive. He turns out
to be a continuing foe for all of reality. This occurs shortly after
Gwen -- believed to be the daughter of Clarissa by Dworkin -- was first
defeated, but her plots, powers, and continued existence were ignored by
the PCs, resulting in numerous reality-threatening assaults and
resurrection attempts over time. The PCs also learned that Llewella had
been imprisoning Oberon, but since nobody liked Oberon, nobody followed
up on it after Oberon banished her from Amber after his release. Another
long-term foe who should have been dealt with before she escalated out
of control. Oops.
Rifts between Amber-verses start tearing open across Shadow and Real
places. Nobody bothers investigating the root cause -- later speculated
to be a side effect of one of Gwen's plots involving white statues on
pedestals -- but characters start learning how to navigate between
different pieces of fruit, or at least how to contact people who can for
Oberon also wanders off and goes incommunicado, and the throne of Amber,
once hotly contested, becomes a hot potato that eventually devolves to
the heir of the regent for the regent.
- 960910 (31.9K)
- 960917 (21.9K)
- 960924 (24.6K)
- 961015 - DRAFT
- 961022 - DRAFT
- 961029 - DRAFT
- 961105 - DRAFT
- 961112 - DRAFT
- 961119 - DRAFT
- 961126 - DRAFT (40K)
- 961203 - DRAFT
- 961210 - DRAFT
- 961216 - DRAFT
- Stormy Pops Two Grey Spheres, Creates an Elder Lord of Chaos, and
Becomes the Center of the Universe.
- 961217 - DRAFT
- 970107 - DRAFT
- 970114 - DRAFT
- Cathryn Returns to Her Courts and Mayhem Breaks Out
- Pattern-Jesby vs Logrus-Jesby
- Zack, Theraat, and Auricle Flee from the Decency Police
- 970121 - DRAFT
- 970128 - text draft
- The Pattern Drinks Auricle
- 970204 - text draft
- Malachai Proposes to Serena
- Cathryn introduces Clarissa to Paulette
- 970211 - text draft
- Zack, Theraat, and Auricle Play with Pattern-Pieces
- 970218 - text draft
- Demons Begin Flooding the Courts
- Clarissa Runs Off With the Rock
- Cathryn and Ilk Enter the Paths of the Dead
- 970225 (17K)
- 970304 - DRAFT
- 970311 - text draft
- Cassandra is Found and Snipes at Cathryn
- 970318 - rough text draft
- Dworkin Takes Zack's Jewel of Judgement; Auricle Creates a
- Auricle and Zack walk the Primal Pattern
- 970325 - text draft
- The AD&D Run and Ilk Successfully Defend House Felicity and
Extinguish Mandorways
- Cathryn the Squirrel Queen Finds Cara and Jesby
- 970408 - text draft
- Wrecking the Shapeshifters' Guild
- Introducing Ferro and Celeste (and squishing demons)
- 970415 - rough text draft
- Introducing Oaine (and squishing demons)
- 970429 - text draft
- Everyone Converges on Amber; Malachai Promptly Leaves.
- Almost Everyone Walks the Pattern and Leaves Again.
- 970506 - text draft
- Cathryn, Zack, and Auricle Play with Fire.
- Damiana: Queen of Amber
- Dinner: Miss Manners Would Disapprove
- Malachai and Darkstar join Cassandra in Pearl.
- 970513 - text draft
- "I am what Tir dreams of" - Auricle
- Blood Rituals at Corwin's Pattern
- Confusion (as usual) in Amber
- Cathryn and the High Tech Torturer
- 970520 - text draft
- Cassandra, Malachai, Celeste, and Darkstar Travel to Darkover
- Cathryn and Jesby Travel to Darkover
- Ilk, Zack, Norton, and the AD&D Run Muddle Around in Amber
- 970527 - text draft
- Cassandra Regains Her Memories
- 970603 - extremely rough text draft
- Ferro Visits Flora in Chaos
- Gerard Frightens off Clarissa
- Cathryn and Jesby Search for their Missing House
- Celeste, Cassandra, Malachai, and Zack Visit Faerie
- Norton Breaks the Cycle in Dragaera
- 970610 - text draft
- Faerie Trek III: The Search for Corwin's Soul
- Jesby Destroys Amber
- Ilk Leads Snarsht to Norton, and Norton Actually Survives
- 970902 - text draft
- Malachai and the Mongols
- Zack is Released from House Barimen
- The Plot Thickens in Chaos
- 970909 - text draft
- Fixing Merlin
- Three Fake House Heads Save House Chanicut
- The Search for Serena Begins
- Ferro Versus Oberon
- Breaking into the Realm of the Logrus Master, part I
- 970916 - text draft
- Ferro Meets the (wrong) Sea of Thought
- Losing Merlin Again
- Osric joins the Chaosian Mob
- Damia and Celeste Escape to Cobalt
- 970923 - text draft
- Retconning Malachai
- Celeste Meets Cobalt
- Merlin is Found Again
- 970930 - text draft
- White Out
- Finally Inside Suhuy's Realm (part IV)
- Dinner Party in Cobalt
- More Quest for Serena
- Celeste has Family Problems
- 971007 - text draft
- Our Heroes versus Toram - Battle is Joined
- Malachai's Quest for Serena Continues
- Celeste Sells Her Soul to Titania
- 971014 - text draft
- Celeste Acquires Brand
- No Matter How Subtle the Wizard...
- Celeste Loses Brand
- Quest for Serena, part N+2
- 971021 - DRAFT
- Rescuing Serena's Mind
- Rescuing Serena's Body
- Rescuing Jenoir
- 971104 - DRAFT
- Celeste Offers to Betray Clarissa Twice in Fifteen Minutes
- Preparations for Jenoir's Elevation Begin
- 971111 - DRAFT
- Cathryne Un-hatracks
- Cathryne and Celeste Visit Hillbilly Amber
- 971118 - DRAFT
- Malachai and Cassandra Join the Elevation Party
- 971125 - DRAFT
- Jenoir is Elevated to Head of the Mages Guild
- Spacking Toram?
- 971202 - DRAFT
- 971216 - DRAFT
- 971223 - donated
- A Disaster Begins in Cobalt
- The Team of Zack and Auricle are Reunited
- 971230 - DRAFT
- Kitty Goes Filmy-skating
- Mars Attacks!
- 980106 - DRAFT
- Ferro and Dworkin are Drunk (Through a Straw)
- Celeste Destroys Cobalt
- Cathryne Destroys the Universe
- 980113 - donated
- Norton, Meet Norton
- Cathryne Returns to her Reality
- 980117 - donated
- 980120 - DRAFT
- Cassandra Finds Darhyse
- An Invasion in the Fringe
- A Very Strange Trump Call
- 980127 - DRAFT
- Flora in Chains
- Malachai Kills Blue Things
- Severely Annoying Julian and Rescuing Darhyse
- 980203 - DRAFT
- Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Brand We Go
- 980210 - DRAFT
- Long-chain Frog Molecules
- Celeste Abandons a Prisoner in Faerie
- 980217 - DRAFT
- Osric Returns Chen to Malachai, her "Daddy"
- Dissolving Flora's Manacles
- Run!
- Damia's Dead Baby is Born
- 980224 - DRAFT
- Celeste Wakes Up in Faerie
- Battle in Garnath
- "What would make Rainbow say, 'Run'?"
- 980303 - text draft
- Dead Men Tell Fascinating Tales
- Intersections in Tir and Faerie
- Celeste Joins Norton's Head People
- 980310 - text draft
- Cassandra Is Reunited With Darhyse
- Jean Walks the Primal Pattern
- 980317 - text draft
- Norton Evicts His Head People
- Battle in Garnath, the Sequel
- 980324 - text draft
- What You Need is the Fringe Foreign Legion
- Jean Finds Suhuy?
- 980407 - text draft
- Norton Turns Garnath into Spam
- Celeste: Death Goddess of Darkover
- Jean Found Suhuy. Now We Just Need to Find Jean...
- Make a Little Fish Bowl in Toram's Soul
- 980414 - text draft
- Jean Quests for Knowledge and Breaks Stuff
- Inflating Clarissa
- 980421 - text draft
- Begma: Status, Invaded.
- Cassandra is Summoned by Princess Chandra
- In the Tower, the Mighty Tower, Clarissa Wakes Tonight
- 980428 - text draft
- Kashfa. Status, Berserk.
- Bucephalus Meets Beldan, his Son.
- Jean: Cross-Reality Transit System
- Rescuing Suhuy
- Brand Acquires a Giant Jewel of Judgment
- 980505 - DRAFT
- Cassandra Accepts an Apprenticeship with Princess Chandra
- Honey, I Shrunk the Celeste
- A Ceremony in the Assassins' Guild
- 000125 - DRAFT
- 000201 - DRAFT
- 000208 - DRAFT
- An Unusual Attack on the Warlord
- 000229 - DRAFT
- Cassandra and Jenoir's Party, with Complications
- 000307 - DRAFT
- 000314 - DRAFT
- 000404 - DRAFT
- 000411 - DRAFT
- 000425 - DRAFT
- Darkstar Discovers Ingold Bits
- Zorro is Sent Against the Poisoners' Guild
- 000502 - DRAFT
- 000509 - DRAFT
- 000516 - DRAFT
- 000523 - DRAFT
- 000530 - DRAFT
- 000606 - DRAFT
- 000613 - DRAFT
- 000620 - DRAFT
- 000627 - DRAFT
- 000718 - DRAFT
- 000725 - DRAFT
- 000801 - DRAFT
- 000808 - DRAFT
- 000815 - DRAFT
- 000822 - DRAFT
- 000829 - DRAFT
- 000905 - incomplete DRAFT
- 000912 - DRAFT
- 000919 - DRAFT
- 000926 - DRAFT
- 001003 - DRAFT
- 001017 - rough text draft
- More Invitations Delivered
- Jean Marks All of the Rifts Near Chaos (With Jenoir's Help)
- Ferethyn is Told About the Power that Bronelle was Using
- 001024 - rough text draft
- Pharaban is Invited to the Meeting
- Darkover is Strange
- 001107 - rough text draft
- Anti-Logrus Amulets Discovered in Dimover
- There's Always a Boom Tomorrow
- Speculations on the Opposite of Magic
- 001114 - rough text draft
- In the Jean, the Massive Jean, Dworkin Raves Tonight
- Verra Invites (Drags?) Suhuy and Cailin to Vanir's Wrath
- 001128 - very rough text draft
- Leaving Vanir's Wrath
- Neville Sics the Crafters Guild on Gwen's Machine
- Touring Reality with the Archivist
- Ilk is Scolded by the Serpent
- 001212 - DRAFT
- Jean Talks with a Sane Dworkin in Ferethyn's Ways
- Julian's troops Invade Gwen's Mountain
- The Snow Begins; Various People Become Paranoid
- Evil Benedict Leaves Castle Amber
- Ilk and Ingold Chat.
- 001219 - DRAFT
- Fudge-sicles begin Worshipping Jean
- Realms Lord Meeting About the Snow; Ferethyn Falls Over
- 010102 - log supplied by Jean's player
- "Snow? Why did it have to be snow..."
- "All we are is Dust on the Fringe"
- 010109 - DRAFT
- 010123 - DRAFT
- Norton Determines a Failed Attack Was Due to Mikail
- Hamster Oberon Assaults Amber
- 010130 - DRAFT
- Neville Investigates the Damage in Gwen's Mountain
- Barimen and Moonlight Squabble Curiously
- 010206 - DRAFT
- Neville Leaves Gwen's Mountain and Sets Castle Amber on Fire
- 010213 - in progress
- Difficulties with Cobalt, marbles, and the Fringe,
- 010220 - missing log
- Cailin Unknowingly Trades Arantantic to Titania for a Reality Seed
- 010227 - in progress
- Suhuy Takes the Reality Seed
- Ilk has Andron Scan his Mind
- 010313 - in progress
- Ilk Throws Snowballs at Amber
- A Mob Deals with Traps in Amber
- Snarsht De-Rabbits Jean's Whale
- 010320 - in progress
- The Serpent's Apprentice Starts Babysitting Cailin's Kid.
- Cassandra Goes to Pearl due to a Death Cloud Threat
- 010327 - in progress
- Hamster Oberon, Ingold, Hamster Dierdre, and Neville Ritualize
- 010403 - in progress
- Dworkin is Sane in the Badger Reality, and Ferethyn's Ways
- Osric Investigates the Death Cloud
- Suhuy Investigates the Reality Seed
- 010410 - in progress
- Darkstar and Andron Investigate Neville's Head
- Neville, Darkstar, Andron, ecto-Ilk, Jean, Jenoir, Hamster
Llewella, and Hamster Corwin capture Dara
- 010417 - in progress
- Neville and Company Destroy or Convert Dara's Army
- Ilk Chats with Princess Chandra.
- 010424 - DRAFT
- Jean Discovers a Rift to a Place Where Someone Else is Gathering
Scales; Princess Chandra Investigates
- The Serpent's Apprentice is Sent to Assist Princess Chandra
- 010501 - DRAFT
- Cailin Explores House Politics
- Jenoir Disables Shadow-wide Magical Power Draw
- 010508 - DRAFT
- Titania Confronts Evil Benedict's Mount (aka Evil Titania)
- Princess Chandra, Ilk, and the Entire Assassins' Guild Finish
Destroying the Gatherer of Scales and his Devices
- 010515 - DRAFT
- Misc investigations. Shadow is Thicker. People wait for Evil Benedict.
- 010522 - DRAFT
- Titania v Titania Begins
- Gwen's "Contingency Three" Activates; Gwen Returns
- A Horde Destroys Gwen. We Mean it This Time.
- 010529 - DRAFT
- Titania v Titania Continues; Benedict Acquires Reinforcements; Zack
Supplies Pattern from Tir
- A Faction of House Helgram Attacks Neville
- Cailin and the Coo-coo Clocks
- 010605 - DRAFT
- Titania v Titania Continues
- Melk Eliminates the Golden Circle Kingdom in which the Coo-coo
Clocks were Being Stored
- Neville Walks the Glassy Pattern and then Sleeps in Faerie
- Jenoir Erases the Snow from Amber
- 010619 - DRAFT
- Neville Becomes Head of House Helgram
- Neville Collects his Pet Morganti from the City of Angels
- Ilk tells Pharaban about the Anti-Logrus Amulets
- 010710 - DRAFT
- Neville Finds Trouble in House Helgram (and an Unwanted God, Too)
- 010717 - DRAFT
- Neville and Company Sacrifice an Unwanted God to Verra
- Blackout in Faerie
- 010724 - DRAFT
- Cailin and Others Search for the Missing Healer
- Jean Worries about Fudgesicles and Godhood
- Sane Dworkin Explains Reality. Multiple Patterns are Bad
- 010731 - DRAFT
- Evil Benedict Approaches Amber, Stabs Neville, and is Blasted into
- Ferethyn Attempts to Smite Hamster Dworkin and Princess Chandra
- 010807 - DRAFT
- Ingold Feeds Pattern Power to Titania
- 010821 - DRAFT
- Benedict Reports on Julian's Death (at Benedict's Hand)
- Starting to Unravel Conspiracies in House Helgram
- The Seekrit Realms Lord Meeting Continues
- 010828 - DRAFT
- People Worry About the Stairs in the Wall
- Janus and Gil go to Help Ingold
- 010904 - DRAFT
- Cailin, Undead Cailin, and Darkstar Fix the Stairs to Tir
- The Moon over Amber Starts to Bleed
- Cailin Experiments with Snow in House Moonlight
- Sane Dworkin, Again
- Sane Ferethyn, Again
- 010918 - DRAFT
- Corwin and Marial Attack Evil Benedict
- Cailin Finds the Source of the Snow
- Good Titania Wins (We Think)
- Ingold Erases His Pattern
- Introducing Calla -- Janus's Daughter
- 010925 - DRAFT
- This Fringe Has Been Up for Twelve Minutes...
- Marial Captures Evil Benedict
- Cailin Chases Snow with a Shovel
- 011002 - DRAFT
- Cailin-sicle
- Janus, Gil, and Calla Take Over the Defense of Chaos
- The Promontories Are Found
- 011009 - DRAFT
- Door-to-Door Coffins
- Politics
- 011016 - DRAFT
- The Rifts are Missing, Too
- Politics, Continued
- Cailin and the Snow
- Verra Heads into the Void after Ingold
- 011023 - DRAFT
- Fishing Verra out of the Void
- 011030 - DRAFT
- Neville Finds Another Logrus-Import
- Stomping an Imposter in the Beastmaster's Guild
- 011106 - DRAFT
- "I crown myself King Eric the Second of Amber"
- Hunting Llewella
- 011113 - DRAFT
- 011120 - DRAFT
- 011127 - DRAFT
- 011204 - DRAFT
- 011211 - DRAFT
- 011218 - in progress
- The Council of Houses Discusses Trickery and Attacks
- Cailin Proposes to Natasha
- Silver Lyra is Infested with Shifter Virus
- 020108 - in progress
- Caine is elected (interim) King of Chaos
- The Torturers are Missing - Zorro is Sent to Investigate
- 020115 - donated
- Norton Revivifies the Archivist
- Investigating Damage in House Henrake
- Suhuy Pours through the Bronelle Power
- Neville Investigates the Shifter Virus
- Calla Walks the Primal Pattern
- 020122 - donated
- Cailin Invades Toram's Lands, with Minimal Success
- 020129 - DRAFT
- People Investigate Amber's Bloody Moon
- Ilk Goes for a Swim in the Sea of Chance
- Neville and Calla Investigate the Reality Engine
- Cailin Negotiates with Dragons in Toram's Lands
- 020205 - DRAFT
- 020212 - DRAFT
- 020219 - DRAFT
- 020226 - DRAFT
- 020305 - DRAFT
- Rainbow and the Fudgesicles
- Shiryu's Ways Fill with Antsy People
- 020312 - donated
- People Talk to Shiryu and Dworkin
- 020319 - donated
- 020326 - donated
- 020409 - in progress
- Neville Introduces Snarsht to his Grand-Morgantis
- Goodbye, Puppy
- 020416 - in progress
- Cailin and the Settlers
- Morganti Cat
- Exploding Worshipping Shadows
- Revealing Dancers Guild Records
- 020423 - in progress
- The Dragons Leave Chaos
- Hello Morganti!
- 020430 - in progress
- Investigating Zack
- Rescuing Hamster Corwin
- 020507 - in progress
- Cataan is Soulful?
- Savior of Chaos briefs Ferethyn on Cataan
- 020521 - in progress
- Jance is Dead
- Suhuy and Serpent's Apprentice Experiment with Cataan
- 020528 - in progress
- 020604 - in progress
- 020611 - in progress
- Cobaltian Fun
- Gil and Calla Begin Delivering Invitations to Cailin and Natasha's
- Random's Poison Box Leads to a Tower
- 020618 - DRAFT
- 020625 - DRAFT
- 020702 - DRAFT
- 020709 - DRAFT
- 020716 - DRAFT
- 020723 - DRAFT
- 020730 - DRAFT
- 020820 - DRAFT
- 020903 - DRAFT
- 020910 - DRAFT
- 020917 - DRAFT
- 020924 - DRAFT
- Darkstar Docks Dalkantyr (and
associated piece of fruit) to Darkover
- Norton, Faythe, Jean, Titania,
Cailin, Ilk, Verra, Darkstar, Kieron, Zorro, and Osric attack Mikail
- Too Many Locusts
- Too Many Marbles
- 021001 - DRAFT
- 021008 - DRAFT
- 021015 - DRAFT
- 021022 - DRAFT
- 021105 - DRAFT
- 021112 - DRAFT
- 021119 - DRAFT
- 021126 - DRAFT
- 021203 - donated notes
- Preparations for Two Invasions Begin
- 021210 - DRAFT
- 030107 - DRAFT
- 030114 - DRAFT
- 030121 - DRAFT
- 030128 - DRAFT
- 030204 - DRAFT
- 030211 - DRAFT
- 030218 - DRAFT
- 030225 - DRAFT
- 030303 - DRAFT
- 030311 - DRAFT
- 030318 - DRAFT
- 030325 - DRAFT
- 030401 - DRAFT
- 030408 - DRAFT
- 030415 - DRAFT
- 030422 - DRAFT
- 030429 - DRAFT
- 030506 - DRAFT
- 030520 - DRAFT
- 030527 - DRAFT
- The Serpent Leaves the Sky over Chaos
- Logrus Alert Across All of Shadow
- A Few New Amberites are Discovered
- 030603 - DRAFT
- 030610 - DRAFT
- 030624 - DRAFT
- 030701 - DRAFT
- 030708 - donated log
- 030715 - donated log
- 030722 - DRAFT
- 030729 - DRAFT
- 030819 - DRAFT
- 030826 - DRAFT
- 030902 - DRAFT
- 030916 - DRAFT
- 030923 - DRAFT
- 030930 - DRAFT
- 031007 - DRAFT
- 031014 - DRAFT
- 031021 - DRAFT
- 031028 - DRAFT
- 031104 - donated
- 031111 - DRAFT
- 031118 - DRAFT
- 031125 - no run?
- 031202 - no run?
- 031209 - DRAFT
- 031216 - DRAFT
- 040106 - DRAFT
- 040113 - DRAFT
- 040120 - DRAFT
- 040127 - no run; GM unconscious
- 040203 - DRAFT
- 040210 - DRAFT
- 040217 - DRAFT
- 040224 - DRAFT
- 040302 - DRAFT
- 040309 - DRAFT
- 040323 - DRAFT
- 040330 - DRAFT
- 040406 - DRAFT
- 040413 - DRAFT
- 040420 - DRAFT
- 040427 - logger missed run
- Presumably, Cailin's Engagement Party Began
- 040504 - DRAFT
- 040511 - no run
- 040518 - logger missed run
- 040525 - DRAFT
- 040601 - log from Cailin's Player?
- 040608 - ?
- 040615 - DRAFT
- The logger is unclear about the presence or absence of runs on
040622, 040629, 040706, 040713, and 040720.
- 040727 - DRAFT
- 040803 - DRAFT
- 040831 - donated
- 040907 - donated
Lists of the PCs and
NPCs named in these logs.